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Killed ISY-99i with wrong firmware?


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Yesterday I tried to install the 2.6.7 firmware in my ISY-99i. As far as I can tell, I must have accidentally clicked the wrong link in the update thread and installed the ISY-26 firmware instead (suggestion: Please include the device model and firmware version in the filename, rather than just calling it insteon.zip).


Doing "about" shows that the device thinks it's a 26, although checking the version in the command line interface shows 99i.


I've tried to install the correct 99i firmware, but the GUI tells me that the file I'm trying to install isn't valid (too bad it didn't check that the first time around).


Is there any recovery from this, or am I screwed?

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Hello Eug,


I do apologize for the inconvenience. This must be a bug; may I ask what version of ISY did you try to upgrade from?


Yes, there's absolutely a way to recover. We can update it for you remotely (if you have it on the Internet) or we could send you instructions to do it over the serial communications if you feel like it. Please do let me know how you would like to proceed (tech@universal-devices.com).


With kind regards,



Yesterday I tried to install the 2.6.7 firmware in my ISY-99i. As far as I can tell, I must have accidentally clicked the wrong link in the update thread and installed the ISY-26 firmware instead (suggestion: Please include the device model and firmware version in the filename, rather than just calling it insteon.zip).


Doing "about" shows that the device thinks it's a 26, although checking the version in the command line interface shows 99i.


I've tried to install the correct 99i firmware, but the GUI tells me that the file I'm trying to install isn't valid (too bad it didn't check that the first time around).


Is there any recovery from this, or am I screwed?

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I seem to have done the same thing. I thought I downloaded the 99i firmware, but maybe I clicked the ISY-26 link. Like Eug said, you should have the platform in the filename. For that matter, you should have the version number. Trust me, I'm a software build/release engineer and I know what I'm talking about. You really want the platform and version in the filename. It'll save you loads of confusion.


Hmm, I just poked around in the insteon.zip and looking at WEB\DRIVER.XML, I see that the platform tag is ISY-C-99, so I think I did get the right firmware, it just failed to install correctly.


I started out with an ISY-99i with version 2.6.5.



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Hello Keith,


I do apologize for the inconvenience. This is a bug that has been eluding us ... in all likelihood, the reason the GUI shows you ISY, is because it defaults to that if it cannot retrieve the configuration. It would tremendously help us find this bug if you could enable internet access so that we can get to it remotely.


With kind regards,



I seem to have done the same thing. I thought I downloaded the 99i firmware, but maybe I clicked the ISY-26 link. Like Eug said, you should have the platform in the filename. For that matter, you should have the version number. Trust me, I'm a software build/release engineer and I know what I'm talking about. You really want the platform and version in the filename. It'll save you loads of confusion.


Hmm, I just poked around in the insteon.zip and looking at WEB\DRIVER.XML, I see that the platform tag is ISY-C-99, so I think I did get the right firmware, it just failed to install correctly.


I started out with an ISY-99i with version 2.6.5.



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I worked with Michel last night, letting him have remote access to my ISY-99i and we figured out the problem. I say "we", but it was mainly Michel. :)


The issue is that I hadn't closed my browser window before clearing my Java cache after doing the update, so the cache wasn't properly cleared. After I did a proper job of clearing the Java cache, everything was working fine.


So if anyone else has an upgrade that looks like it went bad, make sure you shut down your browser completely before clearing your Java cache.


Thanks again, Michel!



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