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Insteon Dimmer Micro Module 2442-222, scene change fail

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I recently installed the Insteon Dimmer Micro Module behind a latch switch in the master bath.  Regardless how it's programmed in the ISY, it refuses to alter scenes per schedule.  I can "manually" adjust it, but scenes fail to work.


I've attached a photo of the module install and settings... I have even split the scene to see if that'd work and it didn't.





    From    Sunrise +1 second

    To        12:29:59AM (next day)



    In Scene 'Interior / Master Bedroom' Set 'Master Bath Light' 100% (On Level)

    In Scene 'Interior / Master Bedroom' Set 'Master Bath Light' 0.1 Sec (Ramp Rate)



    -  No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')






    From    12:30:00AM

    To        Sunrise (same day)



    In Scene 'Interior / Master Bedroom' Set 'Master Bath Light' 30% (On Level)

    In Scene 'Interior / Master Bedroom' Set 'Master Bath Light' 4.5 Sec (Ramp Rate)



    -  No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


 Even running them manually... as in "Run (Then)", does not alter the scene.  


Here is last nights log... you can see the scene was never set.

Master Bath Light Status 0% Tue 2016/08/02 11:47:25 PM System Log
Master Bath Light Status 100% Tue 2016/08/02 11:50:56 PM System Log
Master Bath Light Status 0% Tue 2016/08/02 11:52:55 PM System Log
Den Sofa Lamp Off 0 Wed 2016/08/03 12:15:00 AM Program Log
Den Sofa Lamp Status 0% Wed 2016/08/03 12:15:01 AM System Log
Scene:Exterior / Exterior Front Off 0 Wed 2016/08/03 06:15:13 AM Program Log
Front Ext Light Status 0% Wed 2016/08/03 06:15:13 AM System Log
*the error log didn't have anything either.


Anyone know what I am doing wrong?


I'm running the ISY 994i (1120) with firmware v.4.5.1 (2016-06-15-14:08:09)



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Apparently the scene is changing but the actual device is not picking up on the scene change which is really weird.  When I Run (Then), the scene says~ MBR Bath Light 40% ramp 4.5sec, yet selecting the device within the scene says~ MBR Bath Light 100% ramp 0.1sec


New scene attached.


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By default, scenes do not request an acknowledgement from the controlled device, which would explain the behavior if the signal didn't get through. This sounds a lot like a signal problem.


Have you bridged both legs of your power system, by having a dual band device on each leg and run the dual band procedure to validate that's the case? (The PLM would be one of those 2 devices). Dual band modules stuffed in box with wire and metal switches don't always get the best range. If the devices being controlled are on the other leg than the micromodule, that would explain it. The procedure is on page 22 of the manual



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What else is in the 'Interior / Master Bedroom' scene other than 'Master Bath Light'?


You may also have to adjust the device local on level - as well as the scene member on level. I'm not sure about these devices, but Switchlincs need both adjusting - otherwise local control wouldn't follow the rule.

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@Paul - Page 22 refers to testing the RF quality; however, this should be using power-line only.  I know I can interact with the micro module since I can manually adjust it via the ISY admin console.  Therefore, I would think program updates should work just fine, but no.   I do have a LampLinc device in the same area; although, imbedded behind a wall and it does appear to be fine.  I hope I understood where you were going with this discussion point?


@MWareman - I do have one other device in the "Interior / Master Bedroom" scene, but it was only recently added and control of that device (LampLinc) appears to be okay.

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I think this micro-modules is RF only...


Wrong. The Micro Modules are dual-band devices. However, the test for phase-coupling (that's phase, not phases, the electric supply is single-phase) is RF only.

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@Paul -  I hope I understood where you were going with this discussion point?




That't the next best thing to try. Note that sometimes the place you want to plug it in is not the place it works best... lots of experimentation.  You want it to

  1. Be in an outlet closer to the panel so its powerline signal travels out through the wiring, sort of a master antenna system
  2. Be out in the open enough and centrally located enough so that the rf works

Those 2 things are normally in direct competition which each other.. The point is you may want to take some time and experiment to find the right home for the extender. Once you find it, you should be good. FWIW, I have one of these 



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I believe my program is adjusting the controller; I have attached a screenshot below to confirm.


