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Initial Feeback

Michel Kohanim

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Thanks so very much for the update and feedback:

1. Polyglot username is not the same as the OS username. We are hoping that no one has to get to the OS/SSH (except for the geeks)
2. Letsencrypt definitely in our plan
3. Setting hostname is part of the UI (for which we held up the release)
4. Not being to upgrade poly should be resolved soon. We ran into some permission elevation issues (polyglot use does not have permission for many things and we don't want to use root). And update should be available this week and you can update Polyglot using the command:
sudo pkg update polyglot
5. Reboot will be done from the UI and will not require sudo. But, from the shell, you need sudo simply because, otherwise, we will lose audit trails
6. Getting SolarEdge is unexplainable. Please do be kind enough to send your UUID to support@universal-devices.com

With kind regards,

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7 hours ago, Michel Kohanim said:


Thanks so very much for the update and feedback:

1. Polyglot username is not the same as the OS username. We are hoping that no one has to get to the OS/SSH (except for the geeks)
2. Letsencrypt definitely in our plan
3. Setting hostname is part of the UI (for which we held up the release)
4. Not being to upgrade poly should be resolved soon. We ran into some permission elevation issues (polyglot use does not have permission for many things and we don't want to use root). And update should be available this week and you can update Polyglot using the command:
sudo pkg update polyglot
5. Reboot will be done from the UI and will not require sudo. But, from the shell, you need sudo simply because, otherwise, we will lose audit trails

I guess I should have paid attention to where this post was already!

On 1 - That's what I figured out. I assume the post-geek batches will have a limited shell by default (much like the ISY today). 

2) Awesome! 

3) I cannot see this in the UI. I can see where you set the 'hostname' of the MQTT broker (localhost by default). I'm pretty sure that's not it. 

4) Thank you!  That's what I thought - the git clone error usually occurs when it cannot write to the storage (permissions or space).

5) I can see a UI branch in your near future!

I guess I should also ask about the 'Use Beta Firmware' checkbox. 

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15 minutes ago, MWareman said:

Email sent!

I'll move all other discussion to the correct place..



I just logged onto Polisy again - and the SolarEdge Poly is gone...

I wonder if it was a default there from the image used.


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Notes / Brain dump:  Initial observations, ideas.  I'll have more time today to play with things.

  • SolarEdge and DarkSky are still present in my unit.  E-mail with UUID has been sent
    • Curious how these are showing, what is setting them?
  • Polyglot UI
    • Needs to have a Overall UI to wrap the sub-components
      • UI Themes possible or at the very least a Light/Dark choice
    • Basic system information, resource usage information for troubleshooting or just curiosity
      • Device status at a glance
      • Device health at a glace
      • CPU/Memory/Network/Disk/Paging info
    • Eventual tie in with ISY functions of Insteon/Z-Wave functionality in a unified UI experience
    • Basic admin functionality
      • The box has wifi and BT and no way for it to be configured by the consumer.  99% of people are NOT going to know how to do this from a terminal
      • Should be extensible/modular to add/remove admin functions as needed.  From consumer point of view something like Webmin but minimal
    • Dashboard presentation
      • Take some examples from Home Assistant or SharpTools for device information.  The ISY -> Polisy is a "automation" system however with that there is always a need and desire for some control to flick a scene on or off and natural nature of wanting to "see" what is happening in an overall view
      • This can be basic and extendable to allow others to extend upon and make as ellaborate or as simple as individuals desire
      • Extensible so 3rd parties can develop and extend
        • Possible new method of installing "themes" or UI interfaces?
    • System Modules
      • This is a powerful box.  Modular add-ons shouldn't be a problem.  First thoughts I had were
      • Can I load Node-RED on this?  Would make a good integrated add-on....
      • Can I load Home Assistant on this?  Makes a great visual interface to devices and "Home Status" - this is a little overkill but easily provides a "Home View" dashboard.
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Thank you. The problem with SolarEdge seems to be that the loaded mongo image already included SolarEdge and Darksky. We are fixing that right now. The UI is NOT done yet. That's why you were on the geek batch (without the UI)!!!


Thanks so very much for the feedback. 

With regard to Basic UI, well, that was the whole point of delaying the release date while giving you access to the unit. The UI is in the works and will allow configuration of network, wifi, etc. Bluetooth is a little tricky since, currently, there's not much we can do with it. But, all the drivers are there and are loaded at start up. 

With regard to loading other packages, well, please note that Polisy is based on FreeBSD. So, someone would need to migrate Node Red and Home Assistant. Based on what I have read on the forums, I am not comfortable sanctioning HA running inside Polisy since it uses Java and large amounts of memory.

With kind regards,

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19 minutes ago, Michel Kohanim said:


Thank you. The problem with SolarEdge seems to be that the loaded mongo image already included SolarEdge and Darksky. We are fixing that right now. The UI is NOT done yet. That's why you were on the geek batch (without the UI)!!!


Thanks so very much for the feedback. 

With regard to Basic UI, well, that was the whole point of delaying the release date while giving you access to the unit. The UI is in the works and will allow configuration of network, wifi, etc. Bluetooth is a little tricky since, currently, there's not much we can do with it. But, all the drivers are there and are loaded at start up. 

With regard to loading other packages, well, please note that Polisy is based on FreeBSD. So, someone would need to migrate Node Red and Home Assistant. Based on what I have read on the forums, I am not comfortable sanctioning HA running inside Polisy since it uses Java and large amounts of memory.

With kind regards,

Home Assistant is Python... Node-RED is Node.js.... :)

Node-RED I think would be a great win.

I believe you are thinking of OpenHAB?  That is java and definitely a no go.

Yup I'm aware these are early geek releases.  Just presenting out the early ideas/findings. 

