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Release 2.6.15 (RC1) is now available

Michel Kohanim

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I'm not trying to start an argument here, and I've never used a xenon lamp. However a quick googling seems to indicate that a xenon lamp is basically an arc light (not gas discharge). Arcs of any sort are good generators of high frequency radio waves. In fact, as you may know, in the very early days of radio, the transmitters were arc devices.


While xenon lamps with no transformers may have many desirable features, I believe the possible generation of line noise would come from the arc lamp itself, since transformers inherently are not noise generators. I would expect a transformer might act as a crude filter, and perhaps reduce somewhat electrical noise reaching the power line from the lamp.


I studied the web site you referenced, and they mentioned something about a "low noise" lamp. It was unclear to me if that referred to acoustic noise or electrical noise. As I said earlier, I have never used a xenon lamp of any sort, and I have no idea if they tend to make acoustic noise or not.


I am not attempting to say all the symptoms you describe can be explained by line noise generated from the xenon lamps. However, I have found that a device on an Insteon dimmer is never REALLY turned FULLY off, even when you turn it "off" or ramp it down to zero. In fact there is a very small current which flows through the load device at that time. I believe the Insteon "relay" devices do not have this. It may be in your case this small "off" current is enough to generate some power line noise. I know that's a stretch, but. . .


I think you said the problem exists even when your lamps are off. Is there any way you can temporarily disconnect all the xenon lamps, and put an ordinary incandescent lamp on the circuit(s)? If you have the same problems, then for sure it is not Xenon lamp generated electrical noise. If the problem goes away (or changes significantly) then a line filter might help.


Perhaps other forum members have had experience using xenon lamps and can tell you if they had any line noise problems.

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Hey Wayne -


50001 indicates that the ISY was unable to communicate with your mail server (timed out). Are you using the default ISY notification server, or a different server? What settings are you using?




I haven't changed the settings from when it was working a version or 2 ago. These are the same settings that are in my email client.


ip address to smtp server and port 25, no authentication required.



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Wayne -


Under the Configuration tab, assuming your ISY is set to sync with the time server "pool.ntp.org", do you get any error when you hit the "Synchronize Now" button?


This test might help us determine if your ISY is able to access the internet at all.


Is your ISY set to a static IP address?


Have you tried rebooting your ISY? How about your router?

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Under the Configuration tab, assuming your ISY is set to sync with the time server "pool.ntp.org", do you get any error when you hit the "Synchronize Now" button?

This test might help us determine if your ISY is able to access the internet at all.

Yes it sync's and works as it should.


Is your ISY set to a static IP address?



Have you tried rebooting your ISY?How about your router?

I just tried rebooting both ISY and the router but still receive the error.



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I'm not trying to start an argument here, and I've never used a xenon lamp. However a quick googling seems to indicate that a xenon lamp is basically an arc light (not gas discharge). Arcs of any sort are good generators of high frequency radio waves. In fact, as you may know, in the very early days of radio, the transmitters were arc devices.


While xenon lamps with no transformers may have many desirable features, I believe the possible generation of line noise would come from the arc lamp itself, since transformers inherently are not noise generators. I would expect a transformer might act as a crude filter, and perhaps reduce somewhat electrical noise reaching the power line from the lamp.


I studied the web site you referenced, and they mentioned something about a "low noise" lamp. It was unclear to me if that referred to acoustic noise or electrical noise. As I said earlier, I have never used a xenon lamp of any sort, and I have no idea if they tend to make acoustic noise or not.


I am not attempting to say all the symptoms you describe can be explained by line noise generated from the xenon lamps. However, I have found that a device on an Insteon dimmer is never REALLY turned FULLY off, even when you turn it "off" or ramp it down to zero. In fact there is a very small current which flows through the load device at that time. I believe the Insteon "relay" devices do not have this. It may be in your case this small "off" current is enough to generate some power line noise. I know that's a stretch, but. . .


I think you said the problem exists even when your lamps are off. Is there any way you can temporarily disconnect all the xenon lamps, and put an ordinary incandescent lamp on the circuit(s)? If you have the same problems, then for sure it is not Xenon lamp generated electrical noise. If the problem goes away (or changes significantly) then a line filter might help.


Perhaps other forum members have had experience using xenon lamps and can tell you if they had any line noise problems.




Hi LG,


What you say makes sense. I can certainly disconnect the lamps and leave just the LampLincs to see if they respond better. There's nothing connected, but I can query the ISY for their status. I'm rather new to Xenon lights. I picked them because they run cooler than Halogens, but not much.



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Hi Michel,


I've been noticing that there is still a grid display problem while using the compare button.


It's relatively easy to reproduce. If you keep doing this procedure it will add more and more records into the right hand grid.


Just click start button.


Close the compare screen.

Click compare again.






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In regards to the Xenon lamp problem. I can vouch for the low signal voltage causing noise when the module is off. I had an electronic fluorescent ballast that would numb the module it was plugged into and others while it was off. Imagine my surprise when I finally figured that one out.

Good luck!

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Hi Wayne,


Thanks so very much. I shall give it a try ... I would like to have 2.7 out by the end of next week and I want to have all the bugs taken care of before then. Therefore, thanks so very much.


With kind regards,



This issue never seemed to get resolved:



Its still possible to enter programs with identical names in the same folder. The problem being that you can only see one of them in the program drop down list, if you could see them all then it would get confusing.


Did you have any luck duplicating the notification issue. I was using an IP address as opposed to a name as the SMTP server addr.

