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HomeSeer HS-WD200+ Z-Wave Plus Scene Capable RGB Wall Dimmer


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You guys see these Homeseer ZWave multicolor led switches?




They seem like they could be put to good use. Makes me wonder why they haven’t come out with a similar Keypadlinc device.


I also have been debating about the usefulness in my own home the LEDs on a switchlinc paddle. I find them bothersome at night and never use them. Especially when you have four all together, at the lowest setting it’s a nightlight! So I thought about turning them all off at sunset each day and during sunrise turn them back on. Just not sure the impact on the chip inside, writing to it twice a day. I may just turn them all off permanently and forget them. These would be good to be OFF and turn ON only to notify you. Alarm is not set = RED, etc



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41 minutes ago, Scottmichaelj said:


You guys see these Homeseer ZWave multicolor led switches?




They seem like they could be put to good use. Makes me wonder why they haven’t come out with a similar Keypadlinc device.


I also have been debating about the usefulness in my own home the LEDs on a switchlinc paddle. I find them bothersome at night and never use them. Especially when you have four all together, at the lowest setting it’s a nightlight! So I thought about turning them all off at sunset each day and during sunrise turn them back on. Just not sure the impact on the chip inside, writing to it twice a day. I may just turn them all off permanently and forget them. These would be good to be OFF and turn ON only to notify you. Alarm is not set = RED, etc




I have this Homeseer 200 dimmer switch and it works well. I have programmed the switch to show me the open/closed status of a door as well as the on/off status of different lights.

Inoveli is soon coming out with multi-button wall switches, but unfortunately these are battery powered.

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14 hours ago, Scottmichaelj said:


You guys see these Homeseer ZWave multicolor led switches?




They seem like they could be put to good use. Makes me wonder why they haven’t come out with a similar Keypadlinc device.


I also have been debating about the usefulness in my own home the LEDs on a switchlinc paddle. I find them bothersome at night and never use them. Especially when you have four all together, at the lowest setting it’s a nightlight! So I thought about turning them all off at sunset each day and during sunrise turn them back on. Just not sure the impact on the chip inside, writing to it twice a day. I may just turn them all off permanently and forget them. These would be good to be OFF and turn ON only to notify you. Alarm is not set = RED, etc




I've got one of these Homeseer dimmers that sits in a visible place in my office.  I use it to display the status of various Elk zones, garage doors, etc.  These things are wildly configurable, with seven LEDs that are each configurable to seven different colors and loads of blink rates, etc.  Additionally, the device can accept up to five taps on or off, so there are more possibilities with this device than I've see in almost any other HA device.  Maybe too many...  The manual is attached for reference.

You can turn on/off the LEDs, start/stop blinking, set LED colors, adjust ramp rates, etc.  This is all done by setting parameters.  I adjust the value of a variable in my programs in order to set specific LEDs to red and blinking when various doors are open.  The programming can be a bit complex, as there are a host of parameters, as well as some variables and math required to set the value of parameters 30 and 31 so specific LEDs will blink (if that's desired).  Examples below:

OfficeDimmerDiningStatus - [ID 00CA][Parent 00DB]

        Elk Zone 'Dining Room Door' is Violated
        $s.SwitchLEDBlink += 32
        Set 'Devices / dirOffice / Office Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 26 = 1
        Set 'Devices / dirOffice / Office Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 26 = 2
        $s.SwitchLEDBlink -= 32


OfficeDimmerInteriorGarageStatus - [ID 00C6][Parent 00DB]

        Elk Zone 'Garage Door' is Violated
        $s.SwitchLEDBlink += 4
        Set 'Devices / dirOffice / Office Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 23 = 1
        Set 'Devices / dirOffice / Office Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 23 = 2
        $s.SwitchLEDBlink -= 4

SwitchLEDBlink - [ID 00CD][Parent 00DB]

        $s.SwitchLEDBlink > 0
        Set 'Devices / dirOffice / Office Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 31 = '$s.SwitchLEDBlink 1 Byte'
        Set 'Devices / dirOffice / Office Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 13 = 1
        Set 'Devices / dirOffice / Office Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 30 = 1
        Set 'Devices / dirOffice / Office Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 13 = 1
        Set 'Devices / dirOffice / Office Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 30 = 0

For me, the downsides of this dimmer are:

  • Ramp rates are only adjustable on one second intervals
  • Only comes in white or almond
  • LEDs are not dimmable, just on, off or blinking
  • The relay version only has one LED instead of 7
  • It's difficult/impossible for family members/guests to know what the status/colors/blink rates of the various LEDs might mean, not even mentioning understanding what a quadruple up/down tap might accomplish

Things I like:

  • It well built, and has a positive, solid feel, and it looks good
  • It's wildly configurable
    • 7 LED colors, each individually settable
    • 255 blink rates
    • 90 programmable ramp rates
    • 90 local ramp rates
    • adjustable paddle orientation
    • up to 5 distinct taps available for programmatic control
    • configurable status/normal mode
    • configurable bottom LED in normal mode
    • it's a secure Z-Wave repeater

I think this is a very good product, but it's so configurable that it might overwhelm me to get more.  I currently have 25 programs written for just one dimmer.

Regarding the SwitchLinc LEDs, I also turn the LEDs off after dark in some areas, and turn them to low in others.  I like the ability to turn the LEDs intensity down to be useful in places like the master bathroom and the guest suite.  In either of these locations, they're fortunately not placed where they'll burn the retinas of the sleepy or unsuspecting, or bother anyone's sleep.


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  • 9 months later...

I have been using two of these devices for about 4 months.  I use the LED's for gate and door status.  Each LED is a different color (on / off) so I know which door or gate it goes to by the ON color.  I do find that the RGB colors are difficult do differentiate from an angle, yellow vs white, etc.  I have found that the unit sometimes is confused when trying to differentiate the number of clicks.  It would be good to be able to turn off the groups, multiclicks, etc that you are not using.  I have found that if the WD200+ is commanded by the ISY to a value by a tight program also commanding other devices sequentially, the ISY misses the returning WD200+ status.  In some cases I had to add a 1-second wait after the command is sent.  I never had this problem with the original JASCO that these replaced.  Bottom line is I am going to order more!



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