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Default Message - What causes random things to appear?


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I just started seeing this strange problem in the last few days and was curious if others have seen the same thing. Essentially I have a program that sends me a custom email alert indicating the XMAS tree is lit and what the power readings are at that time.


This first alert simply confirms the tree is lit and what the energy demands are as you will see in the following attachment. 


Once the program has been completed and the lights turned off I simply use the *Default* option as an email. In the past this *Default* option would just confirm the action was completed and included a time stamp etc.


Now, I am receiving random data that is unrelated to that scene / program?!?!


Has anyone seen this problem before and what can be done to prevent it? Below are three examples two of which simply show you what the random messages are. The last one called (default) is what I normally see and expect when using the default message option.


This is the very basic program listed below:


X-MAS Tree - [iD 012F][Parent 012E]
        From     5:30:00PM
        To       8:00:00PM (same day)
        Set Scene 'Kitchen Wall Plug' On
        Wait  45 seconds
        Send Notification to 'GMX' content 'Insteon - X-MAS Lights - On'
        Set Scene 'Kitchen Wall Plug' Off
        Send Notification to 'GMX'





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Hi Teken,


The third one is not random. It's basically saying that the X-Mas Tree program ran (either then or else) .. probably Else.


What's the content of: 'Insteon - X-MAS Lights - On'?

Is it possible that you have two X-Mas Tree programs?


With kind regards,



Hello Michel,


You're correct the third image was generated using the ELSE clause as I wanted to show what is the normal expected completion email I expect and have received in the past.


There is only one X-MAS program in my system at the moment. With respect to the *content* are you asking what the custom e-mail says when its sent to me?

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This is what the custom e-mail states when sent to me. All of the text are static to remind me what the thresholds are etc. The only one that is not static is the *Energy Consumed Now* which calls a variable for that circuit.


Essentially, it displays the amount of watts seen on that circuit during that time. There are no other programs that call this custom email or associated with it. 






The X-MAS light program has been activated. This program runs from 5:30 until 8:00 PM each day. 


Idle power for this branch circuit is <8.00 watts.


Energy Consumed Now: ${var.2.60} Watts
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Hi Teken,


Those spurious emails are definitely not using the content. Default content means:

Include the trigger that caused the program to turn to true or false. So, now I need the condition for your program.


With kind regards,



Hello Michel,


The conditions for the program are listed in the first post.

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