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How To Replace Dead Insteon Device?


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My apologies if this has been answered a hundred times before - I did a search and got 15 pages of hits... after going through about 5 pages, I thought I'd rather post here and take my lumps.


One of my LampLincs (one of the first I ever bought) starting acting strangely this morning - I came down for breakfast and the lamp plugged into it was flashing on and off (slowly as there is a ramp applied to both on and off states for the module). I changed the bulb, unplugged and replugged the LL and made sure the lamp itself was okay. Nothing fixed it.


So I want to swap the existing (maybe dead) LL with a new one sitting here on my desk. What is the correct procedure to add the new LL, then give it the name of the old LL so that the new one can assume the old one's duties in my scenes and programming? I know it involves copying attributes, but I can't remember how to get the new device listed under My Lighting.


I'm sure I've done this before, and even more sure I've seen the question and answer written in these fora, but I can't seem to remember or find anything.


I'm working with an ISY99i/IR Pro with firmware Insteon_UD99 V2.6.6.


Any help tonight would be great - otherwise I come down the stairs in the dark tomorrow morning :) .




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Well, that's what I thought too. I did a "New Insteon Device" and entered the IP address, ISY seemed to understand, I got the progress bar and then it was gone. But when I click "Replace [old name] with..." the only choices that pop up are two other LLs that are already performing other duties. The new one didn't turn up anywhere that I can see.


When you say "link it to ISY", what do you mean? Obviously the "New Insteon Device" was the wrong thing to do.


Thanks again!


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Never mind (I guess). I just plugged the new LL in the wall socket, pressed the button for about 5 secs until it started to blink, and it seemed to appear in My Lighting list under its IP address. Did the Replace as you suggested and after a LOT of progress bars coming and going, and restarting the browser, the device came up, and had the old LLs programming.


Now I'm having problems with the Log, it comes up with a bunch of xml code in the first cell of the first column. What did I do here?


When do you use Add New Device, if not in this case?


BTW - you guys STILL need to clean up the dialog box for adding devices - all three options look pretty scarey and appear to spell death to existing programming.


Thanks for your help!


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Hi Rod,


Would you be kind enough to send your log (save) to support@universal-devices.com?


Thanks and with kind regards,



Never mind (I guess). I just plugged the new LL in the wall socket, pressed the button for about 5 secs until it started to blink, and it seemed to appear in My Lighting list under its IP address. Did the Replace as you suggested and after a LOT of progress bars coming and going, and restarting the browser, the device came up, and had the old LLs programming.


Now I'm having problems with the Log, it comes up with a bunch of xml code in the first cell of the first column. What did I do here?


When do you use Add New Device, if not in this case?


BTW - you guys STILL need to clean up the dialog box for adding devices - all three options look pretty scarey and appear to spell death to existing programming.


Thanks for your help!


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  • 1 year later...

I discovered a bad switch yesterday. Tried to do the replace thing and having problems. I removed the bad switch and replaced with the old one. Added new one to ISY and it is showing correctly along with the one I replaced.


If the bad device is in a folder i created, the right click option does not give the "Replace" selection. If I right click and "Remove from Folder" and then do the right click, I do get the replace option. Not sure if that is a bug in itself, I am on version 2.7.6. The next problem is when i do select "Replace", it shows a list of devices like a pop up menu from top to bottom of screen. I do not see the new device I added. Looks like there are more selections off the screen, but there is no scroll arrow or any way to move down the list.


I tried renaming the new device to AAA thinking maybe it would show at top of list but no luck. Any ideas?? Also, is there a way to completely remove a device? I see disable but no delete. Thanks.

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Hi slopdog,


Apologies for the inconvenience. You cannot do anything with devices in folders above and beyond very simple tasks such as naming. You must remove them from folder (Remove From Folder menu item)


Once the device is not in the folder, there should be a Remove menu item which basically removes the device from ISY and unlinks it from all the linked devices.


My last question is whether or not the device you are replacing is compatible with the defective device. Can you tell me if their model numbers?


With kind regards,


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I do not get the "Remove" option if i remove from folder.


As for the Replace Device, they are both 2476D, old one is version v.27, new is v.37. The list i do get when choosing "Replace" does contain both v.27 and v.37, so if the list is supposed to only show compatible devices, it should be in there.


I just tried Right Click - Replace on the NEW device and i can see the old device. Would it work going that way? The wording would make it sound like the one you are right clicking on would get values from the one you are selecting to replace it with ("Replace NEW with...")

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Hi slopdog,


I must say that it would be impossible for a device not to have the Remove option. I tested it again and sure enough there is a remove option. Are you sure your device is moved to the top most level?


You cannot do the reverse. You want to replace the OLD one with the NEW one.


It seems that your devices are compatible. This is quite puzzling!


With kind regards,


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Never mind on the Remove problem. I guess I didn't realize the device was disabled, if disabled there is no remove option :)


I am going to try to attach an screen shot showing the replace problem. Should there be some kind of scroll arrows on that pop up menu? I am guessing. After typing the last sentence, I went back to make sure I wasn't missing anything on that pop up menu. I noticed a little sliver of a line beneath the last pop up selection. If i move the mouse to the bottom of the list, leaving only the very top little point of my mouse arrow showing on my monitor, i can see that little sliver highlighted as if there is something there. I click on that and i get my missing device!


Is it a coincidence that my missing device just happens to be in that position, I don't know. But the list seems to be alphabetical, and my missing devices is temporarily called AAA, so you would think that would make it at the top.


Anyway, I got it removed, so good to go for now. Thanks :)

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Hello slopdog,


Apologies for the inconvenience. The non-scrolling menu must be a bug! The list is not alphabetical.


With kind regards,



Never mind on the Remove problem. I guess I didn't realize the device was disabled, if disabled there is no remove option :)


I am going to try to attach an screen shot showing the replace problem. Should there be some kind of scroll arrows on that pop up menu? I am guessing. After typing the last sentence, I went back to make sure I wasn't missing anything on that pop up menu. I noticed a little sliver of a line beneath the last pop up selection. If i move the mouse to the bottom of the list, leaving only the very top little point of my mouse arrow showing on my monitor, i can see that little sliver highlighted as if there is something there. I click on that and i get my missing device!


Is it a coincidence that my missing device just happens to be in that position, I don't know. But the list seems to be alphabetical, and my missing devices is temporarily called AAA, so you would think that would make it at the top.


Anyway, I got it removed, so good to go for now. Thanks :)

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Not a problem. I think I got very lucky that the I had the exact number of devices that it fit on the screen with a bit of room to spare to see the one I needed :)


I just double checked, the list is alphabetical. I renamed one of my devices with an "X" in the beginning and after loading list again, it moved to the bottom.

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