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Insteon being discontinued?


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5 minutes ago, Michel Kohanim said:

O boy. If this is indeed what you believe, then UD, as a company, has failed.

With kind regards,




That made me chuckle.  Michel, I am starting to believe you actually enjoy reading these forum posts?

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2 minutes ago, Teken said:

Oh good save and back peddling! emoji2357.pngemoji1787.pngemoji106.pngemoji8.png

Thank you kind sir!

In all seriousness, it wasn't a walk back. While we may not like the path insteon is on, they made a decision to take a different path with the new line. In time, i think they will open things more where it can be enjoyed by us but for now, they are trying something different as it pertains to that line

Even with my company, I had to do the same over the years and will continue to adapt. 

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Thank you kind sir!
In all seriousness, it wasn't a walk back. While we may not like the path insteon is on, they made a decision to take a different path with the new line. In time, i think they will open things more where it can be enjoyed by us but for now, they are trying something different as it pertains to that line
Even with my company, I had to do the same over the years and will continue to adapt. 

Anyone who has read your replies and mine knows what you meant. Those who read only the last five replies from me would quickly think I’m the biggest hater of HA / Insteon.

That’s far from the truth as you know.

I comment on topics that interest me and can offer factual insight to the same. Sometimes my statement I’m sure cause all kinds of angst and frustration to those directly involved. I’m not here to sh^t on any person or company but will surely call out the failings and continued missteps that seem to grow and never end.

As noted no less than three times I’ll give the Vantaa brand every possible chance to enter the market place. I want this new relationship and hardware to flourish and grow into the next generation of Insteon.

Yet what stirs in the minds of millions of existing Insteon customers?

What is the current state of affairs of Insteon?!? What have they offered to the general public about the future of this brand & hardware - nothing.

As Michel et all have said take some time to call out your road map. Hard decisions are made every day in business that’s life. But you and I probably won’t see any PR about the companies plans!


The company doesn’t have a PR team? There isn’t a lowly secretary that can write a few lines to state a companies path, goals, end game and have Rob approve the same.

This is a lack of care and consideration for existing customers and future ones. If Rob is even remotely worried about how this new venture will unfold.

Do something and get the message out!

It’s not like there isn’t a thing called social media for cripes sakes.

Instead you have someone who is a firm believer in Insteon that comments all over the internet about the failings. Any sane person would start a PR campaign and showcase their wares indicating oh gee look inside this latest tech!

It uses all the best components and designs. Wow who does that sound like huh - every lame Apple promotional event marketed to the less than bright but will gladly part with massive amounts of green backs for the same.

Apple does not produce more reliable hardware when the facts are checked. Anyone can search the endless (repeated) defects they have released and continued to do so. The only time they have ever fixed a problem all the while brain washing the less than bright customers is because they were public shammed and sued.

So as you can see I’ll throw any company under the bus. Because these are facts and history has affirmed the same!

The big difference between Apple vs Smartlabs is they don’t have the luxury of market share and billions of dollars literally sitting in the bank! If Rob can’t and won’t change what goes into the hardware new or existing it’s what?

Time . . .

In time they will fold or better yet somehow who actually cares will purchase the technology patents and grow the business as it should.
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Circling back to the original intent of this topic, Intel chief says get ready, 1-2 more years of chip shortages and the worst is yet to come. 

That’s code for poor management and planning. As noted in that article Intel dragged their feet and lost massive shares to direct rivals like TSMC.


Like Smartlabs the wrong people at the top. Too many old guard elephants running department into the ground. Does anyone truly believe Apple would have entered the chip fabrication industry if Intel didn’t fail at every turn?!?

When the largest company in the world says we are not going to use the number one chip maker for our wares?!? The guys at Intel must have blown a few arteries when that information went public.

This is like every domestic car maker in North America. In almost a hundred years they continue to design and release vehicles that are just turds. It’s not because they don’t have the technology or knowledge to do so. It’s the same root cause poor leadership and racing to the bottom mentality.

Just one single domestic car maker encompasses more recalls and TSB’s - every year?!?

