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Programming Two Motion Sensors


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Hi All,


Ok, got my one motion sensor working for part of my kitchen, works well actually. But my kitchen is somewhat big, it is 35' long, and 15' wide. Motion sensor triggers when you are half way into the kitchen.


So I need two Motion Sensors for the same room.


Now I need the off to work in a different way, something like


From MotionSensor2 Off Event


If MotionSensor 1 has not fired in the last minute



Set Scene Kitchen Off


And from MotionSensor 1 Off


If MotionSensor 2 has not fired in the last minute



Set Scene Kitchen Off


But I don't know how often the Motion Sensor fires the "On" program.


Is there a way to tell?


Has anyone done this. I am new to ISY-99 but I really like it.



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Hello Devon,


I have two motion sensors and did some experimenting. Finally a use for the parenthesis :)


You should use two programs.


       Control 'Kitchen Motion Sensor' is switched On
    Or Control 'Kitchen Sensor 2' is switched On

       Set Scene 'Kitchen Motion Fast' On

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


            Status  'Kitchen Motion Sensor' is Off
        And Status  'Kitchen Sensor 2' is Off
   And (
            Control 'Kitchen Motion Sensor' is not switched On
         Or Control 'Kitchen Sensor 2' is not switched On

       Wait  1 minute
       Set Scene 'Kitchen Motion Slow' Off

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


I use 2 different scenes; the On scene has a quick ramp rate and the Off scene has a longer ramp rate. This gives one a chance to move if the lights begin to fade.


The motion sensor will only fire an On after it has sent an Off. The timeout can be adjusted using the motion sensor options: Linking_a_Motion_Sensor.


I have mine set to 30 seconds but of course you should use the parameter that best fits your needs.



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