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Still trying to get ISY-Insteon reliability...*sigh*

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So i just finished replacing a houseload of SWLs (joy joy). I reset my ISY99 and my PLM. I have two SignalLinkRFs (not AccessPoints) each on a dedicated outlet near the breaker panel on separate legs.


I manually added all my devices to the ISY using the run around method. ALL OF THEM were immediately found by the PLM/ISY. So i went thru naming them all instead of using their hex addresses.


Unfortunately i am having trouble with a handful of the brand new SWL losing connection to/from the PLM/ISY!!!! I am starting to hate this but hope there is a solution.


Heres an example of 1 SWL problem. I start the console and it tells me 'cannot communicate with SWL porch". So i try restoring the device...Here is the log:


2009/01/15 08:45:24 : [out_front_porch] Using engine version i1


2009/01/15 08:45:24 : [out_front_porch] Using engine version i1


2009/01/15 08:45:24 : [ E F2 5A 1] Restoring Device 'out_front_porch'


2009/01/15 08:45:24 : [ E F2 5A 1] - Writing 1 links


2009/01/15 08:45:24 : [out_front_porch] Making PLM group 0 a Controller


2009/01/15 08:45:24 : [MNG-LNK-RSP ] 02 6F 40 E2 00 0E F2 5A 01 01 35 15


2009/01/15 08:45:24 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0E.F2.5A 0F 28 0F 06 SET-MSB(0F)


2009/01/15 08:45:33 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0E.F2.5A 0F 28 0F 06 SET-MSB(0F)


2009/01/15 08:45:36 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0E.F2.5A 0D.FF.2C 23 28 0F SET-MSB(0F)


2009/01/15 08:45:36 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0E.F2.5A 0F 2B F8 06 PEEK (F8)


2009/01/15 08:45:45 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0E.F2.5A 0F 28 0F 06 SET-MSB(0F)


2009/01/15 08:45:49 : [ E F2 5A 1] 0 - Writing links FAILED


Or for another problematic device:


2009/01/15 08:48:17 : [ E 47 83 1] Restoring Device '1st_kitchen_cabs'


2009/01/15 08:48:17 : [ E 47 83 1] - Writing 2 links


2009/01/15 08:48:17 : [1st_kitchen_cabs] Making PLM group 0 a Controller


2009/01/15 08:48:39 : [ E 47 83 1] 0 - Writing links FAILED



Im pretty much running out of ideas. I would love to solve this problem so i do not feel like such an insteon sucker. Any advice....


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Some devices get the ISY popup that says "Cannot Communicate with Device-check connections" but the device continues to operate via the ISY/PLM? So i am wondering if maybe alot of my woes here are really with the ISY and not the SWLs?


Most of these issues seem 'ghostlike'. That is, they are sporadic. Sometimes restore device works and sometimes it does nothing and gets a 'request failed" error. The issues seem to be with 5-6 of my 20 SWLs right now.


I will move some SWLs around and see if the communication issues are with those specific SWLs or just with those wired lights. THIS SUCKS!


I will try anything now so please fire away with suggestions :) Thank you!

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My understanding is that the older SignalLincs DO NOT communicate i2 commands. If this is correct, the SignalLincs may be bridging your i1 commands but not your i2 commands.


If you haven't, you could try setting the ISY to i1 only mode:




- choose I1 ONLY


You might want to consider upgrading to AccessPoints.

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The SignaLinc RFs will not pass the Insteon I2 Extended commands to the other phase. If there is enough signal to get to the device on the other phase. It could still be accessed. I have also found that One Access Point for my RemoteLincs and a cheap X10 passive coupler. Work better for me than two Access Points and my new I2 ApplianceLincs. :(

I personally think the Access Poits are choking on the added data I2 uses.

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I did try i1 commands but that didn't seem to help. I have it on Auto now. Here is what am trying now...


A handful of SWLs seem to have very sporadic response to the ISY/PLM. So i replaced them with some extra older SWL i have lying around and some of them seem to work better with the ISY/PLM. So its possible that a few of my new SWL have PLM/ISY connection issues.


Whats the best way to check if all the devices are communicating well with the ISY/PLM? I right click MYLighting in the console and then QUERY. Then, during the query, i get random SWL that 'cannot communicate'. These are all v35 dimmers now. The restore device works sometimes but not all.

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Thanks to all on this helpful forum. Again, i LOVE the ISY device.


Can anyone else comment on whether i really NEED access points instead of old SignallincRFs? I was understanding that the main difference is that the APs allow for things like the remotelinc to work (i do no have a remotelinc).


I primarily use a handheld X10 powerhouse controller to control insteon SWL using x10. I am also trying to get the ISY/PLM/Medialobby combo working reliably for touchscreen use. And this is going very well especially if i get a few problematic devices rectified. I also just installed 2 KPL to see how they work.


I really don't want to spend the $ on 2 AP's unless there is good reason. I generally have about 25 of 30 insteon devices communicating reliably in my current setup. My efforts now are for the final few SWLs.


So my dilemma is: will replacing (or adding) two APs help to fix my final issues? OR will they have no effect at all, or even worse, create MORE problems!!! Calgon take me awayyyyyyyy.

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Can anyone else comment on whether i really NEED access points instead of old SignallincRFs? I was understanding that the main difference is that the APs allow for things like the remotelinc to work (i do no have a remotelinc).


As Brian confirmed above, the older SignalLincs will NOT pass I2 commands between the legs of power in your home. This will severely limit or stop the ability of Insteon I2 commands to be sent back and forth between your power legs. If you have I2 capable devices, you will mroe than likely have issues unless you choose the ISY's 'I1 only' mode.


I can't say for sure if the AccessPoints would solve all your problems, but I can tell you that your existing setup will definitely cause you problems if you don't use 'I1 only' mode.

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