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Mini Remote LOCKED??


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I have a 4 scene mini remote, and I can't get it into setup/link/unlink mode.
It works as is, but:

-Press/hold set, and green flash on/off,(stays off)

-Press/hold 2nd time, exact same as above (green, not red, then off)

-Try factory (hold set while powering on), green3sec, red3sec
 ..but no changes, still has programming

Is there a way that ISY maybe LOCKS the remotes (all 4 are doing this)

A way to FORCE factory (eg would remove battery work??)

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They must have changed something in the firmware.

On my 2342-232 Mini Remotes. A Factory Reset is hold the set button while turning it ON. It will start beeping. Keep holding the set button until the beeper stops sounding then release the set button.

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As pointed out.

If the modules being controlled by the remote. Where not unlinked from it before the factory reset. They will continue to respond to the buttons.

Not reccomended if you are using an ISY994i. If you where doing manual links and unlinks. Did you tap the button you want to do the action on before starting the linking or unlinking?

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