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device status issues after replacing SD card, device status turns on then quickly off?

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Long time ISY user here.  Things have been pretty much status quote for a long time, I have not had much time to invest in my system other that replacing failing switches, etc. 

I decided to upgrade to firmware version 5 a while back for compatibility with a phone app if I recall.  Upgrade was pretty painless. 

Was having some intermittent issues with my ISY a couple months ago that I believe were caused by a failing SD card.  After replacing the SD card I reinstalled the latest firmware and restored from backup.  Everything seemed to go without a hitch, except my ISY is not seeing device traffic (switch presses, etc.).  I could control my devices from the ISY (and my Amazon Echos) without issue, but device statuses were not accurate because it was not seeing switch presses.  I checked out the Event Logs and no switch presses were being shown.  

I went ahead and restored my PLM thinking perhaps it got reset somewhere along then line.  That restored most functionality, however I'm still noticing at least flakey issue.

For example, I have a scene "OfficeMain" that includes 2 SwitchLincs as controller/responders (OfficeMain1 and OfficeMain2).  If I press the switch OfficeMain1 to turn the light on, on the ISY both switches will show as ON, but then OfficeMain1 (the switch I pressed) will immediately change to Off (though the switch itself stays on - the problem is just the ISY device status).  

The problem is the same if I turn on OfficeMain2.  Both switches turn on as they should.  In the ISY both show as on, but then OfficeMain2 immediately changes to Off. 

Here is a log showing when I press OfficeMain1 on:

Sun 03/21/2021 04:34:28 PM : [  57 36 D0 1]      DON   0
Sun 03/21/2021 04:34:28 PM : [  57 36 D0 1]       ST 255 (uom=100 prec=0)
Sun 03/21/2021 04:34:28 PM : [  52 8A 75 1]       ST 255 (uom=100 prec=0)
Sun 03/21/2021 04:34:28 PM : [  57 36 D0 1]      DON   1
Sun 03/21/2021 04:34:28 PM : [  57 36 D0 1]       ST   1 (uom=100 prec=0)
Sun 03/21/2021 04:34:28 PM : [  57 36 D0 1]      DON   1

57.36.D0 is OfficeMain1 
52.8A.75 is OfficeMain2

I tried removing both devices from the scene and re-adding them, but the same behavior remains.

I'm not sure if I would have noticed this issue unless I was troubleshooting communication problems in the Admin Console, so not sure if this occurred after upgrading to version 5 or after replacing the SD card.

Anyone have any suggestions?


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Tried upgrading to 5.3.3. - same issue.

FAST ON (double-tap) works fine.  It's almost as if the ISY thinks the on level of the device/controller is 0, but unless I'm missing something with the new v5 firmware I don't believe that's the case.

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My post was over complicated.  Even if I remove the devices from the scene and test each 1 individually, the same symptoms occurred - the status very briefly turns on then immediately back off when the switch is pressed on.

After some testing, I found some of my devices exhibited the same behavior but others did not.  Poking around a bit, if I right-click a problem device and choose Advanced, PLM Communication, the ones that had issues were set to "Unsupported Value".  If I change it to "1 retry" the device seems to work fine! 

Will be testing more tomorrow.

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This worked to fix at least some devices, but today as I'm testing it seems it to not fix all devices that have this issue.  Some devices show "Request Failed" when trying to set the PLM Communications retry parameter.


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