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Using a Keypad Link as an alarm code entry (or an ISY as a DIY Alarm/Security System)?

Derek Atkins

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I am trying to figure out the best way to use an ISY to drive a home-built (DIY) alarm system, and specifically a way to enter a code to arm and/or disarm the "alarm".  I've got a bunch of door sensors that tell me when doors open and close, and I've got a bunch of sirens throughout the house.  I'd like to make the sirens "beep" when we're home and doors open.  Then at night (ARM Home) and when we're out (ARM Away) I'd like to have the siren go off when a door opens (except for some doors which should allow a delay to enter a disarm code).

Specifically, I am trying to figure out a way to write a series of programs that do something like this:

init $i=1
init $invalid_code = 0

If any button is pressed:
  start timer if not started
  if this is the correct $i-th buttom:
        if button is ARM Home, ARM Away, or Disarm, then handle appropriately
        set $invalid_code = 1
        set $i = -1

If Timeout is reached
  set $i = 1
  set $invalid_code = 0

Then of course in the case of ARM Home, ARM Away, I want different doors to do different things -- some should sound the siren immediately regardless; some should start a 45-second timer to wait for the correct disarm code before starting the siren, etc.

I've been searching for a way to do this (or even a number-pad that would work).  I suppose my alternative is to write something using Home Assistant and have THAT drive the ISY?

Has anyone done this, or have hints at how to do it?  Has anyone found a nice digit code-pad that would hook into ISY (Insteon or ZWave)?

Is there anything else I can (or should) be looking at?


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1 minute ago, Derek Atkins said:


I am trying to figure out the best way to use an ISY to drive a home-built (DIY) alarm system, and specifically a way to enter a code to arm and/or disarm the "alarm".  I've got a bunch of door sensors that tell me when doors open and close, and I've got a bunch of sirens throughout the house.  I'd like to make the sirens "beep" when we're home and doors open.  Then at night (ARM Home) and when we're out (ARM Away) I'd like to have the siren go off when a door opens (except for some doors which should allow a delay to enter a disarm code).

Specifically, I am trying to figure out a way to write a series of programs that do something like this:

init $i=1
init $invalid_code = 0

If any button is pressed:
  start timer if not started
  if this is the correct $i-th buttom:
        if button is ARM Home, ARM Away, or Disarm, then handle appropriately
        set $invalid_code = 1
        set $i = -1

If Timeout is reached
  set $i = 1
  set $invalid_code = 0

Then of course in the case of ARM Home, ARM Away, I want different doors to do different things -- some should sound the siren immediately regardless; some should start a 45-second timer to wait for the correct disarm code before starting the siren, etc.

I've been searching for a way to do this (or even a number-pad that would work).  I suppose my alternative is to write something using Home Assistant and have THAT drive the ISY?

Has anyone done this, or have hints at how to do it?  Has anyone found a nice digit code-pad that would hook into ISY (Insteon or ZWave)?

Is there anything else I can (or should) be looking at?


Humbly, invest in a real alarm system which is monitored by a reliable and trust worthy 5 diamond Central Station (CS). The only thing you achieve by this DYI is the ability to say you did it!. The most irreplaceable things like your family and pets which can't be replaced should not be protected by hardware not intended for such a task.  

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3 minutes ago, Teken said:

Humbly, invest in a real alarm system which is monitored by a reliable and trust worthy 5 diamond Central Station (CS). The only thing you achieve by this DYI is the ability to say you did it!. The most irreplaceable things like your family and pets which can't be replaced should not be protected by hardware not intended for such a task.  

Um, yeah, but no.  My city wont dispatch police unless either *I* call 911 or the alarm company has audio or visual real-time confirmation that something is going on.  I.e., the alarm company needs unfettered access to cameras and/or microphones inside the house.   No thank you.

What are the risks?  If we're *IN* the house I want the alarm to go off and we can call 911 ourselves immediately to get someone dispatched.  If we're NOT in the house, then it really doesn't matter because even if I the police did get dispatched, the thieves would most likely get away before they arrived.  Regardless, in this case the system will notify me and I can check the cameras myself and call 911 and get someone dispatched.

