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ISY does not get responses from devices with certain address


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After much poking around, it appears that ISY does not get status responses from Insteon devices with 00 in the middle two bytes of its address. That is, addresses of the form XX.00.YY. ISY will control such devices, but it does not get status updates back. If I query the device, I do get the proper status. I'm pretty sure this is the case because two devices where I have not been getting back the status updates both have 00 in the middle of the address.


Could you check the code to see if this could be possible?

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The only device I have here with a .00. in the middle of the address is an ApplianceLinc.


The ISY-26 controls it fine during my normal schedules (it's part of my holiday lighting scenes). But, if I manually control it (say, send an ON command), the status doesn't change to ON. However, if I do a query on it, that status does update and show that it's ON. Same thing if I try to turn it OFF.



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Wow, this is amazing!


Since we don't have any devices with XX.00.YY address, I would be willing to send you a brand new replacement for your device in exchange for yours so that we can test and figure out where the problem comes from. If this is acceptable to you, please do send your shipping information to tech@universal-devices.com and it shall be taken care of.


Thanks so very much,

With kind regards,



Did some more testing. It really appears to only be an issue with XX.00.YY addresses, and only when I send a command from the ISY. When I toggle the switch itself status is reported back to ISY.
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MikeB and Michel:


That's fine if MikeB would like to send his. I also have an ICON dimmer that is no longer installed that I could send. Either way is fine with me.


Michel - my guess is that the bug has something to do with how the Insteon address is parsed or reformatted by ISY. I've noticed an issue with leading zeros in the first two bytes of the address. There appears to be some inconsistent behavior in the JDK with regard to addresses that start with a 0X.YY.ZZ. I can examine this more, but if I recall correctly I think that I need to omit the leading 0 when sending addresses via the JDK. Perhaps the bug concerns how ISY formats an address with two fully zero bytes?

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Thanks so very much. Yes, I'll work it out with MikeB.


You could be very well correct. As far as JSDK (as well as our applet) all leading 0s are ignored or parsed out. i.e. you should use the addresses as they appear in http://your.isy.ip:port/WEB/NODESCNF.XML .


In all likelihood, and as you suggested, there's a formatting issue when we receive responses back from the PLM. We shall check into it and get it resolved as soon as we get a device to test with.


Again, thank you all for finding this bug,

With kind regards,



MikeB and Michel:


That's fine if MikeB would like to send his. I also have an ICON dimmer that is no longer installed that I could send. Either way is fine with me.


Michel - my guess is that the bug has something to do with how the Insteon address is parsed or reformatted by ISY. I've noticed an issue with leading zeros in the first two bytes of the address. There appears to be some inconsistent behavior in the JDK with regard to addresses that start with a 0X.YY.ZZ. I can examine this more, but if I recall correctly I think that I need to omit the leading 0 when sending addresses via the JDK. Perhaps the bug concerns how ISY formats an address with two fully zero bytes?

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