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Polglot V2 CAO Wireless Tags Nodeserver


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I've not notice that, but I don't use motion events so it could have always been that way. It's up to the hub to push an update to Polyglot so it might not be happening. Can you enter a issue in the GitHub and I'll take a look sometime.

Also, avoid using characters like a / in the device names, it won't add the nose and I keep forgetting to fix that.

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

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1 minute ago, Jimbo said:

I've not notice that, but I don't use motion events so it could have always been that way. It's up to the hub to push an update to Polyglot so it might not be happening. Can you enter a issue in the GitHub and I'll take a look sometime.

Also, avoid using characters like a / in the device names, it won't add the nose and I keep forgetting to fix that.

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

Will do.  I use CamelCase naming for everything alphanumeric only.  I will come up with a naming convention and reload all the nodes here once I get it figured out a bit more.

Appreciate the help...Happy Holidays to you!


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9 hours ago, ulrick65 said:


I will need to figure out how to calibrate the temp sensors....if anyone knows how to do that, please chime in.

I can't speak about the app, but if you login in to the wireless tag interface on a computer, you can calibrate temperature.

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9 hours ago, ulrick65 said:

I will need to figure out how to calibrate the temp sensors....if anyone knows how to do that, please chime in.

From the Wireless Tag support page: https://store.wirelesstag.net/pages/support

There is still a consistent offset between temperature readings of 2 tags that should read exactly same temperature. How to Calibrate?
To apply calibration, wait for the temperature to settle (stop changing in reading after pressing Update button) then press "Temperature" check "Advanced" then enter the correct temperature then click "Calibrate".


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9 hours ago, ulrick65 said:

So I will have to setup some program or something to requery them on some interval?

I use a few of the PIR sensors to turn lights off after a time of no motion, and I use a program to periodically query the sensor to get an updated value.  There's nothing critical in my application about having the lights turn off instantly when motion ceases.  These devices are not used to turn the lights on, however.

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I use a few of the PIR sensors to turn lights off after a time of no motion, and I use a program to periodically query the sensor to get an updated value.  There's nothing critical in my application about having the lights turn off instantly when motion ceases.  These devices are not used to turn the lights on, however.
Ya that's a bummer, their hub doesn't push a change that I can see when motion stops. Not sure of a better way to handle it.

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

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7 minutes ago, Jimbo said:

Not sure of a better way to handle it.

I don't think you need to look for one.  If and/or when the hub is updated to provide that notification, this method is fine.  Even with the querying, the batteries last quite a while, and they're cheap and easy to replace.

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3 hours ago, DennisC said:

I can't speak about the app, but if you login in to the wireless tag interface on a computer, you can calibrate temperature.

Thanks.  I will check that out.  I had not logged in to the website yet, I was only using the App.  I didnt realize the website had the ability to manage the thing!  :)


3 hours ago, Bumbershoot said:

From the Wireless Tag support page: https://store.wirelesstag.net/pages/support

There is still a consistent offset between temperature readings of 2 tags that should read exactly same temperature. How to Calibrate?
To apply calibration, wait for the temperature to settle (stop changing in reading after pressing Update button) then press "Temperature" check "Advanced" then enter the correct temperature then click "Calibrate".



Thanks for that.  I have a hell of a time navigating their website, it is all over the place...they could use a little upgrade to their website layout, but hey...if it keeps the prices down I am good with it...just hard to find stuff.


36 minutes ago, Jimbo said:

Ya that's a bummer, their hub doesn't push a change that I can see when motion stops. Not sure of a better way to handle it.

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

I tend to agree with @Bumbershoot that if they dont push it, then the only option is to query which is exactly what we will do in ISY anyway...and then we have control of the query rather than doing something through the nodeserver itself.  I don't know if there is a way to get a request to them to add the push in a revision or not, not sure if they have a forum or anything.  Maybe just and email to their support would get something going?  Does seem like a miss on their part...


