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Optimizing Power Conservation


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AC Adapters and A/V equipment all consume power, even when the device is turned off. If these devices were plugged into Appliancelincs, would there be any power savings if the Appliancelincs turned off anything plugged into them at night?


Hello matapan,


Very good question. The answer depends on:

1. the total amount of wattage they consume altogether when off

2. would they be damaged if they are unplugged


For 2, you will have ask the manufacturer (for those that have realtime clocks, then you might lose time). For #1, you have to take into account that each ApplianceLinc take 3 to 4 watts at Off state. So, if the total wattage of all your equipment is not > 8 or 10, then I do not think it's worth it.


With kind regards,



AC Adapters and A/V equipment all consume power, even when the device is turned off. If these devices were plugged into Appliancelincs, would there be any power savings if the Appliancelincs turned off anything plugged into them at night?


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