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Can't change Dimmer level.

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I have a Keypad linc that does not control a load with the A button. Instead it contols a scene which has a light that is part of a 4 way circuit. I have this scene set up so that this lamp contolled by a switch linc dimmer comes on at 40% at a ramp rate of .5 seconds. It always comes on at 100% instantly. I have checked the on levels and ramp rates at all the Switchlinc dimmers in the circuit as well as the scene contoller slider and the Keypad button slider and have restored all of the devices as well. It still comes on at 100%. When I turn the switch on at any of the switch linc dimmers in the circuit, it comes on at 40% / .5.


Please don't tell me to have the A button control one of the other sliders in the circuit. That's cheating!!!

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So, you have a scene setup containing a KPL controller and some other devices. The scene works properly when controlled from other controllers, but not the KPL?


In the ISY Admin Console, open the scene and click on the KPL controller. On the bottom right, be sure that the on levels and ramp rates are correct for all responding devices.

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Well, the only device controlling that scene is that KPL. But, the two other Switch Linc dimmers in this 4 way circuit control it exactly the same way. 40% @ .5 secs. it is not the same scene but a different scene that does the same thing.


Clear as Mud?



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OK, I think I get you.


Can you open the Admin Console, expand the problem scene, click on the KPL and adjust the responder values?


Remember that adjusting the scene properties only affects then scene when controlled by the ISY. To adjust the scene when controlled by the KPL, you must highlight the KPL within the scene group and adjust the responders there.

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Just to clairfy:


The KPL button A does not control a load?


All the KPL buttons (including A) are in the same scene, controlling a SWL (which is setup as the controller) and 2 other SWL's (setup as controllers)?


The problem is only with the KPL buttons (all of them turn on the light at 100%?


Yes, I did make sure I did that.
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Hi Michael,


If you want button A to be a controller then you have to put button A into the scene as a controller. Otherwise, it will not work.


With kind regards,






Button a does not control a load.


The KPL button A is not part of the scene created to contol the light in the 4 way circuit. I suppose I could add it to the circuit and make it a 5 way.


What do you think?



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Hi Michael,


Thank you for the explanation but I am still a little unclear. Would you be kind enough to do something like:


Scene A

- LampLinc 1 -- responder

- KPL1-A -- controller



Scene B

- LampLinc 1 -- responder

- KPL1-Master -- controller

- KPL1-A -- responder


With kind regards,



Hi Michel,


It is part of the scene for the Key Pad Button A scene. It is not a contoller in the scene created to contol the device as a 4 way circuit.



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No, you surely don't have to add button A to get it to work correctly. I must admit, I am still a bit confused and perhaps something of a list like Michel suggested would help us understand better. I think I know what you got, and it should work.


However, if I read you right you have the SWL's (including the load controlling one) setup as RESPONDERS in the scene in question (since you have them setup in a seperate scene for a 4-way circuit, this is the only way they could be) and the KPL buttons as controllers. Since none of the KPL's work correctly and the SWL's do, I am guessing that the scene is not linked right. What I would do is remove the devices from the scene, delete the scene, recreate it and re-add the device back...see if that corrects it.




Button a does not control a load.


The KPL button A is not part of the scene created to contol the light in the 4 way circuit. I suppose I could add it to the circuit and make it a 5 way.


What do you think?



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Here is how I have this set up:


Keypad Linc


Scene A


Button A ( No load connected ) Contoller


SWL ( Foyer Light ) Responder



Different Scene


Foyer light set up in a virtual 4 way set up.


SWL ( Foyer Light ) Contoller


SWL Conroller


SWL Controller




Button A of the problem Keypad linc is not part of the Virtual 4 Way.


I hope this is clearer.





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I have a Keypad linc that does not control a load with the A button. Instead it contols a scene which has a light that is part of a 4 way circuit. I have this scene set up so that this lamp contolled by a switch linc dimmer comes on at 40% at a ramp rate of .5 seconds. It always comes on at 100% instantly. I have checked the on levels and ramp rates at all the Switchlinc dimmers in the circuit as well as the scene contoller slider and the Keypad button slider and have restored all of the devices as well. It still comes on at 100%. When I turn the switch on at any of the switch linc dimmers in the circuit, it comes on at 40% / .5.


Please don't tell me to have the A button control one of the other sliders in the circuit. That's cheating!!!


