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15 hours ago, tmorse305 said:

Hi @kewashi, I have a lock connected via Hubitat.  The lock status is not updating.  If I do a refresh, the lock status updates but it will not change on it's own.  Suggestions?  Thanks.

Well I don’t have any locks linked through Hubitat — only SmartThings. Is your lock directly linked to HP via Hubitat or is it linked to HP from ISY using the Hubitat polyglot? Either way I won’t have any way to debug it because I don’t have this configuration but it will help me know what code to inspect. I know locks work via SmartThings and Hubitat is basically identical. What type of lock?

a few things to check. Check your Hubitat log for any errors. Check the hpserver.log file for errors. Confirm that the lock works from a Hubitat dashboard. 

sorry I’m not much help on this. 

Edited by kewashi
licks to locks
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Thanks @kewashi, sorry I should have thought to check the logs on Hubitat.  When I changed RPi's I forgot to update the IP address of HP in Hubitat.   I did notice one thing while is was in the logs.  Hubitat is making call to a second HP that doesn't exist.  When I first set it up, I had deleted the 2nd HP information within Hubitat but it turns out I cannot delete it.  If I do, close the app then reopen it's back.  How do I delete it permanently?


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Where do you announce new versions?  If I "watch for releases" on github, will I be notified?

Do you have a preferred central location for reporting issues?

Here is an issue ... ISY has a function to "init" a variable, which sets the value that the variable will be set to on power up.  This generates an event that does not include a val element, and housepanel ends up setting the value to NaN.

Here is a log of the event (action 7 instead of the 6 used for set events):

V2.328 on 9/12/2020  10:10:08 AM  ISY event json result:  {
  Event: {
    '$': { seqnum: '134', sid: 'uuid:68' },
    control: [ '_1' ],
    action: [ '7' ],
    node: [ '' ],
    eventInfo: [
        var: [
            '$': { type: '1', id: '14' },
            init: [ '1' ],
            prec: [ '0' ]
V2.328 on 9/12/2020  10:10:08 AM  Event info:  { '$': { type: '1', id: '14' }, init: [ '1' ], prec: [ '0' ] }


I hacked a fix by adding a check "if ( typeof varobj.val !== "undefined" ) {" before setting the variable.

Probably better to validate the action is a set action before trying to set the variable.

Keep up the good work.  I'm really liking it so far.

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8 hours ago, tmorse305 said:

If I do, close the app then reopen it's back.  How do I delete it permanently?

That’s weird. It is a non required field so you should be able to set it to empty. Let me add an option to ignore it if port value of zero is given. I will include this in the next update. Will also check the logic. I could have messed it up. Thanks for flagging it. By the way, the second call should just fail in a try/catch block and cause no harm. 

EDIT: Fixed bug in V2.330 just posted

Edited by kewashi
Fixed bug
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7 hours ago, KMan said:

I hacked a fix by adding a check "if ( typeof varobj.val !== "undefined" ) {" before setting the variable.

Probably better to validate the action is a set action before trying to set the variable.

Thanks for finding this bug. Will get it fixed in a future release. 

I announce releases here and in the SmartThings forum. I prefer getting bug reports here in this thread or on the SmartThings forum. I also check Hubitat but not often. I almost never check the GitHub issues list. But if you subscribe to the repo you will get notices when I post updates. 

EDIT: Bug fixed in V2.330 just posted. I check for action being 6 and for "val" being there

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bug fixed
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6 hours ago, Envirogreen said:

how things are progressing with porting house panel to polisy

Thanks for asking and your continued interest. I was making pretty good progress and then got side tracked by a very cool new feature to add my Ford car to the panel. This isn’t available to the public yet but I’m beta testing it for work using an API we will soon make available to power users (my day job is I work at Ford). Anyway I will get back to it soon and trust me when it is done I will make plenty of noise about it here on the forum. 

By the way, I will post some cool screen shots of my Ford car on HousePanel soon too. Can’t let the Tesla nodeserver guys have all the fun with ISY. Although I confess I’m using the Tesla nodeserver as a tutorial for converting HP into a nodeserver since it is written in Node.js

EDIT:  Here is the teaser of what will be available some day soon from Ford...


