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994i Program, True/False Conditions, and Visual Green & Red Status

Todd C

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Can someone help me confirm the programming behaviors on my ISY994i?  My unit is a PRO with upgraded IR and also Z-Wave Module.  
I am enclosing a screen shot of my programs screen with the green and red status indicators reflecting what is true and false at the current time.  Focus on the section for C. Evening which is currently red because the time restriction is to run from about Sunset until 11:30 PM.  The programs under the C. Evening folder appear some white and some green.  What I am trying to figure out is why any of them would be green given the time restriction for the C. Evening folder which is not currently active.  In addition, I see inconsistent results in terms of what is white and green within that folder.  I am pasting two programs below - one that is showing as white (M: Guest Bath) and another program that is showing as green (M: MBR Lamps).  These two programs are identical in nature (as far as I can tell) yet yield different status results.




The program content of the two programs in the C. Evening folder are:  

M: Guest Bath


        Control '4. Guest Bed and Bath / Bath Sensor / Guest Bath-Sensor' is switched On



        Set '4. Guest Bed and Bath / Guest Bath Light' On

        Set '4. Guest Bed and Bath / Guest Bath Fan' On

        Wait  20 minutes

        Set '4. Guest Bed and Bath / Guest Bath Fan' Off

        Set '4. Guest Bed and Bath / Guest Bath Light' Off



   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


M:  MBR Lamps


        Control '5. Master Bedroom / MBR - Motion / M: MBR Lamps-Sensor' is switched On



        Set '5. Master Bedroom / MBR Lamps' 49%

        Wait  20 minutes

        Set '5. Master Bedroom / MBR Lamps' Off



   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



After looking at both of these, my admin console became unresponsive (this happens frequently).  When I connected back to it the programming screen has stopped showing any green or red status indicators.




I rebooted my ISY and connected to it a few minutes ago and again - nothing is showing green or red AND the programs are now all showing as FALSE with the exception of one folder - but none of the programs beneath it are showing as true.




What is going on?  Am I doing something wrong?



Thanks much in advance for any feedback.




Todd Czajka





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"What I am trying to figure out is why any of them would be green given the time restriction for the C.EVENING "


The Green/Red flags reflects the True/False If evaluation the last time the Program was triggered.  Has nothing to do with what the Folder now allows.


When the ISY is rebooted last trigger status is lost.


The lack of Program last trigger status after the Admin Console stops responding sounds like the ISY may have rebooted.  Simply restarting the Admin Console would not lose Program trigger status.  Check the ISY Log.

Edited by LeeG
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To LeeG's response....


Disabling a folder, by itself, does NOT cause the included programs to trigger, nor does it cause them to turn false.  Disabling a folder simply disables the trigger inherent in each program condition.  The included programs, simply, will not self-initiate.  If a program last ran true at 4pm and the parent folder became false at 5pm, the program is still true.


Programs in a folder, even if the folder condition is false, can still be triggered externally, such as when called by other programs or through the admin panel.  When called in this manner, they will evaluate and execute the same, regardless of folder condition.

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Thanks for the feedback.  I think there is something wrong with my ISY.  


My conclusion is based on the following:


1)  I have triggered several programs to execute - I did this by going to doors and opening and closing them to trigger various programs. The programs ran but but did not indicate a "green" status before, during, or after the program completed.  All of the programs on the details tab are still white.  


2)  I selected all of my programs from the summary page and ran them - my details tab still does not show anything as green or red.  


Oberkc:  Although I can call programs in a folder who's condition is set to false and it technically "executes" the programs as noted in the last start/finish times - the action in the programs does not occur.  Is this normal or related to my bigger ISY issues?







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Your described behavior sounds abnormal from my experience. If a program runs, I expect it to show one of two outcomes: TRUE OR FALSE. I also expect this state to be reflected in the program listing. Next chance I get, I will confirm, but something sounds not quite right with your program status.

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This is true for programs that are not in any folders and also in folders that are true.  For example, I tried running the programs in the folder "daytime" which is true from sunrise to sunset.  I'm not seeing consistent results at this point - they're not doing anything.  I moved them out of that folder to the root and ran them again but nothing is happening. I'm going to call in a ticket becuase there have been other odd issues I've experienced that I assumed were due to my learning but now I'm convinced something is wrong with this unit.  



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This is true for programs that are not in any folders and also in folders that are true.  For example, I tried running the programs in the folder "daytime" which is true from sunrise to sunset.  I'm not seeing consistent results at this point - they're not doing anything.  I moved them out of that folder to the root and ran them again but nothing is happening. I'm going to call in a ticket becuase there have been other odd issues I've experienced that I assumed were due to my learning but now I'm convinced something is wrong with this unit.  




Right click on any one of your programs or folders, select Status Icons and Detailed.


Test again.



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Problem solved.  It came down to the UI version was not the most recent so my views were not updating everything.  Once it was updated, the green/red data and program information on the program summary screens reflected the program activity.


Thanks everyone for their input. Appreciate the support call on this UDI!!!!

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