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Wifes reaction to another "woman" in the house?


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Once I finally received my Echo I did my initial set up in my office and then took it out into the dinning room and set up while the wife wasn't around.

When the wife came home I was rather proud to test "Alexa.....turn entertainment center lights on" hear an "OK" response and the lights came on.  Didn't get quite the response I hoped for.

"Oh my G##!!! you and your gadgets!! what did you do now..... blah....blah....blah blah." Dear wife not so happy.

Good news, after a few days and experimenting, wife can get her news fix, whats the weather forecast and best yet "Alexa....play Dave Koz"

Felt REALLY good to finally hear the wife state it wasn't that silly and "actually, that's pretty cool" She loves working in the kitchen and calling out music and other request.

Grand daughter spent the weekend and drove Alexa and us nuts talking to her and coming up with every imaginable question.  Did you know Alexa will answer to "what sound does a fox make?"


So....what are some of the other reactions in other users homes?

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In my bachelor days, I had another home automation system that would read the weather, say what happened on this day in history, would notify me of friends and relatives' birthday seven days in advance so that i would have time to buy greeting cards, etc etc,   I also had an event that would chime in at anytime with the CNN Breaking News .... well .... my girlfriend, who is now my wife ... did not care much for "another" female voice in the house.  I am looking to do something similar now, but will try to base the announcements on who is present at home

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I don't know about others but I find myself frequently saying Thank You automatically.


Grand daughter told Alexa she loved her but I don't remember the response.  I'll have to experiment with some compliments.  Maybe when the wife's not around :-)

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The Echo does not intrude. It's quiet unless queried. And at that, it won't respond if not specifically addressed.

More than once, my Alexa has piped up over dinner to announce "I don't understand what you just asked me" when nothing was asked of her.
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More than once, my Alexa has piped up over dinner to announce "I don't understand what you just asked me" when nothing was asked of her.

My wife says the same thing when I continuously clink the fork against the side of my plate or glass. I used the exact pattern sequence I taught her too. 



Somebody once told me, when a woman finds out they are not the only pebble on the beach they usually become a little bolder.

Who wants a pet rock?


     ....."I don't understand what you just asked me"



We are now entering dangerous ground. Please watch your step!

Edited by larryllix
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