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Amazon Echo and ISY


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You can see its trying to change state:



2015-06-12 17:16:22.976  INFO 1904 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] com.armzilla.ha.hue.Hue

Mulator           : hue api root requested: from

2015-06-12 17:16:24.545  INFO 1904 --- [io-8080-exec-11] com.armzilla.ha.hue.Hue

Mulator           : hue light requested: fr


2015-06-12 17:16:24.546  INFO 1904 --- [io-8080-exec-11] com.armzilla.ha.hue.Hue

Mulator           : found device named: west office light

2015-06-12 17:16:24.694  INFO 1904 --- [io-8080-exec-12] com.armzilla.ha.hue.Hue

Mulator           : hue state change requested:  from

2015-06-12 17:16:24.695  INFO 1904 --- [io-8080-exec-12] com.armzilla.ha.hue.Hue

Mulator           : hue stage change body: {"on": true}
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Yeah, had not used the delete function before.


That might be your issue right there with the URL.  A lot of URL'S do not handle spaces well.  Plus, do you have Security on your ISY?  Here is an example from my setup with the User\Pass reset to default.  Notice the %20 in every space.


Here it is without the Security.
Edited by cmacnichol
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Yeah, had not used the delete function before.


That might be your issue right there with the URL. A lot of URL'S do not handle spaces well. Plus, do you have Security on your ISY? Here is an example from my setup with the User\Pass reset to default. Notice the %20 in every space.


Here it is without the Security.
I had the %20 in there originally but the forum rendered it as a url and changed it...when i use the link directly in my browser it works, maybe I'll see if I can get arms latest build...I can also try to secure my isy and try that run as well Edited by dfetzer
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could it be that these are the insteon bulbs and not actual switches?


checked with regular switches and with %20 and it still doesnt work:


You can see that it finds the device, tries to set he state to on, but then the echo actually says 'sorry I could not find the device name basement living'  All devices show in the echo app


2015-06-13 10:32:16.717  INFO 3388 --- [io-8080-exec-10] com.armzilla.ha.hue.Hue
Mulator           : found device named: basement living
2015-06-13 10:32:16.879  INFO 3388 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] com.armzilla.ha.hue.Hue
Mulator           : hue state change requested: m8n2WwN5zEvreKPJzu872p8dfYnTj7Sl
XNdO1AEK from
2015-06-13 10:32:16.880  INFO 3388 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] com.armzilla.ha.hue.Hue
Mulator           : hue stage change body: {"on": true}
Not sure what to do from here
Edited by dfetzer
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Hope, I'm not overextending my bounds here - but downloaded the 1.3 jar and forgot all devices and readded and now everything works...Not sure where the error was - but definitely URL related as you could see  the following 200 HTTP status code once I updated:


2015-06-13 10:46:19.991  INFO 8740 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] com.armzilla.ha.hue.Hue
Mulator           : calling GET on URL:
2015-06-13 10:46:20.009  INFO 8740 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] com.armzilla.ha.hue.Hue
Mulator           : GET on URL responded: 200
Happy as a pig in you know what
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Is there a way to send Rest command from ISY to hue_emulator? I will like to control GE link lights on hue emulator bridge via ISY motion sensors.



You would require the Network Module installed in ISY. Then you can send almost any style command you desire.

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Is there a way to send Rest command from ISY to hue_emulator? I will like to control GE link lights on hue emulator bridge via ISY motion sensors.



Have you actually been able to link Hue lights to the Hue emulator? I tried to link a Wink hub to it, and the two don't talk at all....
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I have an Amazon Echo and I also have an Echo Developer license and I've been looking at the API.  I'm also familiar with the ISY REST interface as I wrote the mobile xControl app using that.  


I'm interested in writing an application for the Echo that will allow us to control the ISY without the HUE adapter but I don't want to duplicate anything if it's already being done.


Are there others doing this right now?

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I've started messing with something basic ... working on a relay method now to send the commands to the ISY (when it's behind a firewall), as the Echo can't speak to devices on the LAN from what I can tell.

Edited by ngeren
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Have you actually been able to link Hue lights to the Hue emulator? I tried to link a Wink hub to it, and the two don't talk at all....


I tried linking a GE link bulb and I could not, unfortunatey. Hue Lights app (Android version) found the Hue emulator UPnP but the Ge link bulb could not be found.


Hue emulator version I am using is 0.4 and I was thinking it is just really for emulation and not actual replacement of the bridge. As the developer mentioned - "It allows developers who don't have access to a Philips Hue system (i.e. A Bridge + Hue Light Bulbs) to write hue apps." From this link https://github.com/SteveyO/Hue-Emulator. What do you think?


Or anyone around has successfully linked a Philips or Ge bulbs to the emulator?


I may have to buy Philips Hue bridge to do further testing. Planning to use GE link bulbs since they are cheaper than Philips bulbs.


And next step is to have Amazon echo voice controlling Insteon, GE, Venstar and others ....

