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Google IoT OS 'Brillo' Effort Targeting Home Routers


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Right, and a company that's good a making phone OSs, married with companies like Dlink who develop single purpose real time devices... that need to have high performance and security as top priorities.


Though genuinely interested, I don't think I will be rushing for the front of this line.


Right, and a company that's good a making phone OSs, married with companies like Dlink who develop single purpose real time devices... that need to have high performance and security as top priorities.


Though genuinely interested, I don't think I will be rushing for the front of this line.


Make no mistake I am interested and eager to see what offerings come to market. But as stated, critical mass and that faithful awakening is fast upon us all.


Never in the history of man kind has a single person been so empowered to access, control, locate, identify, and capture data and the environment around them. We have planes, cars,  buses, and trucks all being used & tested to be self driven automatically. 


There is only a small percentage of the industrialized world where there isn't some kind of camera watching and recording you. When you take money out at a ATM its at the door, embedded in the console of the key board. Go to any Drive Thru I don't care which 90% of the time its going to have a camera.


Millions of smart passes, EZ Pass, RFID's are deployed all over the world from pets, cargo, to people. Walking into any major air port you will be bombarded with the latest back scatter X-Ray that can see right down to the bone, skin, etc.


Biometrics are fast becoming the standard for all health, security, and device control. The world has three generations of self guided drones and air crafts which kill people each and every day with out worry about losing a pilots life.


We have made the entire arcade experience into reality and have pimple faced morons thousands of miles in freight box's controlling these drones at will and blowing people at will.


IBM's Watson is was so advanced people thought it computer could not get any smarter but was proven to pail in comparisons to Nero chemical networks currently being tested and deployed by DARPA.


There are two distinct facts true about man kind which has been proven over thousands of years. Man is good at only two things and that is killing and taking . . .


What man can not take, he will kill . . .


Google at this point is side stepping man kind and at some point will supersede man. As people laugh out loud saying *What is this lunatic* going on about.


Read all of what I have written and do your own research and see what shakes out of the tree. There isn't one reference posted above that isn't verifiable or factual.


Because one of two things in my mind will come to pass. We will either wake up and smell the coffee and not like what we smell brewing. Or we will suffer dearly with a combination of War Games, Red Dawn, Terminator, etc. At the end of the day lifes about helping, learning, and loving one another.


To inspire others to do better, excel in tomorrow, and to do great things not thought possible. In 2015 almost every Government lead by America right down to Russia are just itching to make that next step.


When people can use a laser cannon, sound cannon, and reach out and touch something with out fear of personal death. Couple this with the arcade mentality where humans are just targets??


A computer program will have less of a problem coming up with the only equation that humans are just a waste of skin and resources:






Yup, without tipping our hands. The next thing we need to see from Google is the


                   Google Porcupine

                   Universal Router / Hub  supporting over 37 hardware protocols.

  Control and monitor your HA, LAN, Grid meter, and anything else we allow in your home.


                                                        Requires subscription to Google's Life Control system. Contracts included.



You will know it by the 103 antennae protruding from it's body..


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