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Virtual Devices


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It would be great if the ISY allowed the creation of virtual devices, that could leverage html and other sources for control and input.


For example, I could create a virtual thermostat device that sends and reads commands from my elk panel


Or a virtual light switch, that sends and queries commands to a wemo switch via the networking module.


Programs could be written to update variables and the variables could power the virtual devices.


This could add a lot of extensibility to the ISY.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • 9 months later...

Bringing this thread back to the top...


I just want to simply turn a variable into a virtual device. If the variable is 0 then the virtual device is "off" or "closed" or "disarmed", etc. if the variable is 1 then the virtual device is "on" or "open" or "armed", etc!


Does anyone know if Is this functionality is being added to the ISY?




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Bringing this thread back to the top...


I just want to simply turn a variable into a virtual device. If the variable is 0 then the virtual device is "off" or "closed" or "disarmed", etc. if the variable is 1 then the virtual device is "on" or "open" or "armed", etc!


Does anyone know if Is this functionality is being added to the ISY?




State variables act this way and programs trigger on their states already.


They are not complete substitutes for virtual devices, but close.

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State variables act this way and programs trigger on their states already.


They are not complete substitutes for virtual devices, but close.

Agreed and I am using that functionality extensively. What I am looking for is some graphical feedback to show if the vaiable is on or off. I posted a product request in the mobilinc section also since I spend most of my time looking at the status of devices from the dashboard of mobilinc. Would be awesome if I could have an icon with an on/of or some other toggle status show up on the dashboard directly that is linked to the variable state (0 or 1)

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Agreed and I am using that functionality extensively. What I am looking for is some graphical feedback to show if the vaiable is on or off. I posted a product request in the mobilinc section also since I spend most of my time looking at the status of devices from the dashboard of mobilinc. Would be awesome if I could have an icon with an on/of or some other toggle status show up on the dashboard directly that is linked to the variable state (0 or 1)

I had entered a previous plea for almost the same thing, a small box on the admin console that a variable could be shown for debug purposes.


UDI has been swamped to much, to add small items lately, and in view of impending conversion to HTML5, IIRC no new features will be added in the near future.


Clean-up on isle two. :)

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  • 3 months later...

How do I get Firmware 5.X so that I can get virtual devices?


I would LOVE a virtual switch always there and ready to turn on or off that activates a program easily, esp form the Phone interfaces. It's tough trying to tell my wife to go to programs, or variables and change or run THEN, etc.



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How do I get Firmware 5.X so that I can get virtual devices?


I would LOVE a virtual switch always there and ready to turn on or off that activates a program easily, esp form the Phone interfaces. It's tough trying to tell my wife to go to programs, or variables and change or run THEN, etc.



It's in this forum under developers.

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Hi johnjces,


We've had this idea for awhile but if we do it, it won't be done until after our first 5.X official release.  I think most people would agree that we've had a bit too much scope creep in this release as it is  :shock:


This would allow any ISY user to essentially create a node server on the ISY using just programs and variables.  Thus you could create a virtual switch that you could use to trigger programs etc.

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Hi johnjces,


We've had this idea for awhile but if we do it, it won't be done until after our first 5.X official release.  I think most people would agree that we've had a bit too much scope creep in this release as it is  :shock:


This would allow any ISY user to essentially create a node server on the ISY using just programs and variables.  Thus you could create a virtual switch that you could use to trigger programs etc.

It would be super nice if the node server documentation could be dumbed down.  I think there are probably only a handful of people who understand how to create nodes.  I would be willing to put a few hours into learning it, but right now I look at node server language and feel overwhelmed.  I think I can speak for a lot of people when I say, I'd be willing to learn it if there were a Cliff's notes version of the how to.

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This is probably off topic here, but the last stable release, 4.5.4 has been out what seems like a long time. When will the next stable release be released and what version will that be?





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This is probably off topic here, but the last stable release, 4.5.4 has been out what seems like a long time. When will the next stable release be released and what version will that be?





It will have a different version number.

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It will have a different version number.

 I think that's a given! But what version i.e. version number, (5.0.10 or 5.0.1, etc.), will that be and when might it be released? 1 month, 6 months, next year?





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I think that's a given! But what version i.e. version number, (5.0.10 or 5.0.1, etc.), will that be and when might it be released? 1 month, 6 months, next year?





Yup. Read the forum. You should be able to find another 20-30 threads for the same information for the last two and half years.


Here is another similar question along the same line " Give us a complete list of unforeseen problems."


Thus the answer in another format...


...It'll be comin' 'round the mountain when it comes. Sorry :)

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