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Keeping non-toggle Keypadlinc LEDs correct

Mark Sanctuary

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First it should be noted; there is no Insteon Network command for the Keypadlincs that can directly control the button LEDs so using a 'follow' scene is the only way it can be done. Keypadlinc LEDs will need to be added as responders in the 'follow' scene.


Now on with the program; this scheduled program is intended to keep those keypadlinc LEDs correct each day just in case they somehow get changed.


First I created two scenes with all the non-load non-toggle keypadlinc buttons, one scene for the On LEDs and one scene for the Off LEDs.


Inside Off LEDs - Scene

  • Family Main © Night Off
    Master Main (B) Bed Off
    Master Main © Rest Of House Off

Inside On LEDs - Scene

  • Family Main (A) Evening Time
    Family Main (B) Movie Time
    Master Main (A) Bed Time

Network Keypadlinc LEDs Reset - Schedule Program


Then I created this program that launches at 2:59am (so I don't conflict with my 3:00am network query) to update the LEDs. It launches each day and resets all the non-toggle button LEDs to their defaults for my setup.


       Time is  2:59:00AM

       Set  Scene 'Inside Off LEDs' Off
       Set  Scene 'Inside On LEDs' On

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