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UPS sucking out signal


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I tried to run an ApplianceLinc off the same socket that my UPS is plugged into.   Also controlling it with a mini remote 4 button.   It will not respond.   I know that UPS' often kill the signal.  BUT if I plug the ApplianceLinc into the UPS it works.  Does this make sense?  


And if I changed my socket to a Dual Band OutletLInc, would that work with the controlled socket for a lamp and the uncontrolled socket for the UPS?

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The difference is what side of the UPS is being shared by ApplianceLinc.  Plugged into the same  outlet puts the ApplianceLinc on the input/primary side of the UPS.  Plugged into the UPS puts the ApplianceLinc on output/secondary side.   Will make a difference. Try plugging the UPS into a FilterLinc.


I suspect the UPS will cause issues with the OutLetLinc but have not tried that arrangement.   Putting my UPS on a FilterLinc has avoided UPS issues here.

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