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Admin Console access during Internet outage


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Recently, I had an internet outage which lasted 3 days. During that time my ISY994i operated just fine. Switches and sensors operated as per my programs. However, when I tried to launch the Admin Console (and Dashboard) I got this error even before the ISY Finder window appeared (it never appeared):


I am using an iMac Safari with macOS High Sierra and running ISY version 4.6.2. 

The problem is that I can't see or program the ISY when there is no internet. Nor can I see the status of any of my devices. The ISY is on the same local network as my iMac but it seems I can't do any ISY monitoring if I do not have an internet connection. 

Is this error due to a setup problem on my Mac or is this normal? If a problem, what do I do to fix it?

Edited by BigfootC
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Don’t know about Mac, but from Windows if I downloaded admin.jnlp directly from the ISY and ran it it would work without Internet access... (adjust for your ISYs IP)


Java apps generally must be able to access the URL you download the .jnlp from when you launch it. So, downloaded from UDIs servers it won’t work if you don’t have internet connectivity.


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