The problem is the world is governed by Profit before People mentality. There was a in depth report about appliance makers last year. Name any maker from best to worst and Samsung lead the pack in the worst reliability, warranty, and support!


As they are run by people who have zero talent, imagination, and the will to lead. All they do like many Chinese companies is steal and copy patented ideas or copy the same. Anyone can Google how many times they and Apple have been sued over stealing others IP.

One of the most famous I recall is when Apple thought they could steal the clock design from a 150 year old company!! The list of IP theft spans millions of companies because they find it easier to steal, copy, mimic what others have worked hard to do.

But then again IP theft should never be confused with stupid affirmation like the famous win for Motorola over the flip phone, Harley Davidson **** stuttering sound, to Flukes win on orange!

But I digress the market is littered with companies run by incompetent fools who directly impacts the consumer.
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Thank you kind sir!
In all seriousness, it wasn't a walk back. While we may not like the path insteon is on, they made a decision to take a different path with the new line. In time, i think they will open things more where it can be enjoyed by us but for now, they are trying something different as it pertains to that line
Even with my company, I had to do the same over the years and will continue to adapt. 
Michel is an adapter!!!!

Anybody want to make NS for that?


Sent from my SM-G781W using Tapatalk

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23 minutes ago, Teken said:

That’s code for poor management and planning. As noted in that article Intel dragged their feet and lost massive shares to direct rivals like TSMC.


Like Smartlabs the wrong people at the top. Too many old guard elephants running department into the ground. Does anyone truly believe Apple would have entered the chip fabrication industry if Intel didn’t fail at every turn?!?

When the largest company in the world says we are not going to use the number one chip maker for our wares?!? The guys at Intel must have blown a few arteries when that information went public. emoji1787.pngemoji2357.png

This is like every domestic car maker in North America. In almost a hundred years they continue to design and release vehicles that are just turds. It’s not because they don’t have the technology or knowledge to do so. It’s the same root cause poor leadership and racing to the bottom mentality.

Just one single domestic car maker encompasses more recalls and TSB’s - every year?!?

The problem is the world is governed by Profit before People mentality. There was a in depth report about appliance makers last year. Name any maker from best to worst and Samsung lead the pack in the worst reliability, warranty, and support!


As they are run by people who have zero talent, imagination, and the will to lead. All they do like many Chinese companies is steal and copy patented ideas or copy the same. Anyone can Google how many times they and Apple have been sued over stealing others IP.

One of the most famous I recall is when Apple thought they could steal the clock design from a 150 year old company!! The list of IP theft spans millions of companies because they find it easier to steal, copy, mimic what others have worked hard to do.

But then again IP theft should never be confused with stupid affirmation like the famous win for Motorola over the flip phone, Harley Davidson **** stuttering sound, to Flukes win on orange!

But I digress the market is littered with companies run by incompetent fools who directly impacts the consumer.

Since all these multi billion dollar companies (and continue to make billions) are all stupid- who are the smart ones?


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22 minutes ago, Teken said:

how many times they and Apple have been sued over stealing others IP

I do enjoy your rants. ?

But consider this, being sued is not the same as being guilty, not even close. In today's (last 50 years) litigious environment, most civil suits are high level business weapons to shame another company publicly and in the media because so many people assume being sued = being guilty. Probably almost as many suits end up being dropped. Not that IP theft doesn't happen, it does, but most of it occurs by nameless groups via the "dark" web, imo.  In the end, the public rarely hears of the outcome of most law suits, just the beginning bad optics of being sued. 

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I do enjoy your rants.
But consider this, being sued is not the same as being guilty, not even close. In today's (last 50 years) litigious environment, most civil suits are high level business weapons to shame another company publicly and in the media because so many people assume being sued = being guilty. Probably almost as many suits end up being dropped. Not that IP theft doesn't happen, it does, but most of it occurs by nameless groups via the "dark" web, imo.  In the end, the public rarely hears of the outcome of most law suits, just the beginning bad optics of being sued. 

Absolutely true, but in this case all of the examples I’ve listed above is true and found guilty in the court of law. Others parties agreed to come to a financial agreement because they knew (Apple) rather pay out than to see a dirty asterisk on the legal docket!

