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iPhone interface?

Reef Tank

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I'd like to be able to use my iPhone to control my new ISY, but constantly zooming in on the existing html text interface is kind of a pain. I see references to a native App on this forum. Is there such a thing, or is there an easier way to do via the iPhone browser?


Thanks in advance,



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One of the forum members was developing an app that never got out of beta. My understanding is that he has gone on hiatus due to health problems. I, too, am hoping someone will pick up the reins and develop a native app. For now, I'm zooming just like you.


I'd like to be able to use my iPhone to control my new ISY, but constantly zooming in on the existing html text interface is kind of a pain. I see references to a native App on this forum. Is there such a thing, or is there an easier way to do via the iPhone browser?


Thanks in advance,



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