On another note, I read in your install notes @Jimbo that the Nodeserver and the Tag Manager have to be on the same LAN.  The way I am setting things up makes that not ideal for me, so I am just going to take Polyglot off my Linux server and put it on a RPI 3 B v1.2   @Bumbershoot, I am going to be running Nodelink and I believe you do as well...would I be able to run both Polyglot and Nodelink on the RPI 3 B v1.2 without issue? 

Thanks for all the help as always.

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I tend to agree with @Bumbershoot that if they dont push it, then the only option is to query which is exactly what we will do in ISY anyway...and then we have control of the query rather than doing something through the nodeserver itself.  I don't know if there is a way to get a request to them to add the push in a revision or not, not sure if they have a forum or anything.  Maybe just and email to their support would get something going?  Does seem like a miss on their part...
On another note, I read in your install notes @Jimbo that the Nodeserver and the Tag Manager have to be on the same LAN.  The way I am setting things up makes that not ideal for me, so I am just going to take Polyglot off my Linux server and put it on a RPI 3 B v1.2   @Bumbershoot, I am going to be running Nodelink and I believe you do as well...would I be able to run both Polyglot and Nodelink on the RPI 3 B v1.2 without issue? 
Thanks for all the help as always.

I will submit a support request for motion off, they're pretty good about answering.

My wording is incorrect, they can be on different LANs as long as they have direct access to each other. But I'm not a network expert so let me know if it works and how I should change the wording in the readme.

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

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1 minute ago, Jimbo said:



I will submit a support request for motion off, they're pretty good about answering.

My wording is incorrect, they can be on different LANs as long as they have direct access to each other. But I'm not a network expert so let me know if it works and how I should change the wording in the readme.

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk


Ah...Ok, I didn't even try it so I will give it try and see how it works out.  I will be moving it to a Vlan on a seperate subnet.  It will take me a day or two to get that done, I have some other stuff ahead of it on my todo list, but I will let you know how it goes.

Still thinking about going the RPI route as it just sits in the drawer collecting dust anyway (I have 2 of them and one old version 2)...so once I hear back from @Bumbershoot I will probably tackle that next.


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1 hour ago, ulrick65 said:

would I be able to run both Polyglot and Nodelink on the RPI 3 B v1.2 without issue? 

Yep, not a problem at all.  I ran Polyglot, NodeLink and a Node.js server on my RPi for many months simultaneously, and the thing didn't break a sweat.  On the same hardware as you.

I've moved Polyglot over to my Polisy, but with NodeLink and Node.js running currently, here's the output from 'top':

top - 10:27:26 up 33 days, 20:56,  1 user,  load average: 0.10, 0.08, 0.03
Tasks: 136 total,   1 running, 135 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu(s):  0.7 us,  0.4 sy,  0.0 ni, 98.9 id,  0.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0 si,  0.0 st
MiB Mem :    922.1 total,     61.5 free,    276.1 used,    584.5 buff/cache
MiB Swap:    100.0 total,     50.5 free,     49.5 used.    552.8 avail Mem 


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Just now, Bumbershoot said:

Yep, not a problem at all.  I ran Polyglot, NodeLink and a Node.js server on my RPi for many months simultaneously, and the thing didn't break a sweat.  On the same hardware as you.

I've moved Polyglot over to my Polisy, but with NodeLink and Node.js running currently, here's the output from 'top':

top - 10:27:26 up 33 days, 20:56,  1 user,  load average: 0.10, 0.08, 0.03
Tasks: 136 total,   1 running, 135 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu(s):  0.7 us,  0.4 sy,  0.0 ni, 98.9 id,  0.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0 si,  0.0 st
MiB Mem :    922.1 total,     61.5 free,    276.1 used,    584.5 buff/cache
MiB Swap:    100.0 total,     50.5 free,     49.5 used.    552.8 avail Mem 


Cool, thanks!

Havent read much on Polisy yet...why not move NodeLink and Node.js over there as well?