Edited by kewashi
added teaser from Ford
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[RELEASE] Released HousePanel V2.330

Today's release includes various bug fixes noted in a few posts above. This includes the variable update bugfix a check for valid IP numbers for Hubitat and SmartThings hubs to post back to HP.

This version also includes wiring that one day will allow a Ford or Lincoln vehicle to be integrated onto your HousePanel dashboard if you have credentials to access the FordDirect API's. At present this API is not open or available to the public, but once it is, this will work. This is something Ford is working on and I am beta testing the feature using HP, so stay tuned. A teaser is provided above. 

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Not sure if what I'm trying to do is supposed to be permitted or not ... but ...

I am trying to change the text displayed on the "run" part of a program tile.  Basically I just want one line of my custom text and the icon to show, nothing else.  Maybe there's another way to do this but I'm trying to do this by putting custom text on the "run" field.  This causes HP to treat the tile as a passive tile, and just pops up the tile values when I click on it.

I added a hack in processClick() which seems to allow it to work.    Not sure if it breaks anything else though. :)

The hack is to exclude the ISY program commands ("run", "runThen", etc) from being processed as user commands.

I added the '&& !progarr.includes(subid)' clause.

    // Exclude ISY program commands from being treated as user commands (if the user has
    // applied custom text to one of these fields.
    var progarr = ["run","runThen","runElse","stop","enable","disable"];
    if ( usertile && usertile.length>0 && $(usertile).attr("command") && !progarr.includes(subid)) {



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5 hours ago, KMan said:

Basically I just want one line of my custom text and the icon to show, nothing else. 

If your hack works then go for it ... but maintaining it in future versions will be messy. I think if you put custom text using the customizer in the run field that field is fully replaced as a custom text field. That is the design intent of the customizer. Action fields replaced by text are supposed to be neutered. Your hack is interesting because it suggests that the original action could be preserved. I will study this but I’m not sure that this will work. Let me know the original action worked for you after the hack.

The supported way to do what you mention is to make a graphic icon with your desired text and graphic included and styled how you like, and then set the transparency color of the text to 0.01. The slider doesn’t get to zero. Anything small works. Doing this just changes the look of the field and leaves the subid intact to trigger the action. The customizer swaps out the subid this neutering the original action. Your hack is interesting... again let me look at it and get back with you. 

EDIT: I reviewed the code in this section and concluded that custom TEXT fields need not always be neutered. They can and should retain the action status of what they replace so you can do what you intended without a hack. I updated the code to act this way. The trade is custom TEXT fields no longer do inspection of the tile as before. They attempt to call the hub which returns false. This causes no harm. I decided to add a hook for any custom TEXT field starting with the name "label" to always inpsect. This way you can make custom TEXT labels named "label1" and "label27" or whatever and they will inspect the tile. Any other TEXT custom field will do what the replacement field would have done. Your hack was close. Take a look at what I did to see the proper fix. Basically it was to remove the check for any TEXT commands. Thanks for flagging this. The update is a pretty cool and important enhancement. You can remove your hack if you update to Version 2.331 that I just posted tonight.

Edited by kewashi
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Not sure if you are interested in contributions to HP ... if you are, I added functionality to display the ISY variable names rather than the ISY identifiers ("int_1") in the Existing Fields and Available Fields when linking ISY variables.  I also removed the precision fields from the displayed option list, as I don't see any reason to link to them.

The changes are fairly straightforward, and localized to just a few locations in 2 files.  If you are interested, I can create a pull request, or you can view the changes directly at https://github.com/Tri2Spike/hpserver (hpserver.js and customize.js).


Edited by KMan
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15 hours ago, KMan said:

If you are interested, I can create a pull request

Awesome ... yes, please create a pull request. I will likely add the prec back in. Max flex is the design principle of HP and there is no harm in the minor added traffic to include it. You also need them for state variables so it allows the two to share code. There are tons of other fields like this that are typically hidden from SmartThings and Hubitat hubs. One never knows what some 3rd party might want to do with these fields - especially since HP can be used as a silent api too. I look forward to seeing what you created.

By the way, the next update includes a screen saver that rotated through photos of your choice. It is super cool. 