Paying a company $50/mo (yes, that's the going rate in my town) to have unfettered audio/video access in my house ....  I'll do it myself.

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5 minutes ago, Derek Atkins said:

Um, yeah, but no.  My city wont dispatch police unless either *I* call 911 or the alarm company has audio or visual real-time confirmation that something is going on.  I.e., the alarm company needs unfettered access to cameras and/or microphones inside the house.   No thank you.

What are the risks?  If we're *IN* the house I want the alarm to go off and we can call 911 ourselves immediately to get someone dispatched.  If we're NOT in the house, then it really doesn't matter because even if I the police did get dispatched, the thieves would most likely get away before they arrived.  Regardless, in this case the system will notify me and I can check the cameras myself and call 911 and get someone dispatched.

Paying a company $50/mo (yes, that's the going rate in my town) to have unfettered audio/video access in my house ....  I'll do it myself.

You believe Insteon is capable of offering you and the family the same level of security and protection over a purpose built system??

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5 minutes ago, Teken said:

You believe Insteon is capable of offering you and the family the same level of security and protection over a purpose built system??

I believe that *I* am capable of building a DIY system that can provide the level of security I and my family desire.  I'm just trying to find the right tools.  And yes, I do think that Insteon devices can be part of that system.

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1 minute ago, Derek Atkins said:

I believe that *I* am capable of building a DIY system that can provide the level of security I and my family desire.  I'm just trying to find the right tools.  And yes, I do think that Insteon devices can be part of that system.

The right tool would be a purpose built, certified, compliant, and field proven security system which is monitored by a CS. Neither Insteon, ISY Series Controller, have been designed, built, or certified to offer life and safety protection.

Even the cheapest tier one alarm system offers more reliability & security which meets the insurance companies standards. Which also offer a discount on your annual insurance policy which helps the long term finance.

When you're asleep or away who is coming to your aid or going to render assistance when you can't?!? 

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1 minute ago, Teken said:

The right tool would be a purpose built, certified, compliant, and field proven security system which is monitored by a CS. Neither Insteon, ISY Series Controller, have been designed, built, or certified to offer life and safety protection.

Even the cheapest tier one alarm system offers more reliability & security which meets the insurance companies standards. Which also offer a discount on your annual insurance policy which helps the long term finance.

When you're asleep or away who is coming to your aid or going to render assistance when you can't?!? 

You clearly are not reading my replies, so this is my last one to you.  Who is coming to my aid?  NOBODY!   Doesn't matter if I have an alarm company or not... Monitored or not..  NOBODY is coming unless *I* call 911 myself.  If you want to be helpful, please answer my question.  Otherwise, please bugger off.  Thanks.

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Just now, Derek Atkins said:

You clearly are not reading my replies, so this is my last one to you.  Who is coming to my aid?  NOBODY!   Doesn't matter if I have an alarm company or not... Monitored or not..  NOBODY is coming unless *I* call 911 myself.  If you want to be helpful, please answer my question.  Otherwise, please bugger off.  Thanks.

If I didn't answer your question how did I pose the question?!?!

Every year someone comes along to a site like this one and they literally spew out the same fanciful question about how does one achieve this with that. The resounding answer is first why on Gods green Earth would you use something that was never designed, built, or certified to do so??

You know that large rock in my back yard it could probably hammer a nail pretty good. But you know what some real smart guy made a tool called a hammer. In the same vain I have pointed out some of the most basic things about a security system and what it offers.

Yet, your reply is I will call 911 . .  .

A 80 lbs soaking wet boy could breach your home in under 60 seconds and take his wet shoe and slap you over the head before you ever got out of bed or picked up the phone! I want you to take a few moments to read what my title states as my past profession.

What does it say???

You probably won't fully understand what it means so I will spell it out for you . . . I spent more than 25 years in the security business helping the Government, military, police, hospital, fortune 100 Enterprise in their force protection elements. Your soul focus here is trying to use a home automation system and hardware from a company that focuses on lights to help secure your home???

