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Keeping program execution in order

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I'm brand new here. I have previously lived in the Homeseer world since it's start. 

I have mostly still X10. So my programs set several X10 lights off. I have some waits in between these X10 commands. At the end of the program, I have the Elk speak "Done". 

However, the Elk "Done" comes out quickly and the X10 commands are still executing. 

Is there a way to make the program wait until the X10 command is complete? 


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@Ponnath.info, or you could create a separate program for the done in the "then" section and nothing in the "if" and have the last line of your existing program run the "then" of the "done program" and have a wait command in there just to be sure it's really run all commands. Adding another wait before triggering the other program would also help given the previous commands time to complete. 

Usually everything will run in order of the "then" statement, so making sure the "done" is the last line of "then" should get you what you want, but if there are any communication issues some commands might still be running when the ISY reaches the end of the program. 

If still having issues copy and paste the program here and I'm sure you'll get some help.

Welcome to the forums!


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