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copy a scene?


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Is it possible to copy a scene.

It would be nice to have 1 "master" scene that controls all responders. You could then copy it, give it a different name, add controllers and make adjustments to brightness levels. :D





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I don't believe there is currently a method for copying an entire scene at the scene level.


You can, however, perform a copy of all the units within a scene.


1) Create your "new" scene.

2) Select the units (highlight) that you wish to copy from your "master" scene. You can use the "shift - left mouse click" method to select a list of units or use "Crtl - left mouse click" to select specific units.

3) Once highlighted, press "ctrl" and "left mouse click" on the units. Drag them to your new scene.


In response to the above, the ISY will prompt you with your list of units and inquire whether you want to make them controllers/responders.


The ISY will copy the unit attributes (level/ramp rate) from your master scene. It will not copy the "scene attributes".






Is it possible to copy a scene.

It would be nice to have 1 "master" scene that controls all responders. You could then copy it, give it a different name, add controllers and make adjustments to brightness levels. :D





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