There are four rings of security and the first portion is to identify your RISK(s)

What kind of risks are you, family, home under threat of?? You don't know because you haven't taken the time to review any of the crime stats in your area / region. With respect to force protection you have secured the home physically how???

You haven't . . .

But, you believe making a few programs with logic which ties to a lighting system is going to offer you some measure of security??

When was the last time you cycled the GFI breakers / outlets in your home?? I'll wager never because I know how complacent people are. When was the last time you pressed the test button on the smoke alarm and changed out the battery?? You have what grade lock set securing the front, back, side doors?? You have fortified the door jambs, door hinges, jack studs, king studs how??

Do you have a huge front door with nothing but plated windows and side lights??

When was the last time you stood outside counting cars on your street and viewing your home as to what could be seen threw the windows at night??

You haven't done any basic research about security and believe you're capable of reacting to a home invasion, smash & grab, or God forbid a fire???

Please take a few moments to unplug and ask a professional to come down to do a risk assessment and inquire how best to fortify your home *Physically* before entertaining bells and whistles which offer nothing to stop that 80 lbs soaking wet boy from kicking down your paper door.

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39 minutes ago, Teken said:

If I didn't answer your question how did I pose the question?!?!

Every year someone comes along to a site like this one and they literally spew out the same fanciful question about how does one achieve this with that. The resounding answer is first why on Gods green Earth would you use something that was never designed, built, or certified to do so??

You know that large rock in my back yard it could probably hammer a nail pretty good. But you know what some real smart guy made a tool called a hammer. In the same vain I have pointed out some of the most basic things about a security system and what it offers.

Yet, your reply is I will call 911 . .  .

A 80 lbs soaking wet boy could breach your home in under 60 seconds and take his wet shoe and slap you over the head before you ever got out of bed or picked up the phone! I want you to take a few moments to read what my title states as my past profession.

What does it say???

You probably won't fully understand what it means so I will spell it out for you . . . I spent more than 25 years in the security business helping the Government, military, police, hospital, fortune 100 Enterprise in their force protection elements. Your soul focus here is trying to use a home automation system and hardware from a company that focuses on lights to help secure your home???

There are four rings of security and the first portion is to identify your RISK(s)

What kind of risks are you, family, home under threat of?? You don't know because you haven't taken the time to review any of the crime stats in your area / region. With respect to force protection you have secured the home physically how???

You haven't . . .

But, you believe making a few programs with logic which ties to a lighting system is going to offer you some measure of security??

When was the last time you cycled the GFI breakers / outlets in your home?? I'll wager never because I know how complacent people are. When was the last time you pressed the test button on the smoke alarm and changed out the battery?? You have what grade lock set securing the front, back, side doors?? You have fortified the door jambs, door hinges, jack studs, king studs how??

Do you have a huge front door with nothing but plated windows and side lights??

When was the last time you stood outside counting cars on your street and viewing your home as to what could be seen threw the windows at night??

You haven't done any basic research about security and believe you're capable of reacting to a home invasion, smash & grab, or God forbid a fire???

Please take a few moments to unplug and ask a professional to come down to do a risk assessment and inquire how best to fortify your home *Physically* before entertaining bells and whistles which offer nothing to stop that 80 lbs soaking wet boy from kicking down your paper door.

Let’s take this down a notch people. Nobody here wants to be banned for being abusive, right? Let’s just focus on being helpful. While a purpose-built alarm system might be a better solution in most cases, this is not what the original poster is interested in doing for various reasons. Having said that, I have done exactly what the OP is referring to... I utilize Insteon motion sensors, redundant power supplies, hardened cabling, and my ISY as an alarm system. I even set up motion sensors in my backyard that trigger the sprinklers to keep my dog from digging holes in the lawn. The ISY sends me alerts via text and email allowing me to ask my neighbors or the police to investigate if the alarm is tripped when I am not home. You just need to set some variable properties for “armed” or “disarmed” and activate them how you like and provide you with the response you seek.

