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Forced to manually query devices at console start up


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Every time I open an admin console for managing my devices, all of them are "reset" to a ramp rate of 9 minutes and 0% On level. I have to manually query all of them for the console setting them back as they should ( 0,1 sec and 100%).


I tried to run the default program "Query All" and even created one myself that query each and every device one by one instead of querying a global scene, without results. The admin console gets busy for a moment when I launch these programs, but the settings is still wrong until I manually query each devices.


How can I fix this and have all my devices with proper settings at the start of the console ?


Thanks for your help,




Controller is ISY 99i ; firmware is 2.7.0


Hello Jacques,


It seems as if your PLM is failing to communicate reliably with your devices.


Do the linking functions (Add to scene) perform correctly?






thanks for your reply.


I don't think that I have problems with the PLM. Few times an Add to scene may fails, but most time it works ( >95% OK).


I also moved one of my access point from its first position to one closer to the panel. It improved the reliabilty significantly. I also keep adding devices to the network, which should help once again.


For the moment, the PLM is plugged in the always on part of an Insteon smart wall plug. Should I move it to a standard one ?


Also, when I query manually each devices, they all come back to their normal state (On 100% - 0,1 sec) on the first try.


Finaly, when I view the status / settings from the basic Web page of the controller, the informations are correct. They are not only when I look them the first time in the admin console.


Any other idea ?




Hello Jacques,


Welcome to the forum!


I think the problem is that at 3:00 AM, for some reason, your PLM cannot communicate with your INSTEON devices. I am making this conclusion because you mentioned that you can query all your devices fine when you open the console. So, it has to be time related.


So, the first thing I'd suggest is looking at your logs (Tools | Logs). Please look for (or filter on the last column) for -2. Check the time for these -2s ... if most of them are happening on or around 3:00 AM, then the problem HAS to be either the PLM or something that stops the PLM from communicating with your devices.


The second thing I'd suggest is moving your PLM away from any source of noise (computers, monitors, phone chargers, etc.).


With kind regards,





thanks for your reply.


I don't think that I have problems with the PLM. Few times an Add to scene may fails, but most time it works ( >95% OK).


I also moved one of my access point from its first position to one closer to the panel. It improved the reliabilty significantly. I also keep adding devices to the network, which should help once again.


For the moment, the PLM is plugged in the always on part of an Insteon smart wall plug. Should I move it to a standard one ?


Also, when I query manually each devices, they all come back to their normal state (On 100% - 0,1 sec) on the first try.


Finaly, when I view the status / settings from the basic Web page of the controller, the informations are correct. They are not only when I look them the first time in the admin console.


Any other idea ?






thanks for your reply.


Unfortunately, the -2 is not a big problem here. On more than 5500 lines, I have only 5 of them, and they are all before I moved the access point to a plug closer to the panel. I also added more Insteon devices after these, so the network came more reliable.


All query at 3:00 AM are good and the complete scan takes less than a minute (all levels were 0 because, well, everything was off).


Also, the problem can not be time related :

First time I open the admin console, all ramp rates and on level are reset.

I query all of them manually and they all come back right.

I close the admin console and re-open it within a minute and all settings are back wrong.


I would also be surprised should it be the PLM because the basic web pages from the ISY return the proper settings all the time. Only the admin console gets them wrong.


For me, it looks more and more a problem / bug with the applet itself.


Any other idea ?




Hi Jacques,


Yes, you are correct: if this happens EVERY time you open the applet, then the problem is network related (subscription of the applet to ISY). Would you be kind enough to clear your Java cache and retry? Please ensure all your browser windows are closed before clearing the cache.


Also, you might want to try http://www.universal-devices.com/99i in case you are using ISY's direct URL OR the reverse.


And, finally, if all fails, please let me know your current firmware version and the firewall software you are using.



With kind regards,





thanks for your reply.


Unfortunately, the -2 is not a big problem here. On more than 5500 lines, I have only 5 of them, and they are all before I moved the access point to a plug closer to the panel. I also added more Insteon devices after these, so the network came more reliable.


All query at 3:00 AM are good and the complete scan takes less than a minute (all levels were 0 because, well, everything was off).


Also, the problem can not be time related :

First time I open the admin console, all ramp rates and on level are reset.

I query all of them manually and they all come back right.

I close the admin console and re-open it within a minute and all settings are back wrong.


I would also be surprised should it be the PLM because the basic web pages from the ISY return the proper settings all the time. Only the admin console gets them wrong.


For me, it looks more and more a problem / bug with the applet itself.


Any other idea ?






The cache cleaning did not fixed the problem. I did a Java Update at the same time and it did not helped either.


The applet from your website fixes half of the problem : the ramp rate are now correct, but the On level are not.


-Few more test with my own things ; always wrong at the start of the console, including reboots of the controller which trigger the default "QueryAll" program-


I opened the applet from your site first : every thing was wrong.

I queried manually all my devices once for setting the right values.

I exited and reloaded the applet from your site.

All ramp rate were still good, but all On level were down to 0.


The ISY is on the latest stable firmware : 2.7.0

The browser is FireFox, 3.0.8

The Java engine is 1.6.0_13


Any other idea ?


Thanks for your help,




I forgot to mention :


No firewall on the host (even not Windows Firewall)

Both the host and the controller are in the same network segment behing a CheckPoint Fw-1 appliance.

The antivirus on the host is Kaspersky AV 2009.




Hi Jacques,


Thanks for the update. I think the problem is either network related or it's ISY itself. To isolate, it would be great if we could log in to your ISY remotely. If you have internet access enabled, please send the URL + your credentials (hopefully admin/admin) to support@universal-devices.com ... we'll try to login remotely and if it works here then at least we have eliminated ISY as the culprit.


For your information, we have had major issues with Kaspersky before. You might want to check out the following link wherein you'll find some remedies thereto:



With kind regards,



I forgot to mention :


No firewall on the host (even not Windows Firewall)

Both the host and the controller are in the same network segment behing a CheckPoint Fw-1 appliance.

The antivirus on the host is Kaspersky AV 2009.






Thanks for the thread you sent me to. That is EXACTLY the description of my problem. The only difference is that I use Kaspersky AV and not IS, but for sure the culprit is the same. Let me try over HTTPS first. I should be able to do my own debug with that...


If it fails with the HTTPS and / or disabling Kaspersky, I will send you credentials to the e-mail address you just gave me. You can connect my ISY over Checkpoint VPN, basic port forwarding, SSH tunneling or interactive session of Remote Desktop. Have any preference ?


Thanks for your help,



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