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Insteon being discontinued?


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2 minutes ago, Techman said:

Here's the bio of the president of Smartlabs. Seems like his job performance is a bit off track.

Smartlabs bio.pdf 65.42 kB · 0 downloads

This jumps out:

"Introduced changes to business and supply chain operations."

Aren't those supply chain decisions what put them in their current situation of having nothing to sell? Certainly he should have understood the risk?

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Matt is a very good man ... I don't think he's still involved.

I don't think anyone should take INSTEON responses seriously. As a matter of fact, I was thinking of an email campaign for Polisy:

Out with INSTEON!

Also, quite impressed with The Smartest House support. One of my Zooz dongles didn't work. They immediately shipped me another one. And, I am getting a quote for bulk orders just in case we make a bundle with Zooz dongle. 

Let's move on ... INSTEON is in the past.

With kind regards,

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49 minutes ago, upstatemike said:

So we should move forward with "Is Z-Wave being Discontinued?"

nonoonono ... we should move forward with:

On 1/2/2022 at 7:26 AM, upstatemike said:

"No subscription required" will likely replace "no hub required" in mass marketing.


With ISY 5.3.4, you can do it with Z-Wave. With Polisy, you can do it with Z-Wave, LifX, Hue, Lutron, Wemo, etc. 

With kind regards,

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Maybe he's involved with both companies. Look at the last line re: "strategic exits"

"I am a senior business and finance executive with 25+ years of experience developing and scaling consumer product companies—with exceptional results. As COO, CFO, board member, and interim CEO, I design and strengthen infrastructures, create market-driven product portfolios, and elevate the top and bottom lines to prepare for strategic exits."



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4 minutes ago, Techman said:

Maybe he's involved with both companies. Look at the last line re: "strategic exits"

"I am a senior business and finance executive with 25+ years of experience developing and scaling consumer product companies—with exceptional results. As COO, CFO, board member, and interim CEO, I design and strengthen infrastructures, create market-driven product portfolios, and elevate the top and bottom lines to prepare for strategic exits."

Your own PDF says 2015-2020... Michel above also says Matt's not involved anymore...

believe what you want...

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3 hours ago, Michel Kohanim said:

Matt is a very good man ... I don't think he's still involved.

I don't think anyone should take INSTEON responses seriously. As a matter of fact, I was thinking of an email campaign for Polisy:

Out with INSTEON!

Also, quite impressed with The Smartest House support. One of my Zooz dongles didn't work. They immediately shipped me another one. And, I am getting a quote for bulk orders just in case we make a bundle with Zooz dongle. 

Let's move on ... INSTEON is in the past.

With kind regards,

Not my taste of slams.

How about "Insteon,  we also allow you to watch from the bleachers!" ?


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1 hour ago, MrBill said:

Also according to his linkedin he left smartlabs in 2020 and now serves as COO of Cremo Company.

I can't help think something unknown has been holding SmartLabs down. How many owners and CEOs will fail with this company? There has been some high powered smart people there and all or most have walked out the door.

...and in this day and age where "Home Automation" is peaking with the masses, with every store handling some line of vocal control of lights and gadgets???? Something is really wrong here.

This guy looks like he tried to get out before his C.V. was completely ruined.

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4 hours ago, Michel Kohanim said:

Matt is a very good man ... I don't think he's still involved.

I don't think anyone should take INSTEON responses seriously. As a matter of fact, I was thinking of an email campaign for Polisy:

Out with INSTEON!

I like "Move On from Insteon... UDI now supports Z-Wave, Zigbee, Lutron, and all upcoming technologies with the new POLISY controller"

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FYI, for those of you anxious to give Insteon the boot, the only eBay listing I could find for a 2413s just sold for $217.50 used. I, for one am not in a position to scrap years of effort and dozens of installed devices just yet. I guess I'm just fortunate to have bought an extra 2413s and various other devices back when Smarthome had actually offered significant discounts on Insteon devices. Z-Wave may be touted as a suitable replacement, but we all know it is a false equivalency. I've found the reliability of their dual-band approach unmatched, especially for my outbuildings. And their breadth of compatable products and ease of interoperability remain unmatched. I choose to remain hopeful. 