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@Teken, I agree with all that you say. However experience is the best teacher. You can warn someone but if they refuse to see what you are saying then that's on them. In the end it's their life and family not yours. You can rest easy knowing you did your part. No point in stressing

@Derek Atkins what Teken is trying to say is that dyi automation systems are far from reliable enough to depend on to keep your family safe. A quick perusal of this forum alone would show how true that is. Whether it's devices dropping out, programs not firing, signaling issues, device failures, etc. Most likely something will go wrong. Any of those things can put you and/or your family in harm's way should you ever need it.

A true alarm system can fail. However, there are many safe guards in place to lessen the impact of that should something happen as well as easily remedy the situation. 

I haven't done what your trying to do but I've seen it done by someone. It took a multitude of programs (keeping up and track gave me a headache lol) and it was still buggy at times and the complexity made troubleshooting even worse. Hence the main problem. The more complex something is the more likely something will go wrong.

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14 minutes ago, wintermute said:

Let’s take this down a notch people. Nobody here wants to be banned for being abusive, right? Let’s just focus on being helpful. While a purpose-built alarm system might be a better solution in most cases, this is not what the original poster is interested in doing for various reasons. Having said that, I have done exactly what the OP is referring to... I utilize Insteon motion sensors, redundant power supplies, hardened cabling, and my ISY as an alarm system. I even set up motion sensors in my backyard that trigger the sprinklers to keep my dog from digging holes in the lawn. The ISY sends me alerts via text and email allowing me to ask my neighbors or the police to investigate if the alarm is tripped when I am not home. You just need to set some variable properties for “armed” or “disarmed” and activate them how you like and provide you with the response you seek.

Actually Teken isn't being abusive. He's just passionate about what he knows and is trying to keep someone from putting themselves and family in danger sure to a false sense of security

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1 hour ago, Derek Atkins said:

I believe that *I* am capable of building a DIY system that can provide the level of security I and my family desire.  I'm just trying to find the right tools.  And yes, I do think that Insteon devices can be part of that system.

You say you are trying to find the right tools but a true alarm system (even those cheap ones) is the right tool

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1 hour ago, wintermute said:

Let’s take this down a notch people. Nobody here wants to be banned for being abusive, right? Let’s just focus on being helpful. While a purpose-built alarm system might be a better solution in most cases, this is not what the original poster is interested in doing for various reasons. Having said that, I have done exactly what the OP is referring to... I utilize Insteon motion sensors, redundant power supplies, hardened cabling, and my ISY as an alarm system. I even set up motion sensors in my backyard that trigger the sprinklers to keep my dog from digging holes in the lawn. The ISY sends me alerts via text and email allowing me to ask my neighbors or the police to investigate if the alarm is tripped when I am not home. You just need to set some variable properties for “armed” or “disarmed” and activate them how you like and provide you with the response you seek.

I have done the same thing as the OP wants to do. I use a KPL keypad for a combination system to turn the alarm system on and off, as well as notifying me about motion, water leaks, and a few other unwanted home disasters.

If somebody did a smash and grab I have insurance. If I get confronted by a home invasion, the police are not going to help me for at a least 15-20 minutes. I am on my own.

If you want protection against theft by the neighbourhood teenager get some authentic looking stickers by doors and window and some phoney cameras with blinking lights. If you want protection against a seasoned thief, don't waste your money on a false sense of security. You aren't going to keep a determined and seasoned thief out. Get better insurance. It's about feeling safe and that is what they sell. There are no guarantees.

Some here are very passionate about their beliefs, and insist "everybody must be just like me", and yet when the tables were turned, ignored the screaming from others who exhibited the same behaviour, anyway.

Insteon sensors and systems are fine for security, not a very good choice but can still work much better than the nothing you will have without it. Special routines must be designed to circumvent MSes false signalling and causing a ruckus in your neighbourhood or the police. Here they will fine you and eventually not even respond after X false alarms.

The best advice I have heard from many "Security specialists" was ….You will not keep them out, but you can attempt to limit the length time they spend in your home.
Nice to come home to a spray painted walls full of obscenities, and a water falls coming down your staircase. We came home to a disrupted home and signs of a teenager relaxing on our bed, eating candy from the freezer while he shopped for the best jewelry to take. We couldn't live in that house and sold it after a year of never relaxing away again. Any alarm system would have prevented that but not stopped them from entering. It's about the length of time.

