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Notification Reliability


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Is there a known issue with ISY notification reliability?  I noticed I was not getting some notifications, so I started sending them to my text and gmail account as a backup.

I decided to do a test today, just a simple program that sends a time-stamped message every 60 seconds to my text and gmail account, one right after the other..  

In the first 2 hours, the gmail account missed 7 messages, the text missed 6.  They were all at different times.

I separated the two notifications by 5 seconds and it improved; gmail and text each missed one in 2 hours.

So i removed the gmail and left the text message only.  In 2 hours, it missed 3 messages.

I have a hard time believing either of those service providers (text is Verizon) are that unreliable, I am not aware of any other issues, so I'm thinking it must be the ISY or it's mail service.  I could just keep doing the 2-message backup thing, but I sure would like just one to be reliable.  I am using default SMTP settings.  V4.7.0



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It goes back a while, but the recommendation is to not use the ISY default mail service and configure the mail services directly. Its mentioned in the wiki.

It discusses how to configure gmail.  A number of other providers configurations are available in the drop down in the admin console.






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Well the Wiki instructions didn't exactly match the Gmail setup (they probably changed something since that was written), but I figured it out and it tested just fine. So I restarted the test program and we'll see how it does!  But the sending email address is no longer 'alerts@universal-devices.com' which I had set up in my contacts, it's now my name which is on my Google account.  i wonder if I can switch it to the 'alerts' email. . . .

Thanks for the tip!

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I set up a gmail "house account" that I use for this and also for the login emails to my online accounts; ISY, Venstar, Rainmachine, Pushover etc. You may have to try a few times to find an accout name that works as many are take. 

This way, you can leave your personal account security settings high, Also, if you sell your house, you can simple turn over the account and not have everything tied up with your personal account


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  • 3 weeks later...

OK, I know this post may be a bit stale, but I have a similar issue, only ALL my notifications are failing.  I suspected it was initially caused by and update to my Gmail account, then went through the steps in the Wiki and confirmed other needed changes were made, including the Gmail setting to allow access from less secure apps.

However, I still cannot get any of the notices to come through to me.

UPDATE: I think I resolved the issue.  I had checked "access from less secure apps" on the wrong gmail account (DUH!)  Once I checked this on my Home account, messages started arriving.


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