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New PLM help please. Scenes no longer work, no device status


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I replaced a bad PLM and now I cannot control scenes via the ISY web interface and device status are not updated in the ISY. I had a dead ISY. I attached a new one which the ISY detected and did a restore. I'm able to control lights and if I query a device it shows the correct status. Is this because the new PLM isn't included in all the devices scenes but the old one instead? I am able to fix a scene one by one by removing a device, creating a new scene and then adding the devices back but I have many scenes and this is tedious. If I do a "restore devices" would this correct the problem? Thanks.


Firmware v4.3.1

ISY 994i/IR Pro (1110)

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Okay I went through the steps listed but still having the same problem. Are there orphaned links from the old PLM messing things up? When I do a scene test I get:


Sun 08/23/2015 09:51:58 PM : [GRP-RX      ] 02 61 31 13 00 15 
<html><font color="red">----- Entry Test Results -----</font></html>
<html><font color="red">[Failed]</font> Entry 1: Entry (7 EB 57 1)</html>
<html><font color="red">----- Entry Test Results -----</font></html>
Sun 08/23/2015 09:52:06 PM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 00.00.31 CF 13 00 06          LTOFFRR(00)
Sun 08/23/2015 09:52:06 PM : [std MH      ] Unexpected Ack imCmd=62 cmd1=LTOFFRR 0x13
Sun 08/23/2015 09:52:08 PM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 1C 54 03 0F 0D 00
Sun 08/23/2015 09:52:08 PM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 1C.54.03 0F 0D 00 06                 (00)
Sun 08/23/2015 09:52:17 PM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 1C 54 03 0F 0D 00
Sun 08/23/2015 09:52:17 PM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 1C.54.03 0F 0D 00 06                 (00)
Sun 08/23/2015 09:52:21 PM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 36 AF DC 0F 0D 00
Sun 08/23/2015 09:52:21 PM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 36.AF.DC 0F 0D 00 06                 (00)
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Do you have any devices that show !  or 1101?


No, everything looks okay, no ! or 1101. When I do a device query I see old links to the broken PLM that was removed though. Is there anyway of replacing all the references to this old PLM with the new one?

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No, everything looks okay, no ! or 1101. When I do a device query I see old links to the broken PLM that was removed though. Is there anyway of replacing all the references to this old PLM with the new one?


As part of the replace process the old PLM address is replaced with the new. I would try this one more time ensuring the following is done in correct sequence.


1. Unplug PLM.

2. Unplug ISY.

3. Plug back PLM and wait about 10-30 seconds.

4. Plug back the ISY Series Controller and wait for it to be fully operational and no *busy writes / reads* are in progress.

5. Select the File -> Restore PLM. Go grab a hot cup of coffee and do something else.

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As part of the replace process the old PLM address is replaced with the new. I would try this one more time ensuring the following is done in correct sequence.


1. Unplug PLM.

2. Unplug ISY.

3. Plug back PLM and wait about 10-30 seconds.

4. Plug back the ISY Series Controller and wait for it to be fully operational and no *busy writes / reads* are in progress.

5. Select the File -> Restore PLM. Go grab a hot cup of coffee and do something else.



If it still doesn't work should I factory reset the PLM to clear it? Seems like when I've retried it and clicked restore it only does it for about a few minutes then seems like it's done. the first time when brand new seems like it was over 30 to 45 minutes to restore. Thanks for your help

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If it still doesn't work should I factory reset the PLM to clear it? Seems like when I've retried it and clicked restore it only does it for about a few minutes then seems like it's done. the first time when brand new seems like it was over 30 to 45 minutes to restore. Thanks for your help


Do you have a recent back up image?


If so you can do a File - Restore Backup, and yes doing the *Restore PLM* does take a considerable amount of time. If it takes under two minutes either your network is extremely small or there are issues.


How many devices do you have? Do you have extensive programs and scenes created with in the ISY Series Controller? If your answer is:  I have a very small network of less than 10 devices and also don't have a lot of complex scenes and programs.


Ultimately its up to you to decide the risk vs reward in starting from scratch.


I always try to pursue the tried and true methods as listed above before going the route of a replace PLM. Also please keep in mind please don't confuse a lack of updating or no response to a bad PLM recovery.


I call this out because many of us have experienced where you're login to the Admin Console thinking all is well and you're fully connected. When in reality you're not connected and will not see live up to the moment updates in the console.


I have been dealing with this exact issue for years and it appears to be getting worse. I just finished another new install where the same behavior was seen on another brand new ISY Series Controller. We were adding new leak, on-off, and open-close sensors.


The system didn't appear to do be doing anything?? Closing and opening the Admin Console the first time showed the one device was indeed added but had pending writes. The On-Off plugin relay did not add and using the add new device did absolutely nothing so did a tap and link method.


This time the device showed up but again there were writes pending?? Doing a write device caused the system to write and complete the enrollment. Moments later pressing the On-Off relay module would not show the actual state. So once again I closed the Admin Console and the system was able to reflect the status.


I am unsure why this behavior happens but its really frustrating when trying to commission a new install and all the basics are in place.


As aside please do ensure you have proper coupling / bridging in your network as confirmed via the 4 tap (beacon) test outlined in the 2413S PLM guide. Also please ensure your PLM is not hampered by any UPS, chargers, computers, etc.


None of these were my issues because I  was sitting in a completely brand new and empty home. So there are no noise makers / signal suckers involved here. Besides the network was also filtered so can't explain why the system continued to show no live status.

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Did you use the Delete Modem (PLM) choice at one point in time?

That would leave only a few links to be written back to the modules.


No, haven't done the Delete Modem (PLM). It seems to me that it see's links / devices already so doesn't redo it so when and try to restore a second and third time there are few links / devices to write back to the PLM. I'm thinking that if I do a Factory reset on the PLM it will clear everything and when I do the Restore it will have to rewrite everything back to the PLM.

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I made the mistake of deleting the PLM while I was troubleshooting the bad PLM.  I got a new PLM and did the restore PLM, but now none of my programs work.  Is there a quick fix for this?  If not I might just have to start from scratch.  I have learned to program better than when I first started.  There may be one more option depending on what you experts have to say.  I do have the old plm, and the capacitors to fix the power supply.  I ordered them when the PLMs were on backorder as a backup.  It sucks having my system down!

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Deleting the PLM removed the PLM information from the ISY and all the devices. Restore the ISY Backup taken before the PLM was deleted. That will restore the ISY but not the devices. Power cycle PLM and ISY, restoring PLM power first, then the ISY. Then File | Restore Devices to restore PLM information in all devices.

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