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Triggerlinc script? TL open = light on, email notifications


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I am looking to have the ISY handle something that Homeseer does with an X10 door sensor.


When the basement door is opened, the light in the garage turns on, a notification goes out with subject & body saying "Basement door has been opened", after 5 minutes a second (repeating) email goes out saying "Basement Door has been left open". When the door is closed the garage light goes off & an email is sent saying "Basement door closed".



I understand the notifications are limited in terms of what they can say. Can they be repeated - specifically the open ones?


Garage Door Open

       Status  'Door: Basement Door Open' is On

       Set 'Garage: Light' On
       Send Notification to All

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Garage Door Closed:


       Status  'Door: Basement Door Open' is Off

       Set 'Garage: Light' Off
       Send Notification to All

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


I dont seem to be able to figure out how to make it in one program & I am having some communciation issues with teh garage at the moment (maybe an issue with teh appliance linc).




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What is the difference between control & status?


My SMTP is my local internet provider.


Right now, I get one notification when the door is open, one when it closes. Is htere a way to increase the notification rate? I would like a reminder every 5 minutes sent via email.


Should I be using the "repeat" in the program?


       Status  'Door: Basement Door Open' is On

       Set 'Garage: Light' On
       Send Notification to All
       Wait  2 minutes 
       Send Notification to All
       Repeat Every  2 minutes 

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


The only problem I see is how to get it repeating properly & how to make it stop repeating when the door is shut.



I have door monitors on my 2 fridges & those need more constant email notifications.




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Hi Rich,


Status changes with any changes to the state of a device. So, when you turn on a device, the status changes to on, when you turn off a device, the status changes to off. Now, when you turn on a device which is ALREADY on, then the status does NOT change.


Control is any physical activity on the device itself. So, when you double press a device, regardless of the status of the device, ISY consider this an event.


Yes, you should use Repeat (every 5 minutes) ... the program stops when the condition is false so you do not have to worry about stopping it.


With kind regards,


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       Control 'Door: Basement Door Open' is switched On

       Set 'Garage: Light' On
       Send Notification to All
       Repeat Every  2 minutes 

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


That should send notifications every 2 minutes? That seems not to be working. I am still getting only 1 notification.




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I have these two setup now:



Door Open


       Control 'Door: Basement Door Open' is switched On

       Set 'Garage: Light' On
       Repeat Every  2 minutes 
          Send Notification to All

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Door Closed

       Control 'Door: Basement Door Open' is switched Off

       Set 'Garage: Light' Off
       Send Notification to All

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Now, I have the notifications still running.


If i look in my program list, I have:


Door closed is Idle

Door Open is "running then"


What am I doing wrong? It wont stop sending updates as the program wont go false.




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Just to reiterate, closing the door doesnt seem to make "door open" turn false.

Based on the program code you posted, your "Door Open" program will never terminate as indeed you're seeing.


The key here is that conditions only evaluate when the events specifically listed occur. Therefore, your "Door Open" program's IF clause only evaluates (and interrupts the repeat) when your 'Door: Basement Door Open' control is switched ON. It does not evaluate (or interrupt the repeat) if it is switched OFF. Therefore, your program (in the absence of any other program intervention) will always be TRUE and will never terminate once triggered since its IF statement can never be anything but TRUE.


Quick fix looks like to add this to the IF clause: "And Control 'Door: Basement Door Open' is not switched Off". This will evaluate when the switch is turned off, and will interrupt the THEN clause and make the program status FALSE (since the ELSE clause will run).


The "Door Closed" program doesn't have this problem since there is nothing to be interrupted in its THEN clause.



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With the above in mind, i.e., door opens and does not close. Lets play a scenario here. Someone breaks in, they probably will open the door, and if indeed they are a break in, they probably will not close the door. I'd like to know that the door opened (whether it closes or not). What would be the best intrusion program to write?





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