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Got my Echo working with ISY via a RPi with the Hue emulator.  Works well if a bit awkward.  By the way - one thing to be sure of when setting it up is that capitalization counts.  The "offUrl" is exactly that and not offURL as one might have expected (being an acronym after all).  Spell it wrong and the actual offUrl gets set to null which results in a device not found back from Alexa.  My biggest issues setting it up was pulling in my 20 year old Unix knowledge from some lost part of my aging brain.  :mrgreen:  Been a long time since I banged on Unix stuff but it does come back to you when you play with it.  My main problem now is that my RPi doesn't want to successfully boot with only the WiFi adapter in it so I have it hanging on enet which isn't ideal.  Have to debug that one when I get a chance.

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Using the included "configurator.html" makes it easier to setup the emulator.

For the best experience, change the "Bridge server" if needed.

On line 18, change "localhost" to the IP where the Hue emulator runs.

Then open it in a web browser, 

The file it setup to configure a Vera, but you can ignore that.

Just set the "On URL" and "Off URL" and hit "Add device"



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Using the included "configurator.html" makes it easier to setup the emulator.
For the best experience, change the "Bridge server" if needed.
On line 18, change "localhost" to the IP where the Hue emulator runs.
Then open it in a web browser, 
The file it setup to configure a Vera, but you can ignore that.
Just set the "On URL" and "Off URL" and hit "Add device"


I liked the idea of this page so I enhanced it for use with the ISY.  


You can get to it at https://github.com/kgividen/EchoBridgeConfigurator


Here are some features new and old:

 - See what is currently added into the emulator (existing feature)

 - Delete devices from the emulator (existing feature)

 - Button to get all ISY devices from the REST API. (new feature)

 - Rename devices before adding them. (new feature)

 - Button to click and add ISY devices to the HUE emulator. (new feature) 


This way you can quickly add ISY devices into the HUE emulator and control them with the ECHO

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I liked the idea of this page so I enhanced it for use with the ISY.  


You can get to it at https://github.com/kgividen/EchoBridgeConfigurator


Here are some features new and old:

 - See what is currently added into the emulator (existing feature)

 - Delete devices from the emulator (existing feature)

 - Button to get all ISY devices from the REST API. (new feature)

 - Rename devices before adding them. (new feature)

 - Button to click and add ISY devices to the HUE emulator. (new feature) 


This way you can quickly add ISY devices into the HUE emulator and control them with the ECHO

I tried you version.  It gets the current devices in the emulator fine but doesn't seem to get anything from the ISY.  I edited the js to insert my IP address and username/password but pushing the get devices button doesn't do anything.  This was on an instance of Chrome launched with the no web security flag per your instructions.  If I just manually reference http://usr:pwd@isyaddr/rest/nodes I get a very long listing of my nodes.

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Are there errors in the browser console?

Just looked (hadn't earlier).  Error is:


GET 401 (OK)(anonymous function) @ angular.js:9902sendReq @ angular.js:9703serverRequest @ angular.js:9415processQueue @ angular.js:13292(anonymous function) @ angular.js:13308Scope.$eval @ angular.js:14547Scope.$digest @ angular.js:14363Scope.$apply @ angular.js:14652(anonymous function) @ angular.js:21678b.event.dispatch @ jquery.min.js:3v.handle @ jquery.min.js:3

configurator.html:1 XMLHttpRequest cannot load No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'null' is therefore not allowed access. The response had HTTP status code 401.


I imagine it is the "No Access-Control-Allow-Origin" item.  I supplied my username and password for my ISY though they don't show here.  Actually, since I have already accessed the ISY from this machine it seems that the node list gets returned even without actually supplying the authentication info on the REST URL.

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Just looked (hadn't earlier).  Error is:


GET 401 (OK)(anonymous function) @ angular.js:9902sendReq @ angular.js:9703serverRequest @ angular.js:9415processQueue @ angular.js:13292(anonymous function) @ angular.js:13308Scope.$eval @ angular.js:14547Scope.$digest @ angular.js:14363Scope.$apply @ angular.js:14652(anonymous function) @ angular.js:21678b.event.dispatch @ jquery.min.js:3v.handle @ jquery.min.js:3

configurator.html:1 XMLHttpRequest cannot load No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'null' is therefore not allowed access. The response had HTTP status code 401.


I imagine it is the "No Access-Control-Allow-Origin" item.  I supplied my username and password for my ISY though they don't show here.  Actually, since I have already accessed the ISY from this machine it seems that the node list gets returned even without actually supplying the authentication info on the REST URL.

We might want to move this to the github issues page so as not to clutter up this thread since this is really meant as a thread on the echo/isy.   Whichever is better...


In any case...based on this console error it seems one or two things might be happening.  


1) The URL does not look correct as I would expect it to say something like http://username:pwd@   Hence the 401 which means bad authorization.


You said you edited the JS to add your ip address, username and password but this shouldn't have been necessary if you used the configurator.html page.  There are fields for these on that page.  I would recommend using those.


Additionally, if you open the chrome developer tools and look at the network tab when getting the devices you'll see the exact GET and the URL being used to make sure the username and password are being passed through.


2) The No Access Control Origin error is usually related to CORS and I wouldn't expect that if Chrome was loaded without the security.  I've only tested this on the MAC so maybe there's something additional you have to do if you're using windows.  But the URL still needs to be corrected.

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