Once the expander shows up, I will give this all another testing.  Perhaps I'm not implementing the device correctly; anythings possible.




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I believe my program is adjusting the controller; I have attached a screenshot below to confirm.


Once the expander shows up, I will give this all another testing. Perhaps I'm not implementing the device correctly; anythings possible.



Each of your 'Then' and 'else' blocks should have 4 lines... Two to adjust the controller within the scene (which you already have), the other two to adjust the native device (outside of the scene).
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Thanks, I was trying to follow Chris Jhan's post here: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/1305-some-detailed-how-tos/


The on level/ramp rates of devices within scenes may be adjusted using programs. This is useful in cases where you want a light to be at 100% when switched on during the day and evening, but at late night you would want it to come on at 25%.



Unlike using a program to test for a button press and then turn the light on to a certain level, the actual link within the device is updated.

The main advantage to this approach is that the ISY is not in the loop when you turn the scene on or off, and therefore there is no delay.


How to use it


1. Select Adjust Scene in the dropdown for an Action.

2. Select either the Master Scene, or a controller within that scene.

3. Select the responder in the scene

4. Select the new on level or ramp rate (you can find ramp rates at the end of the drop down list).




Isy Scene:

. Bathroom (Master Scene)

. - Bathroom Switch (SwitchLinc Controller)

. - Bathroom Light (LampLinc Responder)


This changes the on level of 'Bathroom Light' to 25% at late night, and 100% at all other times when switched on using 'Bathroom Switch'. It also adjusts the ramp rate.



        From    11:30:00PM

        To      Sunrise -  2 hours (next day)



        In Scene 'Bathroom switch' Set 'Bathroom Light' 25% (On Level)

        In Scene 'Bathroom switch' Set 'Bathroom Light' 4.5 Sec (Ramp Rate)



        In Scene 'Bathroom switch' Set 'Bathroom Light' 100% (On Level)

        In Scene 'Bathroom switch' Set 'Bathroom Light' 0.3 Sec (Ramp Rate)

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The example is missing an element...


This is my closet light dimming program:

Dim at night - [ID 0055][Parent 0054]

        From    10:00:00PM
        To       6:30:00AM (next day)
        In Scene 'Upstairs / SC - Master Bathroom Light' Set 'Upstairs / Master Bathroom / Master Bath Light' 49% (On Level)
        In Scene 'Upstairs / Master Bathroom / Master Bath Light' Set 'Upstairs / Master Bathroom / Master Bath Light' 49% (On Level)
        In Scene 'Upstairs / SC - Master Bathroom Light' Set 'Upstairs / Master Bathroom / Master Bath Light' 100% (On Level)
        In Scene 'Upstairs / Master Bathroom / Master Bath Light' Set 'Upstairs / Master Bathroom / Master Bath Light' 100% (On Level)

'Upstairs / SC - Master Bathroom Light' is the scene...

'Upstairs / Master Bathroom / Master Bath Light' is the switch..... (the program identifies it as a scene - it's not!)


Both must be adjusted to the needed on level....  In my case, I'm not adjusting ramp rate. You'll need to adjust ramp rate for both as well....


In the program above - only control thru the scene is adjusted. Control from the switch will stay the same.



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@MWareman - What trick should I use to put in the second command if it's not a scene?  It sounds like I need...



  In Scene 'Interior / Master Bedroom' Set 'MBR Bath Light' 40% (On Level)

  In Scene 'MBR Bath Light' Set 'MBR Bath Light' 40% (On Level)  <-----

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@MWareman - What trick should I use to put in the second command if it's not a scene? It sounds like I need...



In Scene 'Interior / Master Bedroom' Set 'MBR Bath Light' 40% (On Level)

In Scene 'MBR Bath Light' Set 'MBR Bath Light' 40% (On Level) <-----

Yep, that's it.


In the 'On Scene' select box your scenes are listed with your devices. Select the device. Then for 'Set' the device is listed again. Select it.



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Sorry - typo...


'Action' 'Adjust Scene'

'In Scene' <select the scene>

'Set' <select the device>

<desired level>


'Action' 'Adjust Scene'

'In Scene' <select the device>

'Set' <select the device>

<desired level>

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Additional clarity...


Setting the device on level within the scene:



Setting the device local on level:



You need to do both for the on level to be adjusted no matter how you turn the light on.



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