...and here is the scenario to consider. While you are on your cruise for 21 days in the Caribbean, and your cell phone goes off with a text message that motion was detected in your home...what are you going to do? Maybe a cheap Insteon MS saw a car headlights flashing across it and false triggered? Make a long distance call for many roaming dollars to the police? Things to consider. 

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1 hour ago, larryllix said:

I have done the same thing as the OP wants to do. I use a KPL keypad for a combination system to turn the alarm system on and off, as well as notifying me about motion, water leaks, and a few other unwanted home disasters.

If somebody did a smash and grab I have insurance. If I get confronted by a home invasion, the police are not going to help me for at a least 15-20 minutes. I am on my own.

If you want protection against theft by the neighbourhood teenager get some authentic looking stickers by doors and window and some phoney cameras with blinking lights. If you want protection against a seasoned thief, don't waste your money on a false sense of security. You aren't going to keep a determined and seasoned thief out. Get better insurance. It's about feeling safe and that is what they sell. There are no guarantees.

Some here are very passionate about their beliefs, and insist "everybody must be just like me", and yet when the tables were turned, ignored the screaming from others who exhibited the same behaviour, anyway.

Insteon sensors and systems are fine for security, not a very good choice but can still work much better than the nothing you will have without it. Special routines must be designed to circumvent MSes false signalling and causing a ruckus in your neighbourhood or the police. Here they will fine you and eventually not even respond after X false alarms.

The best advice I have heard from many "Security specialists" was ….You will not keep them out, but you can attempt to limit the length time they spend in your home.
Nice to come home to a spray painted walls full of obscenities, and a water falls coming down your staircase. We came home to a disrupted home and signs of a teenager relaxing on our bed, eating candy from the freezer while he shopped for the best jewelry to take. We couldn't live in that house and sold it after a year of never relaxing away again. Any alarm system would have prevented that but not stopped them from entering. It's about the length of time.

...and here is the scenario to consider. While you are on your cruise for 21 days in the Caribbean, and your cell phone goes off with a text message that motion was detected in your home...what are you going to do? Maybe a cheap Insteon MS saw a car headlights flashing across it and false triggered? Make a long distance call for many roaming dollars to the police? Things to consider. 

The false signalling is exactly why it shouldnt be used in place of an alarm system. Besides the other issues that can arise, if you cant trust your alerts then what good are they? Those same false alarms can set off the actual "alarm" which can cause someone to turn them off which once again renders it worthless

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4 hours ago, Derek Atkins said:


Has anyone done this, or have hints at how to do it?  Has anyone found a nice digit code-pad that would hook into ISY (Insteon or ZWave)?


I have done something similar. Looked everywhere for a keypad that would work (even direct from China) but could not find something reliable.  

You can see my solution here https://iotsecuritypanel.wordpress.com/setup/  

and here: https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/25580-new-app-iot-security-panel/

I tried Insteon Keypad links but it was too much trouble with too much inconsistency. 

I'd be happy to go into detail if requested.

As for others comments:  This is a trend with most IOT devices in the home.  Let's try to make this better for the people whom decide to go this route. This may be a better solution than no monitoring.

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25 minutes ago, lilyoyo1 said:

The false signalling is exactly why it shouldnt be used in place of an alarm system. Besides the other issues that can arise, if you cant trust your alerts then what good are they? Those same false alarms can set off the actual "alarm" which can cause someone to turn them off which once again renders it worthless

Extra measures need to be taken to compensate for cheap sensors. Some thinking and ISY logic can do that. I have had false alarms with "proper" security system also. Not as frequently as a single element Insteon sensor though.

