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Triggering Alexa routine with 2843-222


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Hi...new user..I've read many posts prior to posting,  but am still unable to get contact sensor to work with Alexa routine....

I'm using V3 of android app.

I added sensor to ISY, and can see state changes. Works perfectly

I exposed the sensor to Alexa as contact/sensor via portal

I can see sensor in Alexa android app change state when I open/close the sensor

I added routine to do something (say 'window is open') and checked it works, it does.

I've waited a couple of hours, just in case something needs to propagate between various Alexa systems

However, the routine never triggers when I toggle sensor.

I'm embarrassed,  but I can't figure this out. Any suggestion or hints ?


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Hi bmercier,

Thanks for replying. Yes, I've got Live Update on. I can see the state change within Alexa, i.e. if I go to the Alexa 'devices' screen on Amazon, and then

toggle the sensor, I see the state change several seconds later. It just never seems to trigger the routine. I manually can trigger the routine to make sure

it works (it's simple, say window is open etc).


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This has been my issue all along since setting up routines. I also see the state change on the device from open to close and back to open 10 seconds later on the Alexa app but don't always get the voice response. It seems like if I repeat triggering the device several times from the ISY it starts working until sometime later it stop again. I believe this is an Amazon problem.

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For anyone else monitoring this, I also disabled my ISY V3 skill in Alexa, deleted the routine, then re-enabled the V3 skill, and tested to make sure that it sees state changes on sensor ( it does, very consistently, ) and then I recreated the very simple routine to send notification upon closure of sensor. It still doesn't work.  Based on garybixler's post, I did attempt to cycle the sensor many times, to see if it ever worked, but I have yet to get a single trigger of the routine.

I've reviewed a ton of entries in the various Alexa forums, and their developers site, but haven't found anything that gives me any hint or corrective action.


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Hi Benoit

I did as you suggested and disabled and re-enabled the V3 skill. After running through my six routines several times allowing several minutes between each run I did notice a definite improvement. But still some messages, maybe 5% just don't get sent or may be a minute or so late coming from Amazon  I have watched the devices on the Alexa app and the devices always close and open as programmed to do so. The missing messages are not exclusive to any one device. Hope I get my newspaper alert tomorrow morning.

Thanks for your insight.


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Just an update. This morning two expected routine messages were never received. 

I sent a feedback to Amazon explaining the problem that sometimes their devices do not trigger the routine.

In fact this morning a routine twice didn't play from the app. 

Last Update I hope.

In my case I think I found the solution. Putting the device in mute mode seems to have solved the problem. I use the audio output jack on the dot to connect to the Russound page input so I'm not sure if that is the reason or not. I ran through my routines from the ISY over twenty times and haven't had any failure at all. 

Thanks Gary

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