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Firefox Update 52 - no npapi


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Hi all, I just received an update 52 for Firefox and it removed npapi for the java browser plugin among other things.  Now it seems only IE supports the java plugin.  Is there a long-term plan to move off the java platform?  Are there other options?


Thanks for the help!



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The best option, and the one that UDI currently recommends, is not to use the browser at all to get to the admin console. You can follow the instructions in the release notes to install a standalone icon that runs a Java instance independent of the browser.

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My Firefox just updated also.


Now I get an annoying pop up informing me a web site, including here, is not secure. Log ins could be compromised.

Then again when I click on the Password line. Password maybe compromised if you continue message.


I have found no way to disable this very annoying feature. :huh:

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Can you explain the "stand alone" icon

I don't know which firmware version you're running, but if you follow step 4 here, it will download a standalone app to your desktop that you can double-click to run the admin console. No browser required. The same process works for the 5.0.x alpha versions, too.

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I just tried the Firefox V52 esr version. The 64-bit Windows version does not launch Java. I do have both the 64- and 32-bit Java versions installed.


But the good news is that the 32-bit Windows Firefox V52 esr version does launch Java.


Edit: Oh no, the esr version does not allow logging into the portal.

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I have no difficulty logging into the ISY using the Firefox V52 esr. But, I cannot enter the portal with the Firefox esr version.




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