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Insteon Ramp Rate

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I'd like to be able to send an "On" command, via program, to an Insteon 2477D and have it use a ramp rate of four minutes.  If I turn the light on from the switch itself, the full ramp rate is executed.  If I do it from a program, it comes on immediately.  I must be using the wrong syntax in the set on command.  Can anyne help?  Thanks.



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I'd like to be able to send an "On" command, via program, to an Insteon 2477D and have it use a ramp rate of four minutes.  If I turn the light on from the switch itself, the full ramp rate is executed.  If I do it from a program, it comes on immediately.  I must be using the wrong syntax in the set on command.  Can anyne help?  Thanks.

Create a scene for the device as a responder only. Enter the 4 minute ramp rate in the scene. Turn the scene on with the program, rather than the switch.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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