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1 hour ago, ulrick65 said:

Cool, thanks!

Havent read much on Polisy yet...why not move NodeLink and Node.js over there as well?

Node.js and npm are in the UDI pkg repository for Polisy, and I've installed it and it runs.  It sounds like there might be an OpenSSL issue that needs to be resolved before dotnet and NodeLink are available in the UDI pkg repository.

I haven't migrated my Node.js server to Polisy just because I'm being lazy. 

EDIT: okay, I just tried to install my node.js server on Polisy, and it fails with this:

ld-elf.so.1: /lib/libcrypto.so.111: version OPENSSL_1_1_1b required by /usr/local/bin/node not found

It looks like this version of OpenSSL isn't yet released on FreeBSD.  Maybe this is the same issue that's delaying the release of NodeLink...

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24 minutes ago, Jimbo said:

@Bumbershoot and @ulrick65 plese move NodeLink/Node.js discussion to a new thread, thanks.

For the motion issue, I'll keep this updated https://github.com/jimboca/udi-wirelesstag-poly/issues/9 as I find more, and others please do the same or I'll loose track of it in this long forum thread 


Will do.

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8 hours ago, Jimbo said:



I will submit a support request for motion off, they're pretty good about answering.

My wording is incorrect, they can be on different LANs as long as they have direct access to each other. But I'm not a network expert so let me know if it works and how I should change the wording in the readme.

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk



I moved the Tag Manager to a VLAN with my other IOT devices (Amazon Echos, and such) that are blocked from all my internal LANs (except for access to DNS) via the firewall so they only have access to the Internet through the WAN.  Of course I have a DHCP server on that subnet so that the tag manager can get an IP address in the subnet.

It works perfectly.  So right now I have Polyglot on my main lan and the Tag Manager running on the vlan with a seperate subnet and it works perfectly.  The Tag Manager needs to do all its discussion with their webserver and then your Node Server is talking to their web server as well it looks like...so it doesn't really care what LAN the Tag Manager is on, as long as it can talk to their web server.  I suspect it would work just fine if I put it in a separate location altogether personally but no way to check that...although the way I have it setup right now pretty much confirms that because the subnet it is on has NO access to the LAN that Polyglot is on...other than going out to to their webserver and back to Polyglot.

So technically for the wording of your message...I think the answer is that the Tag Manager needs internet access is all (and of course so does Polyglot) but they don't have to be on the same lan at all.

If someone else has something to the contrary, definitely interested in discussing.


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  • 3 weeks later...

No sure if this is the correct place to ask these questions regarding the tags and Polyglot

I have Polyglot installed on my Pi and I downloaded the Wireless tag module from the Node Store.  I am getting data from the tags into my ISY, but when I try to change the polling times in the ISY under the wireless tag controller, it will not update.  I tried both the discover and install profile buttons.

I logged onto Polyglot and noticed that my wireless tags are unmanaged.  I know that when I first downloaded the module, they were managed.  Wondering if the status of unmanaged is the reason why I cannot change the polling intervals.  I checked my Pi and it says Polyglot is Active.

Would appreciate any help anyone can provide.

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On 12/28/2019 at 8:59 PM, ulrick65 said:


I moved the Tag Manager to a VLAN with my other IOT devices (Amazon Echos, and such) that are blocked from all my internal LANs (except for access to DNS) via the firewall so they only have access to the Internet through the WAN.  Of course I have a DHCP server on that subnet so that the tag manager can get an IP address in the subnet.

It works perfectly.  So right now I have Polyglot on my main lan and the Tag Manager running on the vlan with a seperate subnet and it works perfectly.  The Tag Manager needs to do all its discussion with their webserver and then your Node Server is talking to their web server as well it looks like...so it doesn't really care what LAN the Tag Manager is on, as long as it can talk to their web server.  I suspect it would work just fine if I put it in a separate location altogether personally but no way to check that...although the way I have it setup right now pretty much confirms that because the subnet it is on has NO access to the LAN that Polyglot is on...other than going out to to their webserver and back to Polyglot.

