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PLM Replacement


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I have an ISY994i/IR Pro that I've been using for several years, but my PLM just died and I'm very confused about the exact procedure to replace it. Do I need to perform the "Delete Modem (PLM)" steps before I perform the "Restore Modem (PLM)" steps? Is there a place I can find all of the steps I need to perform listed in the exact order I need to perform them? This whole procedure is very confusing and I would appreciate any help you can offer me.



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Thanks for your quick response. After running the Replace Modem steps, would you recommend following the steps to Restore Devices? I have several devices that are problematic and I was wondering if this step might clear up those issues.



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Yep, just for the ones that have unusual behavior or a 0101 icon next to is. I've had a few do to when I've swapped PLMs. 


In rare cases, airgapping a switch or even factory resets have been needed... again, only for those where the procedure didn't work.



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I replaced the PLM following your instructions and everything worked well except for my RemoteLinc and RemoteLinc 2 devices.  Even after performing Restore Device these devices still have the 0101 icon next to them.  Would you recommend a factory reset on these devices or is there a unique procedure for RemoteLinc and RemoteLinc 2 devices? 

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Did you wake them up before trying the restore?

One thing we have found out. The 2413S PLM may not restore the old 2440 RemoteLinc if it is close to it.

Move the 2440 Remotelinc as far away from the 2413S as you can. So another Dual Band device is processing the RF to and from the 2440  RemoteLinc and is sending the commands over the power lines to the 2413S.


I had to move mine to the other end of the house. Where an Access Point handled the RF to and from the 2440 RemoteLinc.

Mine failed completely when next to the 2413S PLM.

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I was able to restore the two RemoteLinc 2 devices but regardless of where I was in my house, I was not able to restore the two RemoteLinc devices successfully. They still have the green 0101 icon next to them. One thing I noticed that was odd was when I did a Restore Device to one of my RL devices, I saw on the admin console that it showed Writing to Device on the other RL device, and then later it showed Writing to Device for the RL device I had selected. I wouldn't have expected this behavior. Shouldn't it just write to the RL device I had selected? Do you have any other ideas?

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I'm still having problems with my RemoteLinc devices. Right now, the only buttons that are working are the All ON and All OFF buttons. The other buttons no longer control the lights they were controlling before. Any ideas on what to try next?


Have you performed a *Restore Device* on the Remote Linc?

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Yes, I perform a "Restore Device", followed by "Write Updates to Device". I can't get rid of the green 0101 icons, and now the individual buttons don't work either.


If the green 0101 continue to appear you need to move that remote as far as possible from the PLM. This strange behavior has been seen and noted many times here in the forums. Unfortunately, no one can define what *Far* is because each Insteon network and environment is different and unique.


Some users have literally went outside to the garage to make the remote link and update. 


NOTE: Some have also tried a hard reset of the unit - followed by the restore which proved helpful.

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Hi -


I have a related question with my RemoteLinc...


My PLM failed and I replaced it per the online instructions. After that I did a write update for those devices with a 0101 icon. I had problems with my RemoteLinc and so moved it far away from the ISY to do the following:


I did a restore device it and then performed a write updates.

It failed with the following:  Thu 09/29/2016 06:30:33 PM : [14 A 67 1   ] Link    2 : 0FE8 [E2014103FA000001] *Failed Writing [E2014103FA000001]

14 A 67 is my RemoteLinc.


So then did a hard reset followed by a restore device and a write updates.

It failed with the following:  Thu 09/29/2016 06:37:27 PM : [14 A 67 1   ] Link    0 : 0FF8 [E201145C57FF1F01] *Failed Writing [E201145C57FF1F01]


Before my PLM failed this remote was working.


Why is it failing to write to my RemoteLink?





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Did you put the device into the linking mode before you tried the RESTORE DEVICE and WRITE UPDATES TO DEVICE

Yes I did.



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Did you put the device into the linking mode before you tried the RESTORE DEVICE and WRITE UPDATES TO DEVICE

Yes I did.



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Is the RemoteLinc a 2440?




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Is a common issue with the 2440 RemoteLinc and the latest 2413S PLM's.

Try getting it as far away from the PLM as possible.

So it has to go through a different Dual Band Module and can't use RF directly to the PLM.

That is how I had to do mine. At the other end of the house. So the PLM was using a power line signal to the far away Dual Band Module and it did the RF communications to the 2440 in the linking mode.

