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Disabled device Turned ON by ISY

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I have an insteon I/O linc that is hooked up to a Gas fireplace. During the summer months and when i travel, i "Disable" this device in the ISY software. 

The other day, the fireplace was on, all by itself. The I/O was also unresponsive. I had to access it and unplug it and manually turn the fireplace off. 

It was a strange day with the ISY. it was the second day after upgrading to the latest operating system on the ISY, along with a  possible surge that hit my house. All my start up variables were randomly assigned, various other programs that were disabled for summer (like xmas lights) were suddenly enabled. etc. 

Has anyone seen something like this before? I thought that by disabling a device, there would never be any chance of it turning on. Guess i was wrong, and will have to come up with some other method of ensuring it can physically unable to turn on the fireplace. 



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1 hour ago, dbwarner5 said:

I have an insteon I/O linc that is hooked up to a Gas fireplace. During the summer months and when i travel, i "Disable" this device in the ISY software. 

The other day, the fireplace was on, all by itself. The I/O was also unresponsive. I had to access it and unplug it and manually turn the fireplace off. 

It was a strange day with the ISY. it was the second day after upgrading to the latest operating system on the ISY, along with a  possible surge that hit my house. All my start up variables were randomly assigned, various other programs that were disabled for summer (like xmas lights) were suddenly enabled. etc. 

Has anyone seen something like this before? I thought that by disabling a device, there would never be any chance of it turning on. Guess i was wrong, and will have to come up with some other method of ensuring it can physically unable to turn on the fireplace. 



A power surge can definitely cause problems. Try rebooting the ISY. I would also do a factory reset and restore device on the IOLinc

What ISY firmware and UI are you running?

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  • 1 month later...

4.7.3 .. rebooted and restored device.. all is well now. I have now rewired things so that i have a manual shut off between the insteon switch and the fireplace so in the summer time or when away i know with certainty that nothing like that can happen.. but it sure is disconcerting..

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" I have now rewired things so that i have a manual shut off between the insteon switch and the fireplace. . . "

Yes, any time you are interfacing to something like this, your solution is the wisest step you can take.

Now if we can remember to use it ?






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Thanks Brian.. It did not fail. I reset it and its been working fine. I am beginning to suspect that I had a power surge of some type (or someone hacked me!..)
Being resettable and working again, indicates it was erratic and failed to me.

Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk

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Has anyone else had odd behavior? I have a lamplinc in son's nursery, another lamplinc in daughter's nursery, and i/o linc for fireplace. I have a program set to run at 3:02am to turn off all lights in the house. These 3 items are not included in that program or any scenes. I have had this setup running for 2 years and last night all 3 above insteon devices turned on at 3:02am. I'm going through the UDReport and trying to find an explanation but I can't find one. I'm on 4.7.2.

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