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Motion sensor sensitivity can be adjusted for the number of triggers within a span of time. On top of that, utilizing multiple sensors provides validation. Sensor placement is paramount to prevent false triggers from light/heat sources. Family next door or having close neighbors is helpful if the alarm is triggered. Just think it through. A DIY ISY-based system can work in certain circumstances and environments. Just like computer/network security, there are pros & cons to every set-up. Every system has weaknesses and strengths. Most people are not going to build a safe room with an offline generator, recirculating air, back-up cellular services, etc. or install two-inch thick window glass, reinforced rebar-cement walls and steel doors & jams. A sledge-hammer to a wall or a brick to a window gets into 99.9% of most homes, so you need to ask yourself what you are trying to accomplish and how much do you want to spend. 

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Going back to the original post: be creative. An old iPod, iPad, iPhone or other smart phone can work as a keypad. Or how about an Insteon Mini Remote 8-Scene Keypad? Do you even need a keypad? Can you just use the smart phone that you carry with you and arm and disarm through a login over WiFi? Or make it automatic through smart device proximity?

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6 hours ago, wintermute said:

Motion sensor sensitivity can be adjusted for the number of triggers within a span of time. On top of that, utilizing multiple sensors provides validation. Sensor placement is paramount to prevent false triggers from light/heat sources. Family next door or having close neighbors is helpful if the alarm is triggered. Just think it through. A DIY ISY-based system can work in certain circumstances and environments. Just like computer/network security, there are pros & cons to every set-up. Every system has weaknesses and strengths. Most people are not going to build a safe room with an offline generator, recirculating air, back-up cellular services, etc. or install two-inch thick window glass, reinforced rebar-cement walls and steel doors & jams. A sledge-hammer to a wall or a brick to a window gets into 99.9% of most homes, so you need to ask yourself what you are trying to accomplish and how much do you want to spend. 

Anything can be used for security.  Chimes on doors and that would constitute security in some peoples mind. No one is saying build a panic room etc. The main thing is if you harp on your family's safety then use the best tools available for the job that you can afford. Depending on system and plan, monitoring can potentially be had for 10 bucks a month

The investment in my ELK system gives me a peace of mind because I know and trust that it works. The one time I accidentally set off my alarm, the phone was ringing before I even got to the panel 10 feet away to shut it off. Sure, I got alerts and all of that, butwhat if I had been out somewhere and not realized my phone went off? Or I call my neighbor to check things out but they are on the other side of the city and the backup neighbor is line at publix? What would I have done? Whether someone was home or not, the responsiveness cannot be duplicated. Even then, I still have my Akita (he's trained and still continues with training) they will have to deal with.

In the end, it doesnt matter. Everyone has to ask themselves what their lives and their family's lives is worth to them. While I know nothing is full proof, what I spent is irrelevant when it comes to keeping my family safe. If insteon is the value you place on them then insteon is worth it.

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14 hours ago, wintermute said:

Let’s take this down a notch people. Nobody here wants to be banned for being abusive, right? Let’s just focus on being helpful. While a purpose-built alarm system might be a better solution in most cases, this is not what the original poster is interested in doing for various reasons. Having said that, I have done exactly what the OP is referring to... I utilize Insteon motion sensors, redundant power supplies, hardened cabling, and my ISY as an alarm system. I even set up motion sensors in my backyard that trigger the sprinklers to keep my dog from digging holes in the lawn. The ISY sends me alerts via text and email allowing me to ask my neighbors or the police to investigate if the alarm is tripped when I am not home. You just need to set some variable properties for “armed” or “disarmed” and activate them how you like and provide you with the response you seek.

Thank you, @wintermute.  Indeed, this is exactly what I am doing today; the door sensors send a text notification when doors open/close, and I have a variable that turns those notifications on and off (and I have a single switch that controls that variable).  I don't have any of the sirens hooked in, yet.  I'd like to change that single-switch to a code-based input, and I'd like to add functionality like Home vs Away with door delays for entrance/exit (especially when tied to the sirens).  I would also like to add door open chimes when the system is completely disarmed, but the siren chirps are way too loud so I need to think of another option there.

@lilyoyo1 -- If we're going to be comparing pedigrees like Teken seems to want...  I am an Engineer by training and vocation.  I've got multiple degrees from MIT in EECS and MAS, and I've been in the security industry for over 30 years.  My best friend is a Lieutenant in the police force in his town and we talk about physical vs cyber security all the time.  I do Risk and Threat analysis for a living.  So yes, Teken is being abusive in not reading my messages.  I understand S/He is passionate, but that's no excuse for ignoring what I'm saying.  In terms of false signalling, I completely understand and agree.  Also, if you read my replies above, it is IMPOSSIBLE to get a monitored plan in my town for under $50/mo, unless you go with a fly-by-night company, and if that happens then the police wont come when *they* call due to local ordinances.  I've said this multiple times, but nobody seems to listen.  The only way the police will come is if *I* call 911 myself, or if I allow unfettered visual/audio access into my house.  Would YOU want random people to be able to look into your house at any time they want?  This goes back to my statement about Risk/Threat analysis -- I do understand the threats and the risks.  On the other hand, I don't let fear rule or run my life.  I just need to make my house less attractive to a thief than my neighbor's!  In short, I know what I am doing and why I am doing it, but looking for help on some of the "how".

@larryllix -- How did you set up the KPL to arm/disarm?  Can you share those programs?

@Javi -- COOL!  Thank you.  That app looks neat.  I'll go take a look there!  What kind of tablet do you recommend?  Much appreciated.

And @wintermute, longer term I was planning on using an iPad (or Mini, or Android tablet) mounted to the wall as the input interface.  Of course then I need the interface App that would run on the tablet, but Javi's app looks like it will fit the bill.  I want an actual keypad entry and not a phone proximity because I want non-family members to be able to turn it on an off (e.g. construction crew, or mother-in-law).  So phone proximity only works to a certain degree.

Thanks, all!

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9 minutes ago, Derek Atkins said:

Thank you, @wintermute.  Indeed, this is exactly what I am doing today; the door sensors send a text notification when doors open/close, and I have a variable that turns those notifications on and off (and I have a single switch that controls that variable).  I don't have any of the sirens hooked in, yet.  I'd like to change that single-switch to a code-based input, and I'd like to add functionality like Home vs Away with door delays for entrance/exit (especially when tied to the sirens).  I would also like to add door open chimes when the system is completely disarmed, but the siren chirps are way too loud so I need to think of another option there.

@lilyoyo1 -- If we're going to be comparing pedigrees like Teken seems to want...  I am an Engineer by training and vocation.  I've got multiple degrees from MIT in EECS and MAS, and I've been in the security industry for over 30 years.  My best friend is a Lieutenant in the police force in his town and we talk about physical vs cyber security all the time.  I do Risk and Threat analysis for a living.  So yes, Teken is being abusive in not reading my messages.  I understand S/He is passionate, but that's no excuse for ignoring what I'm saying.  In terms of false signalling, I completely understand and agree.  Also, if you read my replies above, it is IMPOSSIBLE to get a monitored plan in my town for under $50/mo, unless you go with a fly-by-night company, and if that happens then the police wont come when *they* call due to local ordinances.  I've said this multiple times, but nobody seems to listen.  The only way the police will come is if *I* call 911 myself, or if I allow unfettered visual/audio access into my house.  Would YOU want random people to be able to look into your house at any time they want?  This goes back to my statement about Risk/Threat analysis -- I do understand the threats and the risks.  On the other hand, I don't let fear rule or run my life.  I just need to make my house less attractive to a thief than my neighbor's!  In short, I know what I am doing and why I am doing it, but looking for help on some of the "how".

@larryllix -- How did you set up the KPL to arm/disarm?  Can you share those programs?

@Javi -- COOL!  Thank you.  That app looks neat.  I'll go take a look there!  What kind of tablet do you recommend?  Much appreciated.

And @wintermute, longer term I was planning on using an iPad (or Mini, or Android tablet) mounted to the wall as the input interface.  Of course then I need the interface App that would run on the tablet, but Javi's app looks like it will fit the bill.  I want an actual keypad entry and not a phone proximity because I want non-family members to be able to turn it on an off (e.g. construction crew, or mother-in-law).  So phone proximity only works to a certain degree.

Thanks, all!

I get what you are saying but as someone who also does this for a living I get to see what all can and does go wrong. The fact that you have another post on here in regards to problems with the heartbeat should cause you to pause and ask yourself if this is a system that you really want to trust watching over your home?  I wish life was such that we would not need security systems but alas its not. While i do not do security as a stand alone option, I get at least 1 call a week from someone needing/wanting a real alarm system after the fact. At this point those calls sound like a broken record as they say exactly what you say and then their system failed when they needed it most.

Having insurance is great. It will help put things back together. However the feeling of being violated that you or your wife (especially her) will have cannot be so easily fixed.There are nationwide monitoring services for as low as 10 dollars a month such as alarm relay. Its your life and livelihood not mine. Its not my place how to tell you to run your home. I like to warn people about certain things due to the experiences that i've had so that they can make a truly make an informed decision. I wish you all the best with your project.


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22 minutes ago, Derek Atkins said:


@Javi -- COOL!  Thank you.  That app looks neat.  I'll go take a look there!  What kind of tablet do you recommend?  Much appreciated.

And @wintermute, longer term I was planning on using an iPad (or Mini, or Android tablet) mounted to the wall as the input interface.  Of course then I need the interface App that would run on the tablet, but Javi's app looks like it will fit the bill.  I want an actual keypad entry and not a phone proximity because I want non-family members to be able to turn it on an off (e.g. construction crew, or mother-in-law).  So phone proximity only works to a certain degree.

Thanks, all!

I am using a very old Nexus 7 which would not work for surfing the web anymore because of speed and security issues. Aside from turning off by itself a few times a year it is solid. I needed a keypad also for my Mother in law and neighbors whom have access to my home. 

The app should work with any android phone or tablet with android 19 (released 2013) or above .  I have tried it on a $30 Amazon fire tablet (with Google Play Services installed) as well and it works but the resolution is horrible. Once the app is out of testing I could add it to the Amazon App Store As well.

I still have a lot of work to do on the app but it has been functional for over a year now with no issues (at least for me).  The app is in open testing on Google Play and there appear to be a few other installs aside from mine but I have not received any feedback.  One of the reasons I started making the Go2ISY Android App is to get a greater understanding of the ISY so I could make the IoT Security Panel App better.  Once I am at a good place with Go2ISY I will be updating the IoT  Security Panel to have many of the same features such as better Icons and UI.


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For each key I use a program to install a value in a variable that keeps track of keypresses, shifting the value left by one decimal place each time.

Key.A - [ID 005B][Parent 00AC]

        'Mudroom / MudRm Potlights / MudRm KeyPad.A' is switched On
        $sKey.sequence *= 10
        $sKey.sequence += 1
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
Key.B - [ID 00A7][Parent 00AC]

        'Mudroom / MudRm Potlights / MudRm KeyPad.B' is switched On
        $sKey.sequence *= 10
        $sKey.sequence += 2
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

...and so forth, for each key involved. Note a numeric value is assigned to each key (labelled A,B,C,D). The variable $sKey.sequence must be a State variable (denoted by the de facto usage of the 's')

Then I use a program like this to detect the concatenation of keypresses in a four digit code. Less digit length could be used if desired.
Note this program also provides timeout functions to reset the sequence should a winner be found or a long delay is encountered.
Also note that the variable $ARM.COMBO is an Integer variable used as a constant and contains the passcode like '4321' representing keypress sequence 'D,C,B,A'

Arm Keypad Combo - [ID 00AA][Parent 00AC]

        $sKey.sequence is $cARM.COMBO
        Run Program 'Armed Mode Toggle' (If)
        Wait  2 seconds
        $sKey.sequence  = 0
        Wait  3 seconds
        $sKey.sequence  = 0

If a winner sequence is detected the program Armed Mode Toggle is called, and if the system is disarmed, which beeps a 'buzzLinc' for 45 second allowing exit time and warning.

I also use this same system to reset leak detection systems etc. with other codes on the same keypad. The sequence is given in the text message for each condition along with warnings to check basement, under dishwasher, etc.


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