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insteon motion sensor and status of what it controls


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I have my insteon motion sensor connected to three lightswitches in my home gym and when it works fine. I use have used the ISY to adjust the off-time successfully.


Here is where the problem is: when I use the motion sensor to turn on the lights, the ISY still reads the status of the lights as "off".

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You may have a bug or a failure to communicate between the motion and the ISY, as my config with a simliar lay-out works well. Just double-checked: ISY shows on and off correctly.


One difference in mine just occurred to me: I have a single switch controlled... and there are posts of some weirdness with multi-link controls on recent switches. But it seems that would be a problem even if you switched one of them one (the others would probably still exhibit the problem, I'd think), so you may be looking at bug or communication issue.

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what steps could you recommend to try to diagnosis/fix it?


I assume you set up the scene in ISY and didn't manually link the lights to the motion sensor, right?


If so, I would simply delete the scene and recreate it.

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yes, I set up the scene in the ISY.


I tried to delete the scene and here is what happened.


The dialog box came up that says "system busy". I put the motion sensor in programming mode.


then another box came up that said "request failed".


the "system busy" box remains up and when it gets to 99% it starts over at 0% and counts up from there. It has been doing this for at least 30 minutes now. I tried exiting the console and logging back in and it is still there.


Is this a 2.6.13 bug? How do I stop it? unplug the PLM or unplug the ISY from the PLM?

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Is there a keypadlinc in this scene, or just switchlincs? The reason I ask is because depending on many factors, it could take a while to complete. Whenever this happens to me, I leave it along at system busy until it completes...it always does for me and has sometimes taken 20 minutes or more when a Keypadlinc is in the picture that has a lot of links in it.



yes, I set up the scene in the ISY.


I tried to delete the scene and here is what happened.


The dialog box came up that says "system busy". I put the motion sensor in programming mode.


then another box came up that said "request failed".


the "system busy" box remains up and when it gets to 99% it starts over at 0% and counts up from there. It has been doing this for at least 30 minutes now. I tried exiting the console and logging back in and it is still there.


Is this a 2.6.13 bug? How do I stop it? unplug the PLM or unplug the ISY from the PLM?

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okay, I got it working.


It must have taken a couple of hours for the "system busy" dialog box to go away. Instead of deleting the scene, I tried deleting each light from the scene and then deleting the scene. This worked.


Then I made a new scene and tried adding four lights to it at the same time and it didn't work. Then I tried adding the lights one at a time, then the motion sensor. NOW IT WORKS! When the motion sensor turns them on, the status reads on the ISY as ON and vice versa.


I now can use the program that says When the "gym motion sensor" is switched off, wait five minutes and then turn the treadmill off. This was done so as to avoid having the treadmill turn off while I was using it. (the lights going off is a 5 minute warning that the treadmill will turn off.)

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Clever usage!


FTR, "defaulting" an Insteon switch refers to pulling the "air gap" thingy at the bottom of the switch OUT for a few seconds, then pushing it in for a few seconds. This "factory defaults" the switch, clearing its settings and links. I've had a few times this was the best and easiest (and only?) way to fix weirdness.

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I apologize I did not go into detail when I said delete the scene. I always delete each device from the scene first, then delete the scene....I should have told you that.


Seems like you shouldn't have to do that, but when I tried deleting a scene directly I had problems.


Glad you got it working though... I admit, I have NEVER seen it take that long to complete before! :shock:


okay, I got it working.


It must have taken a couple of hours for the "system busy" dialog box to go away. Instead of deleting the scene, I tried deleting each light from the scene and then deleting the scene. This worked.


Then I made a new scene and tried adding four lights to it at the same time and it didn't work. Then I tried adding the lights one at a time, then the motion sensor. NOW IT WORKS! When the motion sensor turns them on, the status reads on the ISY as ON and vice versa.


I now can use the program that says When the "gym motion sensor" is switched off, wait five minutes and then turn the treadmill off. This was done so as to avoid having the treadmill turn off while I was using it. (the lights going off is a 5 minute warning that the treadmill will turn off.)

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Hi Robert,


Motion Sensors and thermostats do NOT work in i1 mode. Based on information from SH, we are going to make the default i1 except for motion sensors and thermostats. As such, please do be kind enough to wait for our next drop (in a few days).


With kind regards,



Hi all I always have to delete each item in each scene then the scene anyother way it fails the same with adding if I add to many to a new scene it also fails......just abox with err in it very frustrating ver 2.6.13 in i1 mode



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Hi Steve,


No Motion Sensor work in i1 mode. Well, let me rephrase: although they do NOT complain, but nothing gets written into their databases. So, the only reason that your solution works is because the RESPONDERS are being programmed. In short, there are no master links in your motions sensors. This explains why you were experiencing the other issue with your bathroom light.


