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ISY/PLM Combination


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  • 11 months later...

So, I have been reading the various threads on the combination and I do not really have an answer yet to the availability.  ETA anyone?  Thanks.


With the latest Smartlabs 2.XX hardware which uses better capacitors along with firmware to address the ALL ON / ALL OFF. If you really need a new 2413S PLM it might be pretty safe to purchase one now.


Perhaps UDI will be in the position to release their multi national PLM by the end of the year? As I understood the current issue it was a combination of waiting to see if the next batch of firmware would resolve the ALL ON / ALL OFF issues. Also receiving the OK from Smartlabs they would be allowed to have the tools to reflash any PLM chip moving forward.


I believe the second requirement may be the sticking point here . . .

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The latest update is that its in "Licence Limbo". SmartLabs has to agree to licence use of their chips to UDI, so that UDI actually receive the chips, test their own prototypes, and spin up production. Michel / UDI have been waiting for an answer on this.


A long way of saying I have watched this for some time, and don't have any info that SmartLabs has moved on this. Michel would be the first one to tell us.


I would go with Teken's advice and get the latest smartlabs model PLM.

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I've come to this rationalization:  


As a traveler, having a UDI engineered and manufactured device = peace of mind, its worth the investment to me.


When UDI is able to sell a PLM, I will buy and install it, whatever the state of my current PLM is. 

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Thank you.  I've waited about one year to do a new installation at another home.  I think that it is time to bite the bullet and go with the latest PLM.




You sure are patient and I solute you for waiting so long. Its safe to say many would not have held out this long before deploying their system. But I can relate because I was in the very same boat when I was interested in deploying a temperature / humidity detection grid in my home.


At the time there wasn't anything I felt were the right match based on my criteria. This was also seen with the RPi as I didn't feel the first and second generations of these devices were sufficient to meet my needs now and into the future. Years later the RPi 2 was released and it was worth the wait knowing I was future proofed.


I truly believe if and when the Smartlabs gives UDI the nod to flash the PLM chips. We will see many great things from this company because those across the pond will finally be able to purchase a ISY Series Controller. This new and untapped market alone will provide needed income to allow UDI to push forward in many fronts.


Consider if only 1000 EU users purchase the ISY Series Controller and how that will help the companies revenue stream. Imagine 10,000 users?


All of the above numbers are so small when people look at the amount of people in the EU but it puts into perspective what a small number of people can do for a company.

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I received and installed the new ISY and PLM.  Everything is working according to specifications.  Well, sort of...


My older ISY994i seemed to have to no problem connecting with RemoteLincs (2440).  I assume that that had to do with the fact that it was a prior software release.  The new ISY994i is absolutely not interested in talking to any of RemoteLincs that worked well in the other location.  The software reports the usual unable to communicate and the inability to determine the Insteon engine.


I have read the threads on this connection problem.  I have tried all the suggestions.  Still, the ISY is not interested in the hook-up.


I really like these older remotes.  They permit labelling and are easy to handle.


Anyone have any ideas?

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I received and installed the new ISY and PLM.  Everything is working according to specifications.  Well, sort of...


My older ISY994i seemed to have to no problem connecting with RemoteLincs (2440).  I assume that that had to do with the fact that it was a prior software release.  The new ISY994i is absolutely not interested in talking to any of RemoteLincs that worked well in the other location.  The software reports the usual unable to communicate and the inability to determine the Insteon engine.


I have read the threads on this connection problem.  I have tried all the suggestions.  Still, the ISY is not interested in the hook-up.


I really like these older remotes.  They permit labelling and are easy to handle.


Anyone have any ideas?


I have two RemoteLincs (2440) that I'm unable to use... apparently no longer supported...

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I have two RemoteLincs (2440) that I'm unable to use... apparently no longer supported...

Not sure where you got that information but they are. Members have indicated that this particular remote needs to be positioned very far away from the PLM to enable linking.



Ideals are peaceful - History is violent

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Now that I have all my 2440's linked (no 1011), the remotes closest to the PLM have the slowest responses when a button is a program trigger. Conversely, RemoteLincs furthest from the PLM are fast, even when the button triggers a program. Linked devices (scenes) are unaffected.


One RemoteLinc less that 5' from the PLM takes 4-5 seconds before a response is noted, but everything does work.

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Now that I have all my 2440's linked (no 1011), the remotes closest to the PLM have the slowest responses when a button is a program trigger. Conversely, RemoteLincs furthest from the PLM are fast, even when the button triggers a program. Linked devices (scenes) are unaffected.


One RemoteLinc less that 5' from the PLM takes 4-5 seconds before a response is noted, but everything does work.


My personal observation is the latest PLM units RF output is much stronger than years past. This is causing near field over load on the 2440 Remote Lincs which explains those instances. It does not explain why this problem has impacted a couple of users who did not receive a new PLM upgrade though.


Then again maybe the OP's never clearly explained they did in fact receive a new PLM and thus the same issues.

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  • 4 months later...

I am not sure that this is the correct forum, but, here goes...


I did an installation at my nephew's home and had to relocate the ISY/PLM to several locations before we were able to have good coverage.  There are several main panels, so we installed couplers on each one.  The final location for the ISY/PLM combination ended up in the basement adjacent to four or five other dual band switches, and within 25 feet of others on the main floor above.  We temporarily connected the 110V to the PLM via a 25' long heavy duty extension cord and were able to control most of the house-no UPS here.  Direct to the panel...  We connected the ISY to a 110v line that has a UPS on it.  Oh, part of the house is controlled by a standby generator.  The PLM is not connected to that panel.  But, that panel also has a coupler on it.


We then added some new switches and they came up immediately.  I tried to place them into a program, and then a few of them stopped responding.  Also, we have a few switches that come and go, but everything else seems to be fine.  Periodically, I recover the switches, and they then don't respond again.  When they don't respond, the switches light up temporarily with a blinking red light.  That is problem #1.


Problem #2:  Since all generally went well, we had the electrician install a dedicated outlet in the basement where we had temporarily placed the ISY/PLM combination.  At that point, several switches started becoming unavailable again.  We reinstalled the extension cord for the PLM and I was able to connect again with those switches.  That was last night.  At 3am, the polling showed that 3 of the 4 again were disconnected.


I have no idea why this is happening.  It is a large home, and I did notice a delay in some switches responding, but, they did respond.  Could the extension cord be acting as an antenna?  Why would that be any different than the Romex?  Could the PLM be bad?  It seems to check out.


Finally, the house did have X10's.  We removed all of them.  They were old and intermittent.

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Get the PLM off of the UPS or isolated by maybe a Filterlinc. They have power line conditioning filters that absorb Insteon power line signals

If it is on the AC Input side. The filter will absorb the power line signals.

If it is on the battery backup side the Input filter will absorb the Insteon power line signals.

In both cases the RF Insteon signals may not be reaching other Dual Band Module that can then pass the power line signals on.

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Only the ISY is on the UPS.  The PLM is connected directly to the panel on a dedicated line.




Have you completed the 4 tap beacon test to confirm each area, floor, zone, is properly showing coupling / bridging? Given you indicated the house has several electrical panels / sub panels this is the first requirement.


Next, as stated many times no amount of coupling / bridging will supersede the need to identify noise makers / signal suckers within the home.


On a global scale the easiest method is to turn off breakers one at a time and see if communications are restored or not. The key thing is to ensure that coupling / bridging is present at all times. This is why its critical that you watch in every room if coupling is present.


Because if you only see for example the kitchen shows coupling than it certainly won't help anywhere else. I know its fanciful for people to get all caught up in the dual band rage and believe this sort method will cure all.


It won't . . .

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