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ISY Admin Console from Mac


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I upgraded both my Macs to Mojave recently and I cannot access my ISY Admin Console anymore.  This includes from:

- Safari

- Firefox

- Chrome

- old admin.jnlp file

- newly downloaded ISY Launcher


Through the web browser, it just sits there and doens't launch Java.

From the Java files directly, it launches the console and the moment I enter credentials, closes every time.

I have ensured I'm on the latest version of Java and cleared my cache.  I don't know what else to do.  Help!

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This may be only a coincidence, but I too had an issue with my admin console shutting down immediately after I logged in.  This happened repeatedly.  I’ve made no changes to my system, other than taking down my outside Christmas lights which were controlled via a GE ZW4201 smart switch.  I simply unplugged the smart switch and put it in the box for next year.  No other changes were made.  I dug the switch out of its storage box, plugged it back in to an outlet, and logged into ISY with no issues.  From there I located the smart switch, disabled same, and put it back in storage.  Can’t explain why that happened, but everything is now back to normal.

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Somehow without changing a single thing, I managed to get in.  Now I've tried 3 different versions of firmware (5.0.2, 5.0.9, 5.0.14) and all 3 give the error "Upgrade Failed :Failed uploading file (reported written size is invalid)".

Again, I'm on a Mac. No firewall.  Never had to before, but disabled AV. Using https. Rebooted ISY multiple times.

This shoudn't be this difficult. Anyone have any ideas?

Are we ever going to get a non-Java console?

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I use both Windows 10 and a Mac computers. My Mac is Mojave and I have no problems opening the Administrative Console with the new ISY Launcher. As you probably have already tried to launch ISY with Firewall/Virus program OFF, I have unfortunately no idea what your issue might be.

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For information, here is the file size of the downloaded 5.0.14 firmware zip file on my Mac:  6,544,325 bytes

Don't unzip the file prior to installing it, or you'll get that same error.

Otherwise, a search of the forums for this: "Upgrade Failed :Failed uploading file (reported written size is invalid)" generally seems to indicate that you may have some sort of firewall/AV/network issue.

Others before you who have gotten this error submitted a support ticket, and that may be a good option here: support@universal-devices.com

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  • 3 months later...

It seems I have been ISY purgatory for a long time, every time I try something Java is blocked.

I recall the launcher working last year, but then I my systems are now running OSX mojave and the launcher does not work any more. 

Java proposed I get version 8 211 ... latest they have ... nothing.

Read an article somewhere that v 12 SE is compatible with mojave ... nothing. 

Switched to an up to date windows 10 computer with Firefox ... nothing.

How does on get the console these days? 


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I am a member of the same club, and have had Administrative Console  issues on both my Mac Mojave and on my Windows 10. 

The issues with Windows 10 were resolved by increasing the Java memory and (to my regret) I don't remember how I resolved my Mac issues.

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59 minutes ago, icerabbit said:

I recall the launcher working last year, but then I my systems are now running OSX mojave and the launcher does not work any more. 

I've been running it on Mojave, including several beta versions, and the AC runs just fine.  In the Java Control Panel, Security tab, you might add your ISY's IP address to the "Exception Site List".  I'm not sure that will help, but I've got mine in the list and I'm having no problems.

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In the Java Control Panel, Security tab, you might add your ISY's IP address to the "Exception Site List".  I'm not sure that will help, but I've got mine in the list and I'm having no problems. "


Good to hear it can actually work, my system is not there yet ...

I cannot even get to the Java Control Panel. 

When I go into Preferences, click Java, click " Reopen the java control panel " 

I get a popup on the right hand side " Java File Protection " " Launch of Java Control Panel has been blocked "  Only option is close. 

I have not found a way to bypass or resolve that. Tried to see what java had to say, did the google thing, ... I have spent a considerable amount troubleshooting and searching online, at times when I have tried to get into the console, each time given up ... hence me finally coming here. (as I do need to do some housekeeping and troubleshoot why my water heaters are running in the daytime (when we have triple the electric cost) 






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  • 3 months later...


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