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Quick question on using sunrise/sunset


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Can someone explain something to me (remember, I am an ISY newbie...)


I am trying to turn some lights off before sunrise. However, the program doesn't work the way I would expect it to. When I do this (set to run everyday):



Time is Sunrise - 1 hour



Set Scene 'Second floor hallway' Off

Set 'Kids Hall can lights' Off



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



Nothing happens. But, when I it this way it does. Do I really need to have a start and stop time to it for this to do anything? If so, why? (I would like to understand the logic here so I don't have problems in the future.)





From Sunrise - 1 hour

For 1 second



Set Scene 'Second floor hallway' Off

Set 'Kids Hall can lights' Off



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

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No, you shouldn't need a From-To time in a program.


Do you have many other programs set to run at exactly the same time? If so you could change them to run a minute apart. You can find out by sorting the Program Summary table by the Next Scheduled Run column.


I did try using an exact time as a folder condition and then I had to use a From-To so all the programs in the folder would run.



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No, you shouldn't need a From-To time in a program.


Do you have many other programs set to run at exactly the same time?




No, I only have two time based programs, and the other one is sunset + 20 minutes.

That is a very simple program, so I don't know what I am doing wrong?



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I just setup the following program last night and it ran fine this AM:


       Time is Sunrise -  1 hour 

       Set Scene 'OfficeCounter' On

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


So, your program should run fine as well. As a test, try only turning one of the scenes off.

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Okay, I will give it a try tonight. I really only need one of those two scenes anyway...




I have many programs that run at a specific time. In fact I have three that all run at Sunset with no problems, one of which has many Actions.


To test your program change the Schedule to a minute from the current time, save, open the Event Viewer, set it to level 3, and watch what happens. You can save the Log and paste it here, that should help us.


I am guessing there is something causing the ISY to become busy when your program runs.


Thank you,


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