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Hello all,

Thanks so very much for the feedback. We did find the issue with the spurious node servers. During assembly/testing, there's was an ISY in the lab with those node servers. So, once Polisy started up, it loaded them from ISY.

Other things we are working on:

1. File permission and upgrade issues
2. Allowing Polisy to use other ports (including 443)
3. Some minor bugs and a couple of enhancements 

With kind regards,

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I only got to play with mine very briefly before the power went out (PG&E).  The only issue I had was finding the IP address it was assigned.  The DHCP server on my router doesn't provide any information on the leases it hands out so I had to work through the list of currently active leases to find the right one.  Knowing the MAC address before hooking it up would have been a big help.

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We actually spent a very good amount of time working on discovery:

1. mDNS … would have been ideal but browser support is not cross platform, so we had to abandon for now (but a very good candidate for the future)
2. Force a cloud connection (just like ISY) and then get the local IP address and redirect. Too mothershipy for us. So, had to abandon
3. Yet another Java Finder/Launcher. Sacrilegious, so we had to abandon
4. Hostname and DHCP seemed to be the most natural. Most routers support DHCP hostname … but it seems that more complex network infra doesn't support this

So, we'll have to figure something out one way or another. Everyone's feedback is quite welcome.

With kind regards,

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2 hours ago, Michel Kohanim said:


We actually spent a very good amount of time working on discovery:
4. Hostname and DHCP seemed to be the most natural. Most routers support DHCP hostname … but it seems that more complex network infra doesn't support this

So, we'll have to figure something out one way or another. Everyone's feedback is quite welcome.

With kind regards,

@Michel Kohanim, I wouldn't say my network is complex, in fact, probably the opposite.  My router is quite old and its DHCP support is pretty basic.  When I add devices to my network, I also add a DHCP reservation and manually update my DNS. I need the MAC address to create the reservation.  I do have a range of IP's that get assigned if no reservation exist for the device so they work.

Many devices include the MAC address on the packaging and I find that helpful. 

This was just a small issue.  If it's not possible to provide the MAC address in the packaging, it's not a big deal.

Now that power just came back on, I'll have a chance to play around with it some more.

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Most modern routers will list the name received in the DHCP request. This makes the Polisy easy to spot in the list (it’s name is “Polisy”).

I do agree though - I know MAC addresses are not user friendly - but it does allow a DHCP reservation to be created in advance and/or a reservation to be easily found. Ideally, this would be provided on a sticker adhered to the Polisy. This has become pretty common practice.

It’s not surprising that the geek batch came without though.. :). That’s kind of the point so that changes can be made prior to shipping to non-geek users.

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@MWareman, I agree. We had requested for MAC address labels from the factory but got serial numbers instead. Also, there are 3 MAC addresses so, in all cases, we should find a better discovery solution.


For Tesla (and Ring) it's best to use the cloud because they require and endpoint. With regard to Wireless tag, do you get the same exact error?

With kind regards,

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6 hours ago, Michel Kohanim said:

Hello all,

Thanks so very much for the feedback. We did find the issue with the spurious node servers. During assembly/testing, there's was an ISY in the lab with those node servers. So, once Polisy started up, it loaded them from ISY.

So what's the recommended way to remove these node servers?   Can I just delete them from the database I.E. db.nodeservers.remove({'name': 'SolarEdge'})?

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1 hour ago, Michel Kohanim said:

Hi Gary, it might be related to file permissions. Please do this as the admin user:

sudo pkg update && sudo pkg upgrade

Please let me know if this fixes the issue. We still have another version in the works. 

With kind regards,


This is what the update / upgrade attempt results in:

[admin@polisy ~]$ sudo pkg update && sudo pkg upgrade
Updating udi repository catalogue...
SSL certificate subject doesn't match host pkg.isy.io
SSL certificate subject doesn't match host pkg.isy.io
SSL certificate subject doesn't match host pkg.isy.io
pkg: https://pkg.isy.io/udx12/meta.txz: Authentication error
repository udi has no meta file, using default settings
SSL certificate subject doesn't match host pkg.isy.io
SSL certificate subject doesn't match host pkg.isy.io
SSL certificate subject doesn't match host pkg.isy.io
pkg: https://pkg.isy.io/udx12/packagesite.txz: Authentication error
Unable to update repository udi
Error updating repositories!
[admin@polisy ~]$

https://pkg.isy.io seems to issue a redirect to your main website currently.. (though this may be normal as this is a browser request to / - Polisy may be making a POST or other request to something other than the default document)...

GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: pkg.isy.io
Connection: keep-alive
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache
DNT: 1
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/77.0.3865.120 Safari/537.36
Sec-Fetch-Mode: navigate
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3
Sec-Fetch-Site: none
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9
HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily
Server: nginx/1.16.1
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2019 23:55:51 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 145
Connection: keep-alive
Location: https://www.universal-devices.com
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload


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1 hour ago, Michel Kohanim said:

@MWareman, I agree. We had requested for MAC address labels from the factory but got serial numbers instead. Also, there are 3 MAC addresses so, in all cases, we should find a better discovery solution.

I know this would add a few $ to the cost - but a small oled display driven by an OS driver could report the IP address (if DHCP assigned one) or the MAC of the interface with link (if not)...  No stickers needed...

Something like this (if the board has an I2C port): https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000008299769.html

It would just need a suitable driver....  but the display could be used in the future for all kinds of user feedback (far more informative than lights to blink out fault codes).

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Just now, Michel Kohanim said:

Hi @Michael,

I cannot reproduce. I even downloaded meta.txz using Windows after it succeeded on Polisy. Is it possible that you are using a proxy? 

With kind regards,

Good point. I do have a proxy on my LAN - but the WPAD only targets my Daughters devices. Let me check...

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