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Simple Control can't auto find ISY


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I upgraded to Simple Control v5 and basically used it as an excuse to start again on my setup (my ISY worked great with the prior version, Roomie)


I've also change my router to one with DD-WRT (in case this is relevant)


When I go to add the ISY as a device in Simple Control it can't find it. If I try and add it manually using its fixed IP, it doesn't connect.


Any thoughts?

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I can control the ISY with simple control 5 and ISY 5 only in simple control’s home bar. Scenes no longer work nor can I can create buttons to control lights. Believe this is a simple control issue and have raised a ticket with them


To be honest I’ve given up on simple control and just moved in the last month to harmony elite. Not as eloquent but at least it works everytime and has a higher waf. At the current rate I don’t think simple control will be around much longer, just doesn’t work consistently. And yes I was one of those idiots that bought their hub looking for more stability, Alexa never worked except for executing the first command which would then lock up the hub requiring a reboot.


Do miss the TV guide feature though.

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So I've been working with simple to resolve this issue. I can auto discover if upnp is turned on in isy.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

My old device somewhat works but any new device doesn't. Auto discover or manual setup. It won't d/l the manifest.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Michael is can I PM you to discuss. Simple controls engineers say special characters in passwords aren't allowed. I can't figure out if it's their issue (bad coding) or some standard isn't followed with ISY (I dobt belive this is the case). I don't think SC should advertise isy compatibility if they don't fully support it. What do you think?



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  • 11 months later...
  • 2 months later...

I'm running a few installations with Simple Control and ISY. One with SC 5.7.4 and ISY 5.0.14 --no huge problems, just need to do some workarounds to get ISY lighting scenes to show up on SC5's Homebar. Another install is running SC 5.7.4 and ISY 4.7.3 --this is working similar to the previously mentioned configuration. Another installation is running the older SC "legacy" with ISY 4.7.3 and is working fine, except for this: All of these installations do have problems with SimpleControl allowing the selection and play back of the listed Sonos favorites if they are from a source other than Tune-in / Internet Radio --this is has been an issue ever since Sonos updated their software and the APIs changed. Simple Control keeps stating that they are awaiting Sonos to release those APIs so that they can fix it. I haven't had any problem with these installations auto-discovering the ISY. I suspect your problem is with your router settings/firewall, likely related to Bonjour/ZeroConfig settings. UPnP opens to the outside/WAN and should not have anything to do with local/LAN discovery. Glad you got it to work with a manual IP.

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