I see an inconsistency in the description: a controller (in this case, the KPL button A) can not "control" a scene directly (only by programming in the ISY) unless it is part of the scene as a controller. This means there is a scene (AKA link between KPL A and SWL 1) and that link appears to be set to 100%. That link (per your later description) is the one that determines the 100% or 40%, not anything else in the other scene. If I'm understanding correctly, of course.


As a different solution (though will have a similar issue), is there some reason not to make the KPL-A part of the other scene? Or do you want it to only control one of the lights in that other scene, not the whole scene?

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There'snothing wrong with the way you have this setup. Did you try starting over as I suggested yet? Remove the KPL and SWL from Scene A, delete Scene A, create Scene A, add the KPL to Scene A again as Controller and the SWL as the responder.


By the way, keep in mind that setting this up as you have will leave the other two SWL's "out of sync" whenever you turn on the foyer light with the KPL button....I assume this is your intention?





Here is how I have this set up:


Keypad Linc


Scene A


Button A ( No load connected ) Contoller


SWL ( Foyer Light ) Responder



Different Scene


Foyer light set up in a virtual 4 way set up.


SWL ( Foyer Light ) Contoller


SWL Conroller


SWL Controller




Button A of the problem Keypad linc is not part of the Virtual 4 Way.


I hope this is clearer.





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There'snothing wrong with the way you have this setup.
ulrick, FTR, I don't see anything wrong with the setup - and I am trying to gently echo your second statement:
By the way' date=' keep in mind that setting this up as you have will leave the other two SWL's "out of sync" whenever you turn on the foyer light with the KPL button....I assume this is your intention?[/quote']


I'm trying to read between the lines in the initial post, which makes me suspect that Michaelv is hoping the KPL button will control an entire "scene" as it is previously / currently programmed by "linking" to a device in the scene or something like that. I see three ways to do that: 1) make the KPL-A part of the other scene; 2) make KPL-A control it's own scene and set the levels of the responding device (or devices - to clarify) with KPL-A as the controller; 3) make KPL-A trigger a program to run the initial scene.


As a new ISY user but fairly experienced HA and Insteon user, I'm trying to echo some of the things that are easily misconstrued between Insteon "groups" / ISY "scenes" and other HA "scenes" such as HS or others.


In the end, I suspect all follow-up posts are saying the same things... which may not all be relevant since I suspect the KPL and SWLs are doing exactly what they're programmed to do.

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I'm not sure what you are talking about greg...I understood your post fully, I just think that what he has is option #2 that you listed in your post.


Based on what he has said, and shown in the list he does have two scenes created:


Scene A has 'Foyer Light' as the responder and KPL button A as the controller. He has set the sliders as he is supposed to (according to his first post) and it will not change the ramp rate.


The other scene (which I will call Scene B) is a 4-way setup, standard stuff and works fine...he gets the proper ramp rate he wants....which also tells me he has done it correctly for that scene, so I assume he does the same for Scene A...which does not work as it should.


Now that we have all fully confused all of ourselves... If I had to start over, I would go with Rand's recommendation: Reboot the devices. If that doesnt work, go with my suggestion and delete Scene A and recreate it.





There'snothing wrong with the way you have this setup.
ulrick, FTR, I don't see anything wrong with the setup - and I am trying to gently echo your second statement:
By the way' date=' keep in mind that setting this up as you have will leave the other two SWL's "out of sync" whenever you turn on the foyer light with the KPL button....I assume this is your intention?[/quote']


I'm trying to read between the lines in the initial post, which makes me suspect that Michaelv is hoping the KPL button will control an entire "scene" as it is previously / currently programmed by "linking" to a device in the scene or something like that. I see three ways to do that: 1) make the KPL-A part of the other scene; 2) make KPL-A control it's own scene and set the levels of the responding device (or devices - to clarify) with KPL-A as the controller; 3) make KPL-A trigger a program to run the initial scene.


As a new ISY user but fairly experienced HA and Insteon user, I'm trying to echo some of the things that are easily misconstrued between Insteon "groups" / ISY "scenes" and other HA "scenes" such as HS or others.


In the end, I suspect all follow-up posts are saying the same things... which may not all be relevant since I suspect the KPL and SWLs are doing exactly what they're programmed to do.

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