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does isy have red led on?  If isy not connected to the internet it will have a red led.

log into your router and look to see if it's mac is there and then what ip and, as mentioned, enter that into your browser or isy launcher.

edit: and make sure you plugged the rj45 into the right plug.  One is for internet and the other is for the PLM.

Edited by apostolakisl
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I have only one blue light on. I checked the cables again, they are correct. I can not find my Mac address. I looked in router client list, and on my network for the mac. Look at screen shot.  Note ip in network setting.  I tried that and it did not work.  I typed that address in the isy launcher "add".

Thanks for your help



Screen Shot 2019-05-15 at 12.28.59 PM.png

Screen Shot 2019-05-15 at 12.28.24 PM.png

Screen Shot 2019-05-14 at 2.17.00 PM.png

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I found what was wrong, I did not type http:// in front of the ip address.

It's all working fine now. I had isy for almost 10 years before I moved to Florida, I had all the devices and isy in a box. A few months ago I tried to install it in my new house. Isy sat too long in a very humid spot, and no longer functioned. So i bought a new one, and I completely forgot how to setup a new one.  I hope all my devices are good. Thanks for all your help.


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Windows 10.  I am not sure how, but got the icon to install, but now the interface is extremely slow and gives this error?  Not sure what happened but system has functioned flawlessly for over a year.  All of the sudden, nothing works.  Mobilinc won't connect either.  I appreciate any help

ISY Admin Console.jpg

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  • 4 weeks later...

Earlier today the ISY Launcher when clicking on AC would not do anything. As I thought that I got a Java update yesterday, I cleared the Java memory as usual and then went to https://isy.universal-devices.com/start.jnlp     to download the launcher again, but every time I get an error message that I can not access the website. I tried different browsers, de-activated anti-virus and firewall, but no luck. Anyone any idea ?????

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2 hours ago, asbril said:

Earlier today the ISY Launcher when clicking on AC would not do anything. As I thought that I got a Java update yesterday, I cleared the Java memory as usual and then went to https://isy.universal-devices.com/start.jnlp     to download the launcher again, but every time I get an error message that I can not access the website. I tried different browsers, de-activated anti-virus and firewall, but no luck. Anyone any idea ?????


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  • 2 months later...
15 minutes ago, Michel Kohanim said:


This is what Java is doing. So, I don't think so.

With kind regards,

Thanks Michel. I have other java apps and the ISY Finder is the only one that puts a folder in my user directory,  so I thought perhaps it was hard coded in the ISY app...

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2 hours ago, icerabbit said:

How does one get past the Java File Protection??

Been without insteon or isy maintenance since getting OS X Mojave 

Anything Java is blocked.

The Java preference panel. 
The start.jnlp file


Updated to Jave RE 8 221

Still same. 


Take a look at this link    https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#MAC_OSX

Hopefully the answer is in there.


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  • 1 month later...

I download the finder from the link at the top of this thread, and it downloads fine, I see the UD logo appear when I execute the file, then nothing happens. Yes, yes, I've cleared the Java cache many times now, but the dialog box that allows me to select which ISY I want to open just never appears. Any hints about what I'm doing wrong? I'm running 5.0.15A. I can log into my local isy from http://192.168.1.xxx/admin.jpnl just fine, but I have remote isy's that I want to access.

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Michel...Thank you for the reply to this. I went to C:>Users>jackr>AppData>Local>Temp and found the following files:

  • ud_tree.state        (Yes, this one seemed to be misspelled)
  • udi_frame.state
  • udi_pgm.state
  • udi_launcher.state

I deleted them, went to the task manager and deleted the ISY Finder task, and then launched it again. Still no finder window visible, but a new file appeared in the Temp folder:


I deleted it, went to task manager and deleted the ISY Finder task yet again, and then launched it. This time the finder window showed up in the right place on my primary 4k monitor.

While this process worked, and I thank you for that, I hope you realize this is not an acceptable situation. I wasted a lot of time fiddling with my monitor settings, downloading and installing the app again, clearing the cache, etc., all with no success. An ordinary user, just getting into UDI and the ISY, would have simply walked away at this point. To gain acceptance to a broader audience, UDI must address these types of issues, and make the process of installing and upgrading UDI software absolutely bulletproof. It is far from that at the moment. I'm trying to be helpful here with this feedback, although it might sound like I'm complaining. Please view it as constructive feedback.

I know I'm working with pre-release software, and I was forced to do that to get a motion sensor II working properly. But even with pre-release software, instructions must be clear and complete, typical hardware and software configurations must be anticipated, and ultimately the process must work. When you get ready to go prime time with 5.0.16, I volunteer to be a tester for your documentation and process. Again, thanks for you help.

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