Lastly, you’re also correct in stating there are a few IP ambulance chasers who buy up IP and later sue for the same. Because that is their financial model.

They don’t pretend to make, create, anything this is solely for profiteering!
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Since all these multi billion dollar companies (and continue to make billions) are all stupid- who are the smart ones?

Eaton, Leviton, Pass & Seymour, Hubble. You need more because the list is there if one looks.

I didn’t pick Apple, Microsoft, et all because it was convenient it’s because they have shown they will use their market share and wealth to abuse the system or consumer at every turn.

Who is the number one company against the right to repair - Crapple. Who has been found guilty or have antitrust suits on the docket over the years and anti competitive practices and found guilty in the eyes of the courts & peers?!?

Think Apple, Google, Microsoft, Cisco, Intel, etc.

This happens because of pure greed and a lack of morals. It happens because people today truly believe things are throw away and people are just numbers.

The smoke has been let out of the box and won’t ever come back inside. Because the world is hyper focused on things vs people. All of the companies I listed are run by people who are strongly rooted in morals, values.

All the while being able to provide products & services that are reliable to everyone at reasonable prices.

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10 minutes ago, Teken said:

Eaton, Leviton, Pass & Seymour, Hubble. You need more because the list is there if one looks.

I didn’t pick Apple, Microsoft, et all because it was convenient it’s because they have shown they will use their market share and wealth to abuse the system or consumer at every turn.

Who is the number one company against the right to repair - Crapple. Who has been found guilty or have antitrust suits on the docket over the years and anti competitive practices and found guilty in the eyes of the courts & peers?!?

Think Apple, Google, Microsoft, Cisco, Intel, etc.

This happens because of pure greed and a lack of morals. It happens because people today truly believe things are throw away and people are just numbers.

The smoke has been let out of the box and won’t ever come back inside. Because the world is hyper focused on things vs people. All of the companies I listed are run by people who are strongly rooted in morals, values.

All the while being able to provide products & services that are reliable to everyone at reasonable prices. emoji3516.png

The point I'm making is that these companies are the richest in the world. The people running them can't be that stupid.

No matter how you measure it, Samsung is worth more than all of those you named combined. They are making smart decisions somewhere. The same applies to apple, Google, Microsoft, etc

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The point I'm making is that these companies are the richest in the world. The people running them can't be that stupid. 

That depends solely on how much control they wield over the board. Think Yahoo one of the dumbest people ever to hold a CEO position right up there with Tyco.

Google both companies and understand how someone at the top can burn an entire company down to the ground. Think Volkswagen trying to cheat emission standards and laws.

You really believe Volkswagen was thinking hey let’s offer the best value to our customers while limiting its impact to the air we breathe?!?

Greed doesn’t start or stop at North America it exists because man is deeply flawed and it’s literally engrained into our being.

There are only two things man has proven over what - history. That is taking and killing and somewhere man found the time to make the Rubex Cube!

We are literally the only species that can override the will to survive! Every other thing on the planet innately knows when to Fight or Flight.

Man - No . . .
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28 minutes ago, Teken said:

That depends solely on how much control they wield over the board. Think Yahoo one of the dumbest people ever to hold a CEO position right up there with Tyco.

Google both companies and understand how someone at the top can burn an entire company down to the ground. Think Volkswagen trying to cheat emission standards and laws.

You really believe Volkswagen was thinking hey let’s offer the best value to our customers while limiting its impact to the air we breathe?!? emoji2357.pngemoji1785.png

Greed doesn’t start or stop at North America it exists because man is deeply flawed and it’s literally engrained into our being.

There are only two things man has proven over what - history. That is taking and killing and somewhere man found the time to make the Rubex Cube!

We are literally the only species that can override the will to survive! Every other thing on the planet innately knows when to Fight or Flight.

Man - No . . . emoji2357.png

Look at where Yahoo and Volkswagen are now, compared to where they used to be in regards to profit and value. While they may be returning, you see with them what happens when stupid people run corporations. Those should've been your picks for stupid companies

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Look at where Yahoo along with Volkswagen compared to where they used to be in regards to profit and value. While they may be returning, you see with them what happens when stupid people run corporations. Those should've been your picks for stupid companies

Whelps, the list is really long and didn’t know I had to pick your favourite! The whole Volkswagen emissions thing was pure genius regardless how you feel about it.