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Is a common issue with the 2440 RemoteLinc and the latest 2413S PLM's.

Try getting it as far away from the PLM as possible.

So it has to go through a different Dual Band Module and can't use RF directly to the PLM.

That is how I had to do mine. At the other end of the house. So the PLM was using a power line signal to the far away Dual Band Module and it did the RF communications to the 2440 in the linking mode.


I had this as far away as possible (70-80 feet in a lower level garage with a wall and a floor between it and the ISY). I saw in the event viewer that doing this allowed the process to get further along however I always get the "unable to write" message.


As an aside....Is the goal to have communications be through the power line or through the RF communication?



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The 2440 is a RF device and hence requires another dual band RF device to communicate with. Since you noted you were able to get further along in the adding process. I would humbly suggest you do some basics first regardless of (IF) it was done before.


1. Ensure the batteries are fresh and proper voltage: Measure them!

2. Hard reset the 2440 once again even if you have to do several times to confirm.

3. If you have to be outside as silly as that may sound do so.

4. You will more than likely find out you have no problems direct linking the remote to something else. This at least confirms the remote is still fully operational etc.

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I am having similar problems but I think I have messed things up much more, trying to figure this stuff out. I have a moderately complex set up and I am hoping not to start over from scratch. I have plugged my way through many of the helpful posts and how-to's but am still stuck. So either I have pooched things up severely or I am missing something in the various steps and permutations. 


Symptoms: some of the lighting/switch combos are still working fine (those that do not need a Scene or Program, eg. switch pairs etc). But I have been unable to restore my more complex settings. 


Longer description of what I have tried: initially, I thought it was the ISY994 that was on the fritz. I did not catch the importance of the PLM in my brief readings of the forum (stupid me!). Replaced the ISY and tried to restore settings etc before I realized that it was the PLM that was the culprit. I then replaced the PLM, but again stupidly did not follow the proper steps (thought it was just plug/play/swap) so in reconfiguring the ISY, I think I now have a godawful mix of settings between old and new PLM parameters. And of course, the ISY Backup from 2 years ago when all was working swimmingly died on the hard drive 6 months ago. Sigh. 


So currently, after much messing around, with a much more careful read of the various tips, I am still stuck. In the Main tab on the Admin Console, most of the device names are there, some accurately report current device status but most do not; a few will allow simple commands such as 'Fast On' but most will not. And still none of the Scenes or Programs work.


I have tried Restore Modem; Restore Backup; swapping the two ISY controllers and more Restores; and various permutations on reset/reboot order.


So, if I understand correctly (and that is a big and doubtful IF), I think that my current config may have a mix of settings. But if it was just mixed PLM settings, Restore Modem should fix that. 


Since there are lots of devices on the home network, I would rather not start over from scratch. Since most of the basic switch parings still work correctly, I am hoping to be able to read from them back into the ISY configuration. Ideally, I would like to keep the Programs and Scenes or be able to restore them somehow. 


Hopefully, one of you can suggest a less painful way for me to restore a rather messed up system. If anyone needs an incentive to provide a helpful fix, from what I am reading in the earlier posts above, I am happy to send them my old dysfunctional 2413S, as it probably just needs new capacitors. 

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Hi topps,


I am so very sorry to hear. What you need to do is to find a good backup from before any of these things happening. Once you find a good backup, please restore and then follow these instructions:



With kind regards,


And, yes, as mentioned above, therein lies part of the problem. No backup available from when all was working. (That's the trouble when all was working fine with no changes. You forget to make a new backup.)


Would it be possible to edit the recent backup files to remove the pointers that hook back to the previous PLM? That's the only way I can think of to retain the Scene and switch settings, if I am correct in thinking that the ISY is getting confused about the new and the old PLM. 

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Sounds to me like your starting from scratch, mostly.


You can export your entire set of programs and import them back.  But as far as scenes, you can't do that.  When you import the programs, I think it will drop the same devices back into each program, but I'm not 100% on that.  I've never exported and then imported back into my own system.  When I import someone else's programs, I have to go through and specify all the devices, but of course you would expect that.


If you take some screen shots of your scenes and folder architecture, it probably won't take that long to rebuild, especially if you have the pro-isy model where you can delay the write.  And if your going to the trouble, you should factory reset all your devices and truly have a clean start.  


THEN MAKE A BACKUP AND SAVE IT IN 2 PLACES!!!!  put it on google drive or something.

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