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Hello Wayne,


Thanks so very much. Yes, we did review this issue and it's not a bug; it's the way it was implemented. Granted that it can be improved but, currently, there's a workaround + our main goal is to have a stable release out shortly.


The notification issue I have not been able to reproduce. It's always best to use the name instead of IP address.


With kind regards,



Hi Wayne,


Thanks so very much. I shall give it a try ... I would like to have 2.7 out by the end of next week and I want to have all the bugs taken care of before then. Therefore, thanks so very much.


With kind regards,



This issue never seemed to get resolved:



Its still possible to enter programs with identical names in the same folder. The problem being that you can only see one of them in the program drop down list, if you could see them all then it would get confusing.


Did you have any luck duplicating the notification issue. I was using an IP address as opposed to a name as the SMTP server addr.

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The notification issue I have not been able to reproduce. It's always best to use the name instead of IP address.


With kind regards,



It looks like its connected with some change made to ISY in connection with DNS lookup and using an IP address instead of a name. My ISP's SMTP server has the IP address of using port 25 and is only available for users inside of the network so no username or password is required. It did work in previous version of ISY as I was receiving emails all the time about various events, I would really like to have that functionality back again if possible.


Many thanks,


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Hi all,

I tried to upgrade (from 2.6.14), and I kept getting file length errors (as others have said). Sometimes it would get farther, but it never finished.

I made what I now know was a big mistake by closing the console and trying again. Now when I try to open the console, I get the Java error below. I assume I am someplace in the upgrade, but I don't know how to copy the files back to the device...

This is the java error:


Java Plug-in 1.6.0_11

Using JRE version 1.6.0_11 Java HotSpot Client VM

User home directory = C:\Users\testuser


c: clear console window

f: finalize objects on finalization queue

g: garbage collect

h: display this help message

l: dump classloader list

m: print memory usage

o: trigger logging

q: hide console

r: reload policy configuration

s: dump system and deployment properties

t: dump thread list

v: dump thread stack

x: clear classloader cache

0-5: set trace level to




load: class com.universaldevices.client.ui.UDClientApplet.class not found.

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.universaldevices.client.ui.UDClientApplet.class

at sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2ClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)

at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)

at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)

at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2ClassLoader.loadCode(Unknown Source)

at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager.createApplet(Unknown Source)

at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager$AppletExecutionRunnable.run(Unknown Source)

at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

Caused by: java.io.IOException: open HTTP connection failed:http://lights.player.home/com/universaldevices/client/ui/UDClientApplet/class.class

at sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2ClassLoader.getBytes(Unknown Source)

at sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2ClassLoader.access$000(Unknown Source)

at sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2ClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)

at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)

... 7 more

Exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.universaldevices.client.ui.UDClientApplet.class



Any ideas on how to get back? I was thinking of a factory, but I am not sure if that will do anything or not, and I don't want to make anything worse...




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Hello smileyw,


Apologies for the inconvenience. Do not worry at all. Please try the following URL instead:



Please note that MOST firewalls do not allow the Admin Console to upload files into ISY. As such, please make sure you have found your firewall software and the resolutions thereto in http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewforum.php?f=3



With kind regards,


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That did it. Thank you. I am not quite sure why that worked though...

I get that I used your ISY (or virtual) to get the java app running, but when I went to upgrade, how did it know exactly where my ISY was? Did it do a broadcast on my local subnet to find it? I am just curious...




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Hello smileyw,


You are right on:

Admin console (AC) is the same exact Java applet regardless of where you download it from (our website or ISY). The only difference is that when you download from our website, the AC sends a multicast message to your local subnet (either UPnP and if unsuccessful we use our own message) and ISY responds to it with its location.


With kind regards,



That did it. Thank you. I am not quite sure why that worked though...

I get that I used your ISY (or virtual) to get the java app running, but when I went to upgrade, how did it know exactly where my ISY was? Did it do a broadcast on my local subnet to find it? I am just curious...




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Whenever I reboot ISY a custom scene turns on and all the lights turn on in that scene. The setting to 'Enable Run at startup' for the program that normally runs the scenes is not enabled so I have no idea why it runs.


Any ideas?


THank you,


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Hi Wayne,


Please go to Configuration/System and look at catch up schedules at restart. Is this checked?



With kind regards,





Whenever I reboot ISY a custom scene turns on and all the lights turn on in that scene. The setting to 'Enable Run at startup' for the program that normally runs the scenes is not enabled so I have no idea why it runs.


Any ideas?


THank you,


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Hi Wayne,


Please go to Configuration/System and look at catch up schedules at restart. Is this checked?


With kind regards,



Yes it was checked, I unchecked it and rebooted and that seemed to solve the problem. I'm a little unsure about the option because the scene program did run this morning when it was suppose to run. There was nothing to 'Catch up' if that makes sense. The next due date/time was tomorrow morning.


Thanks for your help,



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I seem to have a problem or bug with this beta the status of my inst on motion sensors is all ways on even if i queary it, still shows on. Pulled out batterys from them and retried but still shows on. Any thoughts


The motion sensors need at least 5 minutes after inserting the battery before they function reliably. If you haven't changed any jumpers or settings they should definitely show Off after one minute without motion. Pressing the set button should toggle the On/Off. If those signals don't appear to the ISY then there is a communication issue. Bring the MS and the Access Point close to the PLM (plug an Access Point into the PLM). If that doesn't help you should remove the MS from ISY, perform a factory reset on the MS and re-add it to the ISY.


BTW, because the motion sensors are battery operated they will not respond to queries unless in linking mode.



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