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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×

Has there been any interest in getting rid of the Java app?


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I've brought this up before, but I'm afraid if this isn't addressed it's going to spell trouble for the ISY over other hubs with slicker interfaces.  


The interface is becoming quickly dated.  It relies on outdated JAVA gui controls.  I've noticed it is no longer supported in Chrome.  And what makes it almost impossible for me to use is that all of my machines are using high DPI monitors.  The text is so tiny it's hard to do anything.  Also, it's slow.  I'm taking a guess here but I think the business logic seems embedded in the app, instead of residing on the ISY.


There is a ton of competition for hubs.


HTML5 has been talked about for quite some time but there is no firm ETA as to its deployment. One would have to assume this effort is being worked on in parallel with the 5.XX platform which is supposed to go into Beta in the new year.


I've brought this up before, but I'm afraid if this isn't addressed it's going to spell trouble for the ISY over other hubs with slicker interfaces.  


The interface is becoming quickly dated.  It relies on outdated JAVA gui controls.  I've noticed it is no longer supported in Chrome.  And what makes it almost impossible for me to use is that all of my machines are using high DPI monitors.  The text is so tiny it's hard to do anything.  Also, it's slow.  I'm taking a guess here but I think the business logic seems embedded in the app, instead of residing on the ISY.


There is a ton of competition for hubs.

Change the font size larger on the admin console with versions 4.4+ and v5.x.


If people would refuse to use 1980 style browsers, maybe Chrome would come up to meet accepted norms for Internet browsing. Instead android wants the whole world to revolve around their new ideas. Add new features, don't take out popular and currently used ideas making half the web not available. Constant hate mongering, with their cheap attacks on other manufacturers,  gets tiriing.



Having said that my ISY admin console just froze again as it constantly does with newer versions of java. Then you get an automatic login box sometimes but after half of the admin console doesn't work now.


I'll let you decide which half doesn't work. I am never sure, and I hate to have to wait another 7-10 minutes to get the admin console to a functioning level again while java chugs along reloading everything.


Adding fuel to the fire...


MS is following Chrome with the Edge browser (also doesn't support plugins), only IE10 remains.


From day one I've found it better to run the AC java app right off the desktop. I have an icon for it on the task bar of the systems that I use, a browser or internet activity each time is not required or desired for me.


From day one I've found it better to run the AC java app right off the desktop. I have an icon for it on the task bar of the systems that I use, a browser or internet activity each time is not required or desired for me.


For the average user the method you describe is the best option for the best performance and direct access to the Admin Console. Unfortunately many of those in a Enterprise environment are limited to what can be installed, downloaded, and run on the local computer system.


The use of web based java plugins was that compromise to gain access to the Admin Console.


Perhaps 2017 will show case a sneak peek of HTML5 in Beta 5.XX?!? 


For the average user the method you describe is the best option for the best performance and direct access to the Admin Console. Unfortunately many of those in a Enterprise environment are limited to what can be installed, downloaded, and run on the local computer system.


The use of web based java plugins was that compromise to gain access to the Admin Console.


Perhaps 2017 will show case a sneak peek of HTML5 in Beta 5.XX?!? 


Yeh, my firm blocked browser access before making it impossible to launch the java app. I've used a surface as my personal device for a while now, didn't think of that.


From day one I've found it better to run the AC java app right off the desktop. I have an icon for it on the task bar of the systems that I use, a browser or internet activity each time is not required or desired for me.

Is there a Java that will even load, run, or even available for Android os?


sent from a really small mobile keyboard, so may be a short response.

Adding fuel to the fire...


MS is following Chrome with the Edge browser (also doesn't support plugins), only IE10 remains.

And IE 11.


sent from a really small mobile keyboard, so may be a short response.


Is there a Java that will even load, run, or even available for Android os?



There is a way to do it if you root the phone. My firm/enterprise environment won't load on a rooted device, so I never tried.


There is a way to do it if you root the phone. My firm/enterprise environment won't load on a rooted device, so I never tried.

The 12" screen is a really large phone. :)


Will I need rooting hormone? What is "root the phone"?



BTW, I figured out how to get the admin module displaying properly on a high DPI.


  1. Uninstall Java 8
  2. Install Java 9 JRE from https://jdk9.java.net/download/ (make sure you download the correct version for your OS)
  3. Download the admin.jnlp from http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/19444-whats-with-the-java-2-required/?p=182606
  4. Run the admin.jnlp



We've also done it by executing it in compatibility mode as XP SP3, or use the File/Themes Font size in the Admin Console.


I'm sure the java team was pelted with requests from 4K monitor users


Running Java from the browser is horribly insecure. There is no faster way to getting crypto malware than this.


There are very real security benefits to removing Java support.


Just download the .jar file and place it on your desktop. Run it from there. Easy - no browser needed.


Now, I hope beyond hope for a completely Java free ISY in our future, as I'd just love to get rid of my Java running VM..


Hello everyone,


Thanks so very much for all the feedback. We are definitely looking forward to getting rid of Java app. Currently, the only missing piece is the ability to use external HTML/JavaScript to communicate with ISY. This is needed for cases where the SD card is corrupt and one wishes to upgrade/restore backup.


We'll keep you posted.


With kind regards,



It would also be nice to have native mobile apps for programming & admin functions. If going the HTML5 route, then maybe this can be done via the browser if mobile responsive design is used.




Currently, the only missing piece is the ability to use external HTML/JavaScript to communicate with ISY. This is needed for cases where the SD card is corrupt and one wishes to upgrade/restore backup.

I wonder if a native Windows and Mac binary (as well as source code for a Linux binary) or even a Python application to cover all for situations like this. It's a rare situation, but one that definitely needs a solution. I wouldn't constrain yourself to HTML/JavaScript for it though.

