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Alexa Constantly asking "Did you mean...?"


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42 minutes ago, andrew77 said:

the title pretty much says it all.

I'll ask her to turn on heater room and she'll ask that every time.

She then does it but this behaviour is new.

Is it an internet thing?

Or a device issue?


Alexa has been having some real issues in the last few days. I have been getting "Something went wrong" on every command through ISY Portal but then the action is still completed. This has been happening for several days. Today, we didn't hear this, so something has changed.

I put in a beef about their Routines not triggering properly under certain conditions, and they reported back they know they have some problems and will work on it soon. Then things went weird for a bit a few days ago. Now things appear to be returning to normal again.  hope, hope.

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3 minutes ago, Goose66 said:

Is "heater room" a device name you have defined in the Echo integration, and is it appropriately unique?

Sorry that should have said Theater Room. 
I have the SWL device in the ISY and ISY portal as ‘Theater room’ and the Alexa app online recognizes it. Exactly like everything else. 

nothing else had the word Theater in its description or name. 
Just as an aside I had to chance the name from theatre room to Theater room because she didn’t recognize that word. 

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So you specify one or more "spokens" to each ISY device when adding them to the Echo integration (the first one defaults to the device name, I believe). When you perform a device discovery in the Alexa app or through the Echo, it queries the integration for the names of devices and an address. Each "spoken" is added as a device and resolves to the same address of the ISY device. If Alexa is giving you a "did you mean error," it most likely is confused by the name of the device with some other device (ISY or otherwise). Could be a TV from Roku skill, a thermostat, a Wemo outlet, etc. I explain this only to say the problem is more likely with Alexa and all of the devices discovered by Alexa in your setup then with the ISY or the ISY's Echo integration.

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