Edited by kewashi
ST and HE and state vars
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On 9/21/2020 at 4:16 PM, KMan said:

Pull request created, you should have it now.

Finally got around to checking out your pull request. Nice work. I am working on figuring out final plans. I noticed the green check icon is the same as the switchon_green icon. I suspect that is a mistake. I will keep these and replace the dup with a real green check mark.

Regarding your code, I think I would like to put the alias into the [value] array of allthings and link them to their alias master so the user can pick which one they want to display. Again - really nice work.

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HousePanel Version 2.400 Release

This update includes a really cool new feature that displays in rotating fashion any photos you store in the photos folder in the main location. The display is triggered by "Blackout" or when you go into Night mode if that option is set. A few minor bugs were also squashed. The pull request above was not yet included so stay tuned for that.


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5 minutes ago, tazman said:

Kewashi is there a fix for the digital clock in the new version?

I can’t reproduce it so I can’t fix it. Nobody else is reporting this error so I think it may be caused by something unique to your setup. I am stumped man. Sorry. Have you tried restarting your rPI?

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On 9/21/2020 at 4:16 PM, KMan said:

Pull request created, you should have it now.

V2.401 Posted tonight

Merged @Kman excellent patch to include variable alias names. I enhanced it to include alias names in the Tile Editor when clicked on the variable. Also changed the default names from int_ to Int_ and state_ to State_ to match the default alias names. Any rules or links you have will automatically be updated, but custom edits made in the Tile Editor to these fields will not be patched. There is commented code you can use to do this but it comes with risks to most users so I left it commented (see line 213 to 222 in hpserver.js)

Finally, the inspector now also shows the alias name when you click on the variable or its title.



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Hi @kewashi,  I've been playing with a new virtual device on the ISY side, its a dimmer.  The reason is that the virtual switch does not respond to dim/bright commands.  I'm currently using the virtual switch as the surrogate for the ISY scene so that I can have a simple tile on the HP side that turns the scene on and off.   If a light is off and then is brightened in some other way, the virtual switch on the HP will remain off.  The problem I'm running into is that HP sees the dimmer as a switch not a dimmer.  See screen shot of device info.  The second entry is the dimmer.  The problem comes if I add the rules to the dimmer.  When the light is brightened even a little the rule triggers and then the light goes to full brightness.  The last entries in the log file result from toggling both nodes form the ISY side.  I'm not sure if this is a definition problem of the ISY side or an interpretation problem on the HP side.  Thanks for your help!

Screenshot 2020-09-30 150640.png

Edit:  This is how they appear in the ISY AC.





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On 9/12/2020 at 11:44 AM, kewashi said:


EDIT:  Here is the teaser of what will be available some day soon from Ford...


Here is today's reality from FORD :-(

No more manual transmissions, although I can understand why with all that HP!

At least I have my F150 ecoboost

See stories from Today.png

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3 hours ago, kewashi said:

I’m not sure I understand what you are trying to do. Why not just add the scene to HP? I added this capability some time ago? The virtual tile should come in as a dimmer if the uom on the ISY side is set that way. 

Hi @kewashi,  I was trying to keep the look simple on the HP side.  The scene is a 3 way switch and it comes with 2 bulbs, one for on and one for off.  I wanted a simple tile with just one bulb to toggle on and off.  Here is the result of rest/nodes for the 2 nodes, switch on the left, dimmer on the right.  I'm not sure how to interpret the uom but they are different.

Thank you.


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8 hours ago, tmorse305 said:

I was trying to keep the look simple on the HP side.  The scene is a 3 way switch and it comes with 2 bulbs, one for on and one for off.

I will need to study the uom issue. In the meantime, I think it is much easier to just add the scene and then style the tile to look simple.  For example, you can hide one of the bulbs and the other stuff using the Editor. Or you can make both bulbs small and place them side by side, or you can add the scene and then link them with an on/off switch via a RULE where on pushes the DON bulb and off pushes the DOF bulb. Lots of options that won't require you to do a dimmer virtual switch. But if you have year heart set on it, let me know and I will investigate the "uom" issue and why a virtual bulb doesn't come in as a dimmer. I have never done that so it is new territory.

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