  • 2 weeks later...

Yep! I've had it!  Upgraded to Firmware 5.0.7   Java 11 and I'm back to square one.  Can't access anything.

Isn't it about time that Universal Devices cleaned up their product operating system so that it is FRIENDLY and "A PLEASURE TO OPERATE".

In the beginning the product was great and logical to access.  Now it's all bits and pieces and no sign of becoming anything good for the AVERAGE USER.


I love the product.  However, I've just about had it with the bits and pieces that have been given out over the last year.


Yes Java has changed which hasn't helped.  However, excuses are not cutting it with me any longer.








less than happy.


Art Jones


I must be an odd duck because I've been happy with the java app (run from the desktop).  I find html web interfaces really lack state-full communication (e.g. two way).  I hate having to wait for a refresh to see what's happening.  We've spent the last 15-20 years in web development trying to get back to the state-full communication we had in the old client/server days.


Respectfully to Universal-Devices.


I'm not in this game to locate the cheese somewhere around the mouse hole (maybe...).


The Universal Devices device was purchased to do a specific job.


If one has to keep re-inventing the wheel to get to that end, the device is nothing but an expensive toy!


One thing that I was taught in 37 years of electronics work is "KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID"


The device is a good product.


The software to run it, tutorials and help are "NOT A GOOD PRODUCT"


Is Universal Devices catering to the "FEW" or are they trying to promote a product superior to other companies?


The hardware is good.


Software, Tutorials, Ease of use are more than lacking.


Maybe it's time to STOP and look at the forest and get the act back together (maybe produce a few trees).


Apologies if I sound harsh but Hey people! It's time to look at the big picture.






Art Jones


Anything in life with any power has a learning curve and ISY is no different.


If you have some problem please blurt it out and maybe somebody can help you through it.


Simple only means familiarity with the item. Sounds like you have some experience to gain yet and can't define what the problem is yet.


Good thing they didn't keep solid-state devices at the PNP and NPN levels or you wouldn't be typing on that keyboard. :)


Yep! I've had it!  Upgraded to Firmware 5.0.7   Java 11 and I'm back to square one.  Can't access anything.

Isn't it about time that Universal Devices cleaned up their product operating system so that it is FRIENDLY and "A PLEASURE TO OPERATE".

In the beginning the product was great and logical to access.  Now it's all bits and pieces and no sign of becoming anything good for the AVERAGE USER.


I love the product.  However, I've just about had it with the bits and pieces that have been given out over the last year.


Yes Java has changed which hasn't helped.  However, excuses are not cutting it with me any longer.








less than happy.


Art Jones


Hello Art,


I am not sure why anyone would risk moving toward a known Alpha build in hopes of finding stability?!?! You either had specific reasons to do so which is fine. But it does not limit the inherent risk(s) which are involved to do so. Every Alpha / Beta build clearly states the intention of firmware.


Again, why would you trade off a stable 4.XX build in hopes of finding the very same in 5.XX?


You are best served rolling back to what ever 4.XX build you were on and wait for the official 5.XX Beta in the new year. 5.08 Alpha has just been released and offers even more stability then 5.07. Yet, it doesn't mean you won't experience the same or more issues you just ran into now.


I would highly suggest you take a few moments to read the 5.08 Alpha release notes and fully understand what's involved.


I've watched probably a dozen people thus far migrate from 4.XX to some 5.XX then start crying their toy broke!


I just have to shake my head and say READING AND COMPREHENSION IS LACKING . . . 


Hello Art,


I am not sure why anyone would risk moving toward a known Alpha build in hopes of finding stability?!?! You either had specific reasons to do so which is fine. But it does not limit the inherent risk(s) which are involved to do so. Every Alpha / Beta build clearly states the intention of firmware.


Again, why would you trade off a stable 4.XX build in hopes of finding the very same in 5.XX?


You are best served rolling back to what ever 4.XX build you were on and wait for the official 5.XX Beta in the new year. 5.08 Alpha has just been released and offers even more stability then 5.07. Yet, it doesn't mean you won't experience the same or more issues you just ran into now.


I would highly suggest you take a few moments to read the 5.08 Alpha release notes and fully understand what's involved.


I've watched probably a dozen people thus far migrate from 4.XX to some 5.XX then start crying their toy broke!


I just have to shake my head and say READING AND COMPREHENSION IS LACKING . . . 




I am not sure what led you to believe that Travlynman was not already using the 5.0.X developer alpha's.  The following post seems to indicate that he has experience with them: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/19927-programs-including-latest-beta-release/?p=189822.




I am not sure what lead you to believe that Travlynman was not already using the 5.0.X developer alpha's.  The following post seems to indicate that he has experience with them: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/19927-programs-including-latest-beta-release/?p=189822.


That doesn't really address why anyone would expect to see the same performance, stability, and expected behavior from a Alpha build vs Beta vs RC vs Official.


The first thing the release notes say is there are risks . . .


This *Alpha Firmware* is not intended for those expecting or wanting a known quantity. Yet there are dozens of people running around losing their minds wondering how come something doesn't operate as they expect. Then, in the same breath say the controller is less than stellar?!?!


The question that begs to be asked is: Was it really the controller vs firmware?


Hi travlynman,


Yep! I've had it!  Upgraded to Firmware 5.0.7

Although we are currently working on Java replacement I have a nagging question: why would you even fathom trying an Alpha firmware/software?


With kind regards,



We'll see all you paranoidics in 2020 when you catch up...maybe....lol


sent from a really small mobile keyboard, so may be a short response.


Teken is a little rough around the edges but we keep him around because he is our token mascot snowman.


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