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Bringing ISY onboard a large Insteon Hub @ network

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Hi All.

Trying to create a program for my hot water recirc pump(hot water loop). Its plugged into an insteon on/off outlet. Previously worked without issue via Alexa routine.

When creating a condition for this program, with "status is on" (default is off) the entire interface hangs. In no way am i able to select the "on" status.

Something I'm doing? Network is sound, internet is connected, device responds to on/off triggers.

Any thoughts or suggests? Greatly appreciated.


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41 minutes ago, PeterBarker11 said:

Hello All.

I'm wondering if someone can peek at this and let me know if this is incorrect. 

It turns on without issue, just won't turn off.

I'm guessing the 3 "thans" may not be correct.

Thanks very much.


Screen Shot 2020-09-16 at 09.26.05.png

A change to the state of the status during the wait will interrupt the wait.  I'm not sure what your IF statement is actually watching, but if it re-evaluates during the wait then the wait is interrupted.

To fix, you can turn it on then as the second THEN statement run the THEN statement of a second program, the THEN of that program is 'WAIT 15 minutes' then 'set off'.   normally when using this method we 'disable' the second program (not always, but at this point lets not add confusion by explaining).


IF Status > off


Set Recirc On

Run Program 2 (then)


Program 2 (disabled)

IF <blank>


wait 15 min

Set Recirc Off

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4 hours ago, MrBill said:

A change to the state of the status during the wait will interrupt the wait.  I'm not sure what your IF statement is actually watching, but if it re-evaluates during the wait then the wait is interrupted.

To fix, you can turn it on then as the second THEN statement run the THEN statement of a second program, the THEN of that program is 'WAIT 15 minutes' then 'set off'.   normally when using this method we 'disable' the second program (not always, but at this point lets not add confusion by explaining).


IF Status > off


Set Recirc On

Run Program 2 (then)


Program 2 (disabled)

IF <blank>


wait 15 min

Set Recirc Off

I think you forgot the trigger disable process, as you seemed to be building to. No?

Program Spidey circ

IF Status > off

Set Recirc On
Run Program 2 (then)


Program 2 (disabled)

IF <blank>

disable program Spidey circ
wait 15 min
Set Recirc Off
Enable program Spidey circ


OTOH. The negative logic in Spidey circ program cannot run the second program and retrigger the timing.
OTOH:OTOH: If the status becomes false and then true again, it would retrigger and not shut off. Will need the disable to avoid "contact bounce" = erratic status condition.

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13 minutes ago, DennisC said:

Your if status indicates > off

Not sure, but that might give you some strange results. Shouldn't the status be something like = or ≠ ?

If the status of a device is an analogue value, eg. a lamp bulb, on needs to be tested as 'NOT Off', or '> 0' value as 255 is internally considered 'On' and 50% on may not be considered On.  I didn't follow that closely here to know which status is being evaluated.

Oh what a tangled web we weave. :)

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18 hours ago, larryllix said:

I think you forgot the trigger disable process, as you seemed to be building to. No?

Program Spidey circ

IF Status > off

Set Recirc On
Run Program 2 (then)


Program 2 (disabled)

IF <blank>

disable program Spidey circ
wait 15 min
Set Recirc Off
Enable program Spidey circ


OTOH. The negative logic in Spidey circ program cannot run the second program and retrigger the timing.
OTOH:OTOH: If the status becomes false and then true again, it would retrigger and not shut off. Will need the disable to avoid "contact bounce" = erratic status condition.

I guess it gets down to the nature of the INPUT or IF, and the desired behavior. 

both your example and mine are valid.

In OP's example he was having trouble getting to the off statement.  

In my example, the OFF statement will always be reached but may occur beyond the initial 15 minutes because the programs "re-triggered" resetting the wait counter. 

In @larryllix 's example re-triggering is disabled, therefor the off statement will always be reached 15 minutes after the initial triggering, and can't be re-triggered until the 15 minutes cycle is complete. 

So like so many things with ISY programming...... IT DEPENDS...

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