This is exactly like Samsh^t as they programmed their phones and tablets to identify Bench Marks. Once it detected these tests it would shut down different process and cores to focus on the task at hand!

I mean pure genius just to fool the idiots that buy their wares thinking it’s even remotely on the same level as a Apple chip!

The history books just documents and recalls all the shenanigans companies like Samsung will do because they are corrupt and seek power and money.

I mean it’s not like the head of Samsung wasn’t found guilty of bribery and sent to jail just so his company could receive favours and contracts!!

It’s not like Samsung just lies to people to their face their micro SD cards have no warranty?!? I guess the freaking label on the back that says 1 ~ 10 years isn’t a legal agreement to the consumer?!?

Google it . . .

Apple didn’t fix a known hinge issue in the Mac Book for what four generation and denied warranty claims until - what? Being public shamed and sued by their so called values iSheep customers?!?

Repair shops aren’t taking in millions of Apple hardware because it’s so reliable are they?!? Then again this is the same company who decides to kill your battery in the guise of safety!

Then the most famous another jewel to recall exploding Samsung phones! Every time I had to come down to look at a Mac Book and laugh at the user because this hardware is so much better than a PC.

My comment was than why am I sending your beloved Crap Book away to be repaired and leaving you a PC?!?

People need to stop drinking the Kool Aid. Everything fails, everything expires, but it shouldn’t be because you choose to do so for profit before people!
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16 minutes ago, Teken said:

Whelps, the list is really long and didn’t know I had to pick your favourite! emoji1787.pngemoji1787.pngThe whole Volkswagen emissions thing was pure genius regardless how you feel about it.

This is exactly like Samsh^t as they programmed their phones and tablets to identify Bench Marks. Once it detected these tests it would shut down different process and cores to focus on the task at hand! emoji1787.png

I mean pure genius just to fool the idiots that buy their wares thinking it’s even remotely on the same level as a Apple chip! emoji107.png

The history books just documents and recalls all the shenanigans companies like Samsung will do because they are corrupt and seek power and money.

I mean it’s not like the head of Samsung wasn’t found guilty of bribery and sent to jail just so his company could receive favours and contracts!! emoji107.png

It’s not like Samsung just lies to people to their face their micro SD cards have no warranty?!? I guess the freaking label on the back that says 1 ~ 10 years isn’t a legal agreement to the consumer?!?

Google it . . .

Apple didn’t fix a known hinge issue in the Mac Book for what four generation and denied warranty claims until - what? Being public shamed and sued by their so called values iSheep customers?!?

Repair shops aren’t taking in millions of Apple hardware because it’s so reliable are they?!? Then again this is the same company who decides to kill your battery in the guise of safety! emoji2957.png

Then the most famous another jewel to recall exploding Samsung phones! Every time I had to come down to look at a Mac Book and laugh at the user because this hardware is so much better than a PC.

My comment was than why am I sending your beloved Crap Book away to be repaired and leaving you a PC?!?

People need to stop drinking the Kool Aid. Everything fails, everything expires, but it shouldn’t be because you choose to do so for profit before people! emoji3516.png

You know the people it fooled???techies and those who care about benchmarks. The avg person doesn't know what a benchmark is. They just want a good looking phone that takes great pictures.

I've been saying all along (and you've unintentionally acknowledged), the avg user is easy to please. They are unaware or simply don't care which is why Insteon and others are marketing to them and not power users....buckle up, it's only going to get worse for power users

I'll have my 10 rounds now

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You know the people it fooled???techies and those who care about benchmarks. The avg person doesn't know what a benchmark is. They just want a good looking phone that takes great pictures.
The fact remains and you continue to acknowledge what I've been saying, the avg user is easy to please. They are unaware or simply don't care which is why Insteon and others are marketing to them and not power users....buckle up, it's only going to get worse for power users
I'll have my 10 rounds now

LOL I heard you’re a light weight so take the first sip slowly!
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