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If you don't like Z-Wave you might want to consider Lutron. This whitepaper does a good job of speaking to your concerns about reliability.


You might also have to accept that there is no existing or upcoming standard that is likely to address all of your needs within a single technology the way Insteon did. This is why controllers that can link multiple protocols into a seamless solution will be increasingly important. UDI might be able to help you out with that.

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Perhaps I am being naive, but I believe there may possibly be a business solution to the 2413S dilemma by viewing it as repair shop business opportunity. Send your "broken" PLM to an entrepreneur who repairs it and returns it or a repaired replacement to its owner.  No intrusion on the patent and problem addressed. A well-designed business could create a "pool" of repaired devices which could be sent to customers to replace the defective device they mailed to the company. That way the pool would be maintained. The customer would be responsible for shipping and repair. What would a customer be willing to pay for such a service? Given the option I suspect quite a lot! I wouldn't blink at a couple hundred bucks or more and especially if the repair was highly durable. C'mon you highly skilled folks where is your ingenuity to find a solution to this problem? 

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22 minutes ago, upstatemike said:

If you don't like Z-Wave you might want to consider Lutron. This whitepaper does a good job of speaking to your concerns about reliability.


You might also have to accept that there is no existing or upcoming standard that is likely to address all of your needs within a single technology the way Insteon did. This is why controllers that can link multiple protocols into a seamless solution will be increasingly important. UDI might be able to help you out with that.

Thanks for that link.

That whitepaper has me convinced to go with Zwave. Exposes the constantly changing development of Lutron's ideas, just to decide to basically use plain old WiFi but with a bunch of new disguises.
I was hoping for, at least, some reveal  of the protocol technologies, not just a bunch of mind changes they went through on a simple frequency selection. Some people are impressed with Lutron systems and it would be nice to know why. Unfortunately this didn't reveal any of that.

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I admit to being impressed with Clear Connect Type A which is second only to LoRa for range, penetration, and reliability. The jury is still out on Clear Connect Type X which competes with Wi-Fi, Zigbee, Wireless Microphones, Wireless Telephones, Microwave ovens, etc. for bandwidth. After reading the whitepaper I too am still confused on what drove the decision to change frequencies beyond the advantage of using smaller antennas. It seems like the features of Clear Connect X could have been implemented at 434 MHz preserving the advantages of that frequency range. Statements like "Offering the ability to control more sophisticated control types in different applications..." really doesn't explain anything. Why did they need to go to 2.4GHz to achieve that ability? 

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7 minutes ago, larryllix said:

Thanks for that link.

That whitepaper has me convinced to go with Zwave. Exposes the constantly changing development of Lutron's ideas, just to decide to basically use plain old WiFi but with a bunch of new disguises.
I was hoping for, at least, some reveal  of the protocol technologies, not just a bunch of mind changes they went through on a simple frequency selection. Some people are impressed with Lutron systems and it would be nice to know why. Unfortunately this didn't reveal any of that.

A simple Google search would reveal why. You'll see more people who've gone from insteon/zwave singing it's praises and wondering why they waited so long. The lack of bad reviews is also telling. The overall lack of complaints is telling to. Some of that comes from installers doing the installation vs DIYers who may cut corners through ignorance or lack of skill. However, there's still a huge difference in the experience itself overall.

When set up properly it simply works. It's not about using plain old wifi but the strength of connection between controller and devices. This is in addition to how well devices do their primary function which is control lights. 

It just comes down to what a person desires. Some people just want things to work. They don't care about how it looks or performs as long as it does the job. In this case Lutron probably isn't worth the money. For those who want the best experience possible, then Lutron would be a great way to go for them

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