So, please try the following before considering RMA:

1. Factory Reset your Motion Sensor

2. Wait 5 minutes

3. Retry


With kind regards,





I have two of 7 or 8 motion sensors that only are able to be programmed in i1 mode. If I try auto I get request failed. i1 allows it to be programmed. I use i1 to program then switch to i2. Is this ok or is another RMA in order fr defective devices?!

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Michel just a fyi and thought when you are working with a remotelink if you have a number of links the remotelink it will time out and cause a err in your program if you adding or updateing or restoring ....could you make a warning come up requsting you to put the remotelink back in link mode thus avoiding your program to fail and pickup where it lost touch with the remotelink....kinda leaves a mess of things....Thank you





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Hi Robert,


In the next release we are going to revert to i1 for RemoteLincs and, as such, you are no longer going to experience this problem. I do apologize for the inconvenience.


With kind regards,





Michel just a fyi and thought when you are working with a remotelink if you have a number of links the remotelink it will time out and cause a err in your program if you adding or updateing or restoring ....could you make a warning come up requsting you to put the remotelink back in link mode thus avoiding your program to fail and pickup where it lost touch with the remotelink....kinda leaves a mess of things....Thank you





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Hi Steve,


No Motion Sensor work in i1 mode. Well, let me rephrase: although they do NOT complain, but nothing gets written into their databases. So, the only reason that your solution works is because the RESPONDERS are being programmed. In short, there are no master links in your motions sensors. This explains why you were experiencing the other issue with your bathroom light.


So, please try the following before considering RMA:

1. Factory Reset your Motion Sensor

2. Wait 5 minutes

3. Retry


With kind regards,





I have two of 7 or 8 motion sensors that only are able to be programmed in i1 mode. If I try auto I get request failed. i1 allows it to be programmed. I use i1 to program then switch to i2. Is this ok or is another RMA in order fr defective devices?!




I tried as suggested. Some devices use engine i1 and do finish restoring. I check and found links in the device tables. I tried again 4 times with another Version 1.0 and it says using i2 but I always get writing links failed. I haven't checked all of them but I have version 1.0B on some. I'm wondering if the version difference have something to do with this.

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Hi Steve,


Wow. Please do NOT tell me this!!! You are saying that you have some motion sensors that actually let you program them in i1 and then read the database links in i1? This will be unprecedented and something that I had received assurances for its impossibility.


Are any of these Beta units?


With kind regards,



Hi Steve,


No Motion Sensor work in i1 mode. Well, let me rephrase: although they do NOT complain, but nothing gets written into their databases. So, the only reason that your solution works is because the RESPONDERS are being programmed. In short, there are no master links in your motions sensors. This explains why you were experiencing the other issue with your bathroom light.


So, please try the following before considering RMA:

1. Factory Reset your Motion Sensor

2. Wait 5 minutes

3. Retry


With kind regards,





I have two of 7 or 8 motion sensors that only are able to be programmed in i1 mode. If I try auto I get request failed. i1 allows it to be programmed. I use i1 to program then switch to i2. Is this ok or is another RMA in order fr defective devices?!




I tried as suggested. Some devices use engine i1 and do finish restoring. I check and found links in the device tables. I tried again 4 times with another Version 1.0 and it says using i2 but I always get writing links failed. I haven't checked all of them but I have version 1.0B on some. I'm wondering if the version difference have something to do with this.

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Umm I don't want to tell you but.


OK Let me explain further. When looking at the event viewer level 2, and using Auto Mode, I try and restore some of the sensors. I will get messages stating failed to get engine version, using i1 mode. I can see links being written.


On another unit the 1.0B I try the same. Event viewer says using engine i2 but it always fails. Says writing links failed.


I then use i1 mode and am able to restore the unit. If I then check the device link table I can see that links were written.


I don't think these are beta, I've only checked two of them, one is version 1.0 the other 1.0B.


I won't be home today but maybe later tonight you can log in while I'm here to check it out. If you'd like to login while I'm not at home I set the username and password to the same as before, if you still have it.

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Hi Steve,


I would love to do that and thanks so very much. The only problem is that the motion sensors should be put in programming mode other wise we cannot communicate with them. If possible, would you just capture the Event Log for the ones that do support i1 and then the Device Link Table (not ISY Link Table) for each. I would sincerely appreciate it.


With kind regards,



Umm I don't want to tell you but.


OK Let me explain further. When looking at the event viewer level 2, and using Auto Mode, I try and restore some of the sensors. I will get messages stating failed to get engine version, using i1 mode. I can see links being written.


On another unit the 1.0B I try the same. Event viewer says using engine i2 but it always fails. Says writing links failed.


I then use i1 mode and am able to restore the unit. If I then check the device link table I can see that links were written.


I don't think these are beta, I've only checked two of them, one is version 1.0 the other 1.0B.


I won't be home today but maybe later tonight you can log in while I'm here to check it out. If you'd like to login while I'm not at home I set the username and password to the same as before, if you still have it.

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