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Network issue (memory light+error light flashing)

Non Sequor

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I'm having an issue where the ISY is executing programs properly, but it's impossible to contact it over the network. The memory and error lights are flashing. I've tried changing the network cable, trying a different port on the switch, and rebooting the ISY.


The switch has lights on each port indicating a connection and I'm never seeing even a temporary connection when I connect it to a different port or reboot the ISY.


This seems to point towards the issue being with the network interface on the ISY itself. Is there anything else that I haven't ruled out? 

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There are no connection lights, despite switching cables with another device that is connecting properly (and continues to work properly with the cable that I was using for the ISY).


It's definitely not an IP conflict, because there is no connection in the first place, and also because I don't have any devices not using DHCP, including the ISY.


I haven't tried the factory reset, but it seems like it wouldn't accomplish anything since it's only advised for conflicts with a fixed IP that can't be resolved.


Unless there's something else to try, this looks like an issue that will require an RMA.

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Hi Non Sequor,


I am so very sorry to hear. As Brian indicated, this is definitely networking related. If the lights on the Network jack are on (or blinking) without both turning OFF at the same time, then the issue is definitely not ISY hardware related.


If you have a mini USB to USB cable and a Windows computer, we can login to your computer and see what ISY is complaining about. Please do not hesitate to submit a ticket.


With kind regards,


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  • 11 months later...

Hi Non Sequor,


I am so very sorry to hear. As Brian indicated, this is definitely networking related. If the lights on the Network jack are on (or blinking) without both turning OFF at the same time, then the issue is definitely not ISY hardware related.


If you have a mini USB to USB cable and a Windows computer, we can login to your computer and see what ISY is complaining about. Please do not hesitate to submit a ticket.


With kind regards,



Hi Michael,


I just worked through a similar problem with my ISY that turned out to be my network switch acting wonky.


A switch reboot solved my issue, but I stumbled across this post while troubleshooting and the USB connection caught my eye. Is there a guide for connecting via USB?

It may have saved me some of the head scratching time spent on this issue.

I literally had a support request typed up and was ready to send it along when I went back to the basement to verify the link and activity light status, that's when I noticed something strange on the network switch. (apparently I've spent enough time looking at blinking lights to notice when somethings not blinking correctly).




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Hi Marc,


The USB connection gets you to ISY shell. You have the same exact options as telnet with some additonal benefits:

1. You can see debug messages (which are suppressed on telnet for security reasons)

2. You can see all boot up messages


All you need is a mini USB to USB connector and a terminal application. The serial parameters are 115200, 8, 1, None.


With knid regards,

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