So technically for the wording of your message...I think the answer is that the Tag Manager needs internet access is all (and of course so does Polyglot) but they don't have to be on the same lan at all.

If someone else has something to the contrary, definitely interested in discussing.


@Jimbo If you use local IP addresses only the Tag manager has access to those LAN IP addresses. It is an option for some of the Tag functions.

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No sure if this is the correct place to ask these questions regarding the tags and Polyglot
I have Polyglot installed on my Pi and I downloaded the Wireless tag module from the Node Store.  I am getting data from the tags into my ISY, but when I try to change the polling times in the ISY under the wireless tag controller, it will not update.  I tried both the discover and install profile buttons.
I logged onto Polyglot and noticed that my wireless tags are unmanaged.  I know that when I first downloaded the module, they were managed.  Wondering if the status of unmanaged is the reason why I cannot change the polling intervals.  I checked my Pi and it says Polyglot is Active.
Would appreciate any help anyone can provide.
You mean on the Polyglot web dashboard from your RPi it says the wireless tag nodeserver is unmanaged?

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

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6 hours ago, larryllix said:

@Jimbo If you use local IP addresses only the Tag manager has access to those LAN IP addresses. It is an option for some of the Tag functions.


Interesting @larryllixI have not got that far into setting these up yet.  I am a bit confused on what this is doing...can you elaborate a bit on what this does?


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4 hours ago, ulrick65 said:


Interesting @larryllixI have not got that far into setting these up yet.  I am a bit confused on what this is doing...can you elaborate a bit on what this does?


This is just one of the several methods the Tags have to signal a parameter has changed using a URL to send various parameters to a specific IP address. This could use the Rest interface provided by ISY to operate variable values or programs.

Because of the only locally available IP addresses used and the option to "Call from the Tag manager", I conclude cloud support may not be involved or needed for the selected functions.I have never seen good and clear instructive information on how this works anywhere. I only use the KumoApp coding, so have not pursued it.

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14 hours ago, larryllix said:

If you use local IP addresses only the Tag manager has access to those LAN IP addresses. It is an option for some of the Tag functions.

Hi Larry,

The Wireless Tag nodeserver does indeed use the "URL Calling" method, with possibly no cloud access necessary.  See the screenshot (the IP address is the address of my Polisy, a private, non routeable address).

These URLs were established by the nodeserver during setup, not by me.  The cloud is clearly part of the initial setup, as these instructions are accessed through the cloud interface to the tags, and somehow the Tag Manager must access that data to know the actual URL to post data changes.  I don't know if these addresses are maintained in a table local to the Tag Manager, or if it needs to fetch them every time from the cloud.  I've never set up Wireshark to sniff this data. 

It looks like the Tag Manager could send this data directly to Polyglot, no cloud necessary for local data changes.

I hope I'm not misunderstanding...

EDIT: this jogged my memory.  Earlier in this thread it was discovered that the Tag Manager does indeed query the mother ship (cloud) to present data, even with the "URL Calling" method.  I'll bet that if there was a local only version, then CAO would market it as a "Tag Manager PRO" with a paid maintenance agreement attached!

Screen Shot 2020-01-20 at 5.50.03 AM.png

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55 minutes ago, LarryCRetired said:


Yes.  I am looking at the Polyglot web dashboard from my RPi and it says my the wireless tag nodeserver is unmanaged.  When I first brought down the wireless tag module from the store, it did show it as managed at that time.

Thanks for your help


Somehow the configuration on your ISY must have changed, or the RPi's IP address changed?  Look in the ISY Admin Console -> Node Servers and make sure WirelessTag shows up there, and if it does, open the Node Servers -> Configuration -> WirelessTag and check the IP address in "Host Name" is what your RPi is currently using.  If not, then you should Reserve that IP address for your RPi and reboot the RPi.


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