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Insteon Siren (2868-222) Installation


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I recently upgraded my ISY994i/IR Pro from firmware version 4.7.5 to 5.0.16C in order to install the Insteon Siren Module (2868-222). From other forum posts it appears that this is supported in the. 5.x.x firmware. However, it does not appear in the list when I try to add it using the New Insten Device link and will not recognize it when I out the ISY into start linking mode. Did I do something wrong during the upgrade? Both the Firmware and UI are at 5.0.16C. Any help forum members may be able to give me would be greatly appreciated!


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I have a Siren Module in my setup working fine.

Firmware 5.0.16C does support it.

Tip. If you want it do chime and set a time it sounds. You set the parameters you want in the Scene it is in or you don't get what you wanted. If you change it in